[Pages:2]Special Renunciations for children involved in rituals

Should a child ever have the horrible experience of being involuntarily subjected to satanic rituals, they will need to renounce their forced participation. Sarah was an eleven year old who had been brought up for the first five years of her life in a coven. Sarah's mother had given her life to Christ several months before. Her children had also prayed to receive Christ, but they were still being harassed. They were experiencing nightmares, dreams of snakes, banging noises, etc. We took Sarah through the spiritual inventory, renouncing all the practices of the coven that she had been subjected to. She had three "spirit guides" since she was three years old. After renouncing them by name, the voices stopped. Forgiveness was a big step for her (step three) since many people had deeply hurt her. After we finished, we asked her how she felt. "Like I'm sitting in the lap of God!"

There are specific activities that Satanists use in all their rituals. If we come across anyone that recalls satanic ritual involvement, we have them go through the following renunciations. Caution: Children are highly susceptible to adult suggestions and they often have creative imaginations. Do not ask leading questions. Some children are clever enough to tell us what we want to hear and lead us down a wrong path. They could also be fabricating a story that abdicates them from their own responsibility.

If children are paying attention to deceiving spirits, those voices could be giving them a false memory. False memories usually come from dreams, hypnosis, or counterfeit "words of knowledge" that others give them. Never use such "evidence" against another person unless you have some hard core external evidence to substantiate the accusations. Such accusations should not even be made against an elder in the church unless there are two or three witnesses.

Notice in the following list that satanic rituals counterfeit Christian acts of worship. Have the child read across the page, renouncing the first item in the column under "Kingdom of Darkness" and then affirming the first truth in the column under "Kingdom of Light." Continue to the end of the list:

Kingdom of Darkness

Kingdom of Light

? Freedom In Christ Ministries 2010

I renounce ever signing my name over to Satan or having my name signed over to Satan.

I announce that my name is now written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

I renounce any ceremony where I may have been wed married to Satan.

I announce that I am the Bride of Christ.

I renounce any and all covenants (agreements) with Satan.

I announce that I have a new covenant with Christ.

I renounce any sacrifices that were made for me where Satan would claim ownership of me.

I announce that I belong to God because of the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross for me.

I renounce ever giving of my blood in Satanic ritual.

I trust only in the shed blood of Jesus for my salvation.

I renounce ever eating of flesh or drinking of blood for Satanic worship.

By faith, I take communion which represents Jesus' body and blood which was given for me.

I renounce all guardians and surrogate parents that were assigned to me by Satanists.

I announce that God is my Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit is my guardian.

I renounce every sacrifice made on my behalf by Satanists whereby they may claim ownership of me.

I announce that Christ is my sacrifice and I belong to Him since I have been bought and purchased by the blood of the Lamb.

I renounce any ceremony where I was assigned to be a high priest for Satanic service, and I renounce Satan's lie that he owns me.

I announce that in Christ I am a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a person for God's own possession. I belong to Him.

Donny was only two and a half years old and very hyperactive. He left destruction in his wake. He couldn't sleep at night and screamed in fear whenever he came to anything that was Christian. His family had recently left witchcraft and were trusting in Christ. His mother, sister, and brother had gone through the steps and were growing in their relationship and freedom in Christ. Donny's problems seemed to get worse after that. We prayed over him, with his mother claiming stewardship over his life. We renounced the involvement that he had in witchcraft, and took authority over all the spirit guides that were assigned to him. Donny slept for the better part of two days. Two weeks later he returned for a visit and he was calm, his whirlwind behaviour had stopped, and he had developed regular sleeping patterns.

? Freedom In Christ Ministries 2010


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