7 th G r a d e E l e c ti v e s 4.org

7th Grade Electives

All 7th graders are required to take Language Arts, Math, Social Studies, Science, and a physical education class of their choice. Students have electives for 2 class periods in their day and will have 8 quarters worth of electives. The number of electives depends on whether a student chooses year long, semester, or quarter classes. Our best effort is made to honor elective choices. Class sizes, the configuration of the master schedule, and class conflicts all impact our ability to honor choices. Please rank your alternatives as we aim to give you the alternate choices that you want.

Please follow this form step-by-step.

1) 7th grade students are required to take at at least one class of PE. Please circle ONE below.

9621- Individual/LIfe Sports

9641- Weights/Personal Fitness 9620- Team/Life Sports

2) Music classes are year long (4 quarters) classes. Students are not required to take music. If you have not previously played an instrument, special permission is required for Band and Orchestra. Please circle one of the following:

9010- Band (instrument _______________)

9000- Orchestra (instrument _______________)

9020- Choir

No music class

3) Of the following 17 classes, please rank your top 11 choices below, the number 1 being your favorite class and the number 11 being your least favorite.

______ 9621- Individual/Life Sports

______ 9641- Weights/Personal Fitness

______ 9620- Team/LIfe Sports

______ 9710- Spanish A (2 quarters/ 1 semester)

______ 9602- Personal Wellness

______ 9866- Fisheries, Wildlife & Env. Science

______ 9410- Art A

______ 9420- Art B

______ 9310- Industrial Arts A

______ 9320- Industrial Arts B

______ 9426- The Arts in Your World

______ 9870- Entrepreneurship Spirit

______ 9853- Computer Programming I

______ 9854- Computer Programming II

______ 9810- Media Productions I

______ 9815- Media Productions II

______ 9863- Dissection Lab

Advanced classes are offered in math and language arts. Students' state and district assessments as well as a placement test will be utilized to make determinations for these classes. Please place an X next the class (if any) for which you are interested in being considered. An email will be sent to you prior to registration to inform you of next steps.

_______ Advanced Language Arts

________ Advanced Math

Elective Course Descriptions

Choir Do you like to sing? Then choir is for you! Students will have the opportunity to sing and rehearse in a choir ensemble, audition for solos, and perform in four concerts throughout the school year. In addition to learning healthy singing and taking care of the voice, students will experience sight reading skills, melodic & rhythmic recall and enjoyable warm-ups. We will sing music from Mozart all the way to current pop songs. Student choice is important in this class, so let your voice be heard!

Band Students will continue to develop their abilities as young musicians by exploring different styles of music found within wind band repertoire. They will expand understanding of musical theory and composition in addition to playing their instruments.

7th Grade Students will: Participate in the Band Extravaganza at the high school Perform for the Veteran's Day Golf Tournament at Pelican Lakes Golf Course Have the ability to participate in the CSU Middle School Outreach Ensemble Travel to the elementary schools to recruit incoming 6th graders Prerequisite: 6th grade band or consent from music teacher

Orchestra Students will continue to develop their abilities as young musicians by exploring different styles of music found within orchestral repertoire including classical, fiddle, and popular music. Students will expand understandings of musical theory and composition in addition to playing their instrument.

7th Grade students will: Participate in the Orchestra Extravaganza at the high school Go to the elementary schools with their ensemble to recruit incoming students Have the ability to participate in the CSU Middle School Outreach Ensemble Play for the 8th grade continuation ceremony Prerequisite: 6th grade orchestra or consent from music teacher

Spanish A (semester course) This class is the first part to the equivalent to Spanish I at the high school level. Students will cover: talking about activities you like and don't like to do, asking others what they like to do, and understanding cultural perspectives on favorite activities. Students will also be able to practice: talking about personality traits, asking and telling what people are like, using adjectives to describe others, talking about school schedules and subjects, discussing what students do during the day, indicating where things are located, talking about foods and beverages for breakfast and lunch, among others. (8th graders next year, that have not yet taken Spanish A need to take A the first semester and B the second semester if they want to complete Spanish I so they can jump into Spanish II in high school. But if they cannot do this sequence, I cannot have them in class since they will still need to take Spanish I at SHS and it'll be crazy for the Spanish teachers there because the students would have half of Spanish 1 already! 7th graders could take Spanish A either semester *Also, students must have had at least a "C" in Intro to Spanish in order to continue with Spanish

A- This applies to SHS, when they take Spanish I with me they must exit with at least a C to go into Spanish II with them.

