Dictionary Skills - Amazon S3

Dictionary SkillsDictionary SkillsScavenger Hunt Worksheet?#1Answer the questions using a dictionary.Name_________________________Date_________________________1.?Write the name of the dictionary. ___________________________________________________2.?In what year was the dictionary published? ___________________________________________________3.?What is the first word listed in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________4.?What is the last word listed in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________5.?How many pages does the dictionary have? ___________________________________________________6.?How many pages of words starting with?x?are in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________7.?Look up the word?one. In addition to being a noun it is also an _______________________ and a____________________8.?Look up the word?narcissus. It is a type of ___________________________________________________9.?Look up the word?fire. How many syllables does it have? ___________________________________________________10.?Find the first noun in your dictionary that has four syllables. ___________________________________________________Dictionary Scavenger Hunt Worksheet #2?Answer the questions using a dictionary.Name_________________________Date_________________________1.?What is the first word in the?r?section of the dictionary? ___________________________________________________2.?What is the last word in the?u?section of the dictionary? ___________________________________________________3.?How many pages of words starting with?q?are in the dictionary? _________________________________________4.?Look up the word?azure. It is a shade of ________________5.?Look up the word?larynx. Where is the larynx located? ___________________________________________________6.?Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with?m. ___________________________________________________7.?Look up the word?pocket. In addition to being a noun it is also an _________________ and a______________________8.?Look up the word?burro. It is a small __________________9.?Look up the word?calico. How many syllables does it have? _________________________________________10.?Find the first verb in your dictionary starting with?s?that has three syllables. ___________________________________________________Dictionary Scavenger Hunt Worksheet #3?Answer the questions using a dictionary.Name_________________________Date_________________________1.?What is the first word in the?b?section of the dictionary? ___________________________________________________2.?What is the last word in the?a?section of the dictionary? ___________________________________________________3.?How many pages of words starting with?k?are in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________4.?Find the first verb in your dictionary starting with?c?that has two syllables. ___________________________________________________5.?Look up the word?fuselage. It is a part of an ____________6.?Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with?g. ___________________________________________________7.?Look up the word?duplicate. In addition to being an adjective it is also a ______________ and a________________8.?Look up the word?cypress. It is a type of _______________9.?Look up the word?meridian. How many syllables does it have? _____________________________________________10.?Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with?d?that has two syllables. __________________________Dictionary Scavenger Hunt Worksheet #4?Answer the questions using a dictionary.Name_________________________Date_________________________1.?What is the first word starting with?str?in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________2.?What is the last word in the?m?section of the dictionary? ___________________________________________________3.?How many words start with?gy?in the dictionary? ___________________________________________________4.?Find the first noun in your dictionary starting with?r?that has four syllables. ___________________________________________________5.?Look up the word?quahog. It is a type of ___________________________________________________6.?Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with?p. ___________________________________________________7.?Look up the word?stock. In addition to being a noun it is also an ___________________ and a_________________________8.?Look up the word?haddock. It is a type of _______________9.?Look up the word?radioactivity. How many syllables does it have? ___________________________________________________10.?Find the first conjunction in your dictionary starting with?i. ___________________________________________________ ................

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