Get help sharpening your writing skills with Editor

Get help sharpening your writing skills with EditorNote:?Some advanced proofing capabilities in Editor will not be available until later in 2016.Learn about these three visual cues for proofing with EditorEditor uses visual cues to distinguish between edits for spelling (red squiggle), grammar (blue double underline), and writing style (gold dotted line).Red squiggle for spelling errorsWord automatically checks for potential spelling errors as you type and indicates a spelling error with a red squiggle. When you see a red squiggle below a word, right-click on the word and choose one of the suggestions to fix the error.Spelling suggestions have synonyms to help differentiate between the choices. Choose the most appropriate suggestion to correct the spelling.To add the word to the default dictionary, choose?Add to Dictionary.To ignore all instances of the flagged word, and move on to the next flagged word, choose?Ignore All.Select?Add to AutoCorrect?if you always want to use a specific suggestion for the flagged word. After you have added the word to AutoCorrect, any other occurrence of this word will be automatically corrected to the chosen suggestion. Choose?See More?to open the proofing pane for?Spelling.Try it for yourselfUse Editor to check the spelling of the sentence below. You should see “Deforestion” underlined by a red squiggle.Deforestion will affect your life, making it important to recycle most of the paper you use.Blue double underline for grammatical errorsWord checks for potential grammatical errors as you type and indicates the error with two blue underlines. When you see two blue underlines below a word or a phrase, right-click on the word or phrase and choose one of the suggestions to fix it.Grammar suggestions have quick explanations to help you make an informed decision on whether and how to correct each potential error.To ignore the flagged word and move on to the next one, choose?Ignore.Choose?See More?to open the proofing pane for?Grammar. (See image at the top of the next page for reference.)Try it for yourselfUse Editor to check the grammar of the sentence below. You should see “effect” underlined with two blue lines.Deforestation will effect your life, making it important to recycle most of the paper you use.Gold dotted line for style IMPORTANT:?This feature is available for English language only.Word checks for and indicates potential writing and style issues with a gold dotted line. When you see a gold dotted line below a word or phrase, right-click on it and consider one of the alternate suggestions to correct the issue.Writing style suggestions have short descriptions on why the word or phrase has been marked as a potential style issue. The identified words or phrases may contain one or more of the following:Complex words*Contractions*Clichés*Informal language*Double negative*Jargon*NominalizationsPassive voicePassive voice with unknown actor (no suggestions available)*WordinessWords in split infinitives (more than one)*Gender-specific language*Words expressing uncertainty*Slang*Oxford comma*Punctuation required with quotes*Extra space between sentences*?IMPORTANT: *To enable these options if they are already disabled, go to?Proofing?options and choose?Grammar & More in the?Writing Style?drop-down menu.To ignore the style suggestion and move on to the next, choose?Ignore.Choose?See More?to open the proofing pane. The proofing pane provides a detailed explanation of the style issue and recommends why you should consider the style suggestion.Try it for yourselfUse Editor to check the style of the sentence below. You should see “the majority of” underlined with a golden dotted line.Deforestation will affect your life, making it important to recycle the majority of the paper you use.SupportChoose?Read Aloud?if you would like to hear any selected suggestion in your document read out loud.For Editor support, learn more here. ................

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