Engelsk for videregående

"Getting to Know Each Other"Aim: Getting acquainted and establishing a friendly attitude in the classroom Some of the questions are related to the English curriculum, while others, hopefully, provide you with some fun information about one another. Naturally, you may change the questions as you deem fit.Time:?30 minutesHandout for students can be found on the next page.How:Split the class in teams of two. Try to pair students who do not already know one another. Hand out the list of questions. Tell the students to find fellow students who best match the questions. The correct answers can only be found by interviewing other students. Give them 10 minutes to find as many correct answers as possible. Picking a winning team is most easily, and entertainingly, done by going through the questions and discussing the answers in class. The teams are awarded one point for each correct answer/person. Often the students themselves are the best judges as to whether an answer is correct or not. Therefore, this part is likely to be the most time-consuming and you should allow approximately 20 minutes. NB. There may be more than one correct answer/person to some questions. Likewise, whether an answer is correct or not may require your judgement. Be prepared to take the role as the judge of who gets points - and thereby pronouncing the winning team.Names:"Getting to Know Each Other"?Question:Answer:Points:1Who has the most letters in their name (first name, middle name and surname)?2Who has the most hobbies?3Who has read all Harry Potter-books, in English? 4Who has the most siblings (incl. half- & step-)?5Who can recite a poem?6Who has the most pets?7Who has seen the most TV-series (all seasons)?8Who can speak the most languages?9Who has moved house most often?10Who is best at grammar?11Who is the youngest?12Who can name the 50 states in the USA?13Who has climbed the highest mountain?Sum: ................

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