7th grade Team/Life Sports Students will participate in basic offensive and defensive strategies for individual and dual physical activities. Students will learn how to modify and problem solve within movement games and sport settings. Activities include but are not limited to (depending on the quarter):

Fitness Testing Softball Soccer Frisbee Golf Capture the Flag Speedminton Flag Football Bocce Ball Tower Ball Track & Field Ultimate Frisbee Golf Lacrosse Touch Rugby Cricket Volleyball Floor Hockey

Basketball Badminton Pickleball Sponge Ball Kickball Bowling Team Handball Ladder Golf Dance Gymnastics Yoga Stress Management Breathing Tag Games Wall Ball Spike Ball Wiffle Ball

Ind/Life Sports (7th Grade Only) Students will identify preferences for lifetime physical activity. Participate in a variety of recreational activities appropriate to a geographical area. Activities include and are not limited to golf, bowling, racquet sports, fishing, run/walk, resistance training

7th Grade Weights/Personal Fitness Students will learn basic strength training principles while creating fitness goals. Throughout the quarter students will experience the following: Muscle location and identification Strength and Endurance Testing Safety in the weight room Appropriate weight resistance Components of Fitness Free weight workouts Cardio/Movement Game workouts Origins (Tabata, Pilates, Yoga)

Personal Wellness 7th Grade This class requires a $10 fee.

This class will look at whole body systems and individual health and wellness. Related to nutrition we will cook and learn about kitchen and food safety and incorporate exercise, dress out weekly . We will also look at different professions related to health and wellness. Activities include but are not limited to: Fitness Goals and Exercise/Sports Nutrition Kitchen Safety and healthy food preparation Farm to Table/Agriculture Body Systems

Fisheries, Wildlife & Environmental Science (7th graders only) In this course you will learn about the essentials of wildlife ecology as a foundation for understanding issues on the origins, management, conservation of biodiversity, and stewardship of our natural world and resources. Activities may include: Caring for Trout in the Classroom Ecosystem Studies Fishing at the pond Examining wildlife and their habitats Bird Watching Outdoor and indoor experiments Utilize Greenhouse Environmental Impact / Human Activity

Art A A project fee is required. This course is project based. You will learn about the materials and techniques used to create works of Art, as well as the cultural and history aspects of Art, aesthetics and Art criticism. You will design and create multiple projects that may include, but are not limited to: Clay Ceramic Painting Sculpture Drawing Digital Drawing

Art B A project fee is required. The course will involve you creating advanced design projects. This course is intended to take you deeper into Visual Arts Projects. Various artists, art styles and genres will be examined. You will design and create multiple projects that may include, but are not limited to: Clay Ceramic Painting Sculpture Electronic Media Various Drawing materials

The Arts in YOUR World (7th grade only)

Everybody has a creative side - and here is your chance to EXPRESS it! In this class, you will find and create your own art to design a "gallery" on a self chosen topic. Which art forms best reflect your ideas... performance art? (theater! improv! dance! slam poetry!).... Visual art? (painting! photography! sculpture!).... Music? (musical theater! voice! instrumental!) .... Take this class to explore the many different forms of art in our world today! If you loved Intro to Fine Arts in 6th grade, this class will be a great match for you! However, you need not have taken that class to sign up!

Industrial Arts A A project fee is required.

7th Grade students will: Acquire hand tools, power tools, and woodworking machinery experience. Shop safety and craftsmanship are essential skills that will you learn in this class. You will do multiple projects and activities that cover various aspects of woodworking and alternative materials use.

Industrial Arts B

A project fee is required.

7th Grade Students will: Expand your knowledge and experiences through various projects and design lessons. You will learn about use of woodworking machinery, power tools, and hand tools as well as shop safety. Your projects are designed to give you proficiency by utilizing assorted machines and tools. This class will cover the fundamentals, techniques, and progressions required to complete student-created projects made of wood and other materials.

Computer Programming I This course is an introduction to computational thinking. Students will learn to write, design, and execute code. Students will create his/her own interactive stories, animated adventures, and personalized games all through computer programming. Students will also be introduced to programming robots and creating interactive games. Students will learn how to use algorithms, computer coding, and problem-solving to think creatively!

Computer Programming II This advanced Computer Programming class will expand on the skills learned in Beginning Computer Programming. Students will use higher-level coding skills to design and analyze computer systems and networks, as well as learn advanced coding languages such as JAVA, HTML, and Python.

Media Productions I Students in this class will study elements of video production as they produce media in a team setting. Specific skills taught will include image composition, obtaining quality footage, and video editing proficiency. The students will become proficient in the use of video-editing software.

Media Productions II This class will build on the skills learned in Beginning Media Productions. Students will work in production teams beginning with logo design and will achieve Final Cut Pro software proficiency. Students will produce original, professional-quality media for a variety of audiences.

Entrepreneurship Spirit: This class will empower you to think in traditional and innovative ways to acquire the skill set for personal business ownership. You will learn the skills necessary to create your own product, evaluate your price, and successfully promote your business. Your skills will be tested after you launch your business and start selling!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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