Health and Occupations- Mrs. Ferris

35306088900Alphabet Book: Medical Terminology Alphabet Book: Medical Terminology 521906539560500Purpose/Goal: To develop an understanding of how to dissect and build medical terminology. To practice using prefix, root and suffix terms to build medical terms. Directions:Each student will create a Medical ABC bookSelect one medical term per letter of the alphabet (please select a medical term that uses prefix, root or suffix terms that we are learning in class)Create the Alphabet book by using Google Presentation On each slide include the following:Letter of alphabet Ex.) A is for AntibioticTerm broken down into its parts:Prefix/root/suffix (as it applies to the specific term used)Ex.) Anti/bio/ticAnti = againstBio = LifeIc = pertaining toLiteral meaning: Ex. )Pertaining to against life *remember the suffix goes to the beginning of the definitionAppropriate picture or graphic to represent termThere are a few letters that we do not have a medical term listed for that you can use to start a term, you may wish to have the letter included somewhere in a term rather than at the beginningTurn in by downloading your presentation to a PDF file or powerpoint….. print 6 slides/page to save on paperOn your presentation go to File> Download as> pdf. Once your PDF is open, go to File>Print >Page Scaling>Multiple pages per sheetChoose 6 pages to print per page of paperBREAKDOWN OF GRADINGNAME (s):________________________________________________________/6 points - Each letter is sufficiently represented with a true medical term using prefix, root, or suffix etc. - breakdown of the word parts into prefix, root(s), or suffix _____/6 points - definitions of each word part present - literal meaning of the medical term based on word parts is present* * NOTE- DO NOT define the word based on its dictionary/encyclopedia definition _____/3 points - each slide has an appropriate image to represent the medical termTOTAL ______/15 pointsTURN IN Print off your ABC in handout format (6 slides/pg) ................

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