TKAM Vocabulary Words – Chapters 1-11:

Ms. Miller/Am Lit II Name_____________________ Date____

TKAM Vocabulary Words – Chapters 1-11:

1. assuage (verb): to calm; to lessen

2. predilection (noun): a preference

3. amble (verb): to walk in a leisurely way

4. taciturn (adj.): almost always silent; not liking to talk

5. phantom (noun): an apparition; an illusion

6. fractious (adj.): unruly; rebellious; defiant

7. inequity (noun): something not fair or impartial

8. guile (noun): slyness and cunning in dealing with others

9. mortification (noun): humiliation; shame

10. vexation (noun): a disturbance; annoyance

11. auspicious (adj.): favorable; successful

12. edification (noun): instruction to improve or uplift morally

13. perplexity (noun): uncertainty; doubt; confusion

14. aberration (noun): a deviation from what is right, true or normal

15. rectitude (noun): strict honesty, uprightness of character

16. articulate (adj.): able to speak, expressing oneself clearly

17. obstreperous (adj.): excessively loud, crazy and noisy

18. disapprobation (noun): disapproval

19. mausoleum (noun): a large tomb; grave

20. cantankerous (adj): bad-tempered; quarrelsome


1. Please create a meaningful sentence for each word.

2. Avoid MNA (meaning not apparent) sentences.

3. You may create a story or paragraph using all the words for extra points on this assignment.

4. There will be a quiz on these words (date tba)


“MNA” means “meaning not apparent”

“AWK” means “the word is not really used correctly.”

“SP” means “spelled incorrectly”

The following sentences are MNA. For some of your sentences, that could have used more meaning, I added silly things that I made up to show you how to enhance the meaning. (

1. Amble already means “to walk”

2. He is very taciturn in the classroom.

He is very taciturn in the classroom, so the teacher asked him to participate more.

1. I saw a phantom yesterday

2. He is auspicious in school.

3. There was a vexation on the block last night.

4. My parents were disapprobation about it.

5. The room was taciturn.

6. He felt mortification.

He felt mortification after he was caught cheating by the principal.

She felt mortification when she cursed in front of her boyfriend’s mother.

Great sentence:

I was very nervous about my concert, but after doing breathing exercises, I became assuaged.


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