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L e a d e r s h ipB as ic sD i s c o v e r i n gL e a d e r s h i pa tt h eV i n e y a r dChapter 7The Leadership MatrixBay Area Vineyard99 Edison Blvd, Silver Bay, MN 55614 ? 218-220-7650 ? Why Structure Is Important“No matter how much vision you impart or how much culture you develop, without structure the work of the church will struggle to maintain consistent momentum. As we implement structure into our churches, we construct a framework upon which we can resource our people so they can efficiently accomplish our God-given vision. This includes establishing plans, programs, management systems, leadership development, facilities, schedules, calendars, and events”(Tri Robinson, Revolutionary Leadership, p. 114).The Vineyard church has been remarkably successful in many ways. But as our family continues to grow it can also become increasingly difficult to manage. As the family grows people will begin to complain about the lack of developing relationships and our participation in activities and ministries can begin to decline. We can quickly become just another crowd that gathers on Sunday’s just like the crowd that gathers to watch a sporting event.Every organization has some sort of structure, some structures are much more effective than others at accomplishing their tasks. We want to encourage the development of a structure that allows us to be who we are, encourages people to serve in their specific areas of gifting, and that works to help us accomplish our task of making disciples.The value of structure in the illustration of a fireplaceThe value of structure in the illustration of a body’s skeletonSome different ways in which structure helps:It helps to divide the laborIt clarifies how the leadership operatesIt aids the communication within the churchIt provides for orderly worship and organized bible studyIt helps to keep us accountableMoving Towards A Workable StructureMoving the church from a spectator to a participator mentality—a seven step process:Make an honest evaluation of our ministry: Are we entertaining a crowd, or are we really making disciples?Evaluate the nine issues listed in this chart:ISSUETEAMCROWDParticipationPlayer mentalityLife style orientation—always on the teamSpectator mentalityEvent orientation—Sunday and special event attendanceCompetitive focusAimed at winning regardless of the scoreAimed at each other (internally) & the size of other churches (externally)EffectivenessDo the right thingsPlayers have and know their positionsDo things rightQuality program to attract a crowdCohesivenessInterdependentT.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More)Co-dependentIndependentMotivations and ReadinessSelf-startersPeople have and take ownershipKick-startersNo one volunteersLeadership FunctionDirect peopleTrain to win, coachControl the crowdTeach for teaching’s sakeFulfillmentJoy & fun of working and accomplishing goals togetherFrustration and burnout – you never know when you're winningSense of UrgencyLet's do it!You do itWhat is it we're supposed to do?SynergyIncreased team energy and ownershipComplacency, low morale – commitment of only a fewWe must decide that we want to win—we want to actually accomplish our goals1 Corinthians 9:24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. 25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. 27No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.We are called to run the raceWe are called to go into strict trainingWe are called to make a differenceWe are called to run with purposeOur vision is the destination:Our vision is to be an authentic community of Christians who really do love God and love people, and who live out the message of Jesus and the Bible in such a way that others would experience the love and mercy of GodValues define how to get there:We value relationship, responsiveness, righteousness, reality, relevanceGoals are landmarks along the way so you can check your progressWe must run beyond our comfort zoneClearly define what it means to win—Remember the issue of vision, goals and objectivesRecruit the right team:The most zealousThe most committedThe most dedicatedThe most qualified and giftedThe most funMake time to train, plan and strategize with our teamOrganize and administrate our team putting our players in strategic positions. Always remember that leadership is a function not a titleThe Matrix SystemThe matrix is a leadership structure tat allows as many as people as possible to participate in areas where they are gifted by God to serve.Generalist Ministries:Relationship oriented, pastoral, care-takersThese ministries target a specific group and use many different facets of ministryChildren, Students, College, Small Groups, Men, Women, etc.Specialist Ministries:Task oriented, equippers, doersThese ministries focus on one facet of the ministry (i.e. worship) and work to equip the entire church in this areaWorship, Discipleship, Integration, Prayer ministry, Evangelism, Compassion, etc.1063642211155 ................

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