Day 1 – From Nothing to Something

Day 2 – From Water to wine


Explain that

▪ God can do amazing miracles

▪ A miracle is a sign pointing to God

▪ Jesus is son of God


Ice Breaker

This is a short craft or game as the kids arrive.

Todays ice breaker is to decorate hats (for young children) OR create wedding invitations (for older children).

ON THE TIP (together)


Welcome all children to holiday club.

Give brief explanation of ‘bottle bank’ for jokes, prayers and ‘other’. Ask for any ‘God created…’ slips to be put in the bottle bank.

Mention that today’s Waste Watchers Word is ‘Water to Wine’, showing boards with clipart.

Use actions to help them remember the Waste Watchers Word- ‘Water to Wine’.

Warm up

A chance for the kids to get some exercise and loose some energy. Each day we are going to dance to “Cha Cha Slide” by DJ Casper, lead by Lisa.

Emphasise that it is great that we can all move about and dance to the song. Isn’t it great what God has created!

Waste Watchers Challenge

A short challenge to get the group working as a team. The task is related to today’s Waste Watchers Word. Todays challenge is to watch videos of wedding mistakes, and then ask questions. Points are awarded to teams. Scores go onto scoreboard.


Sing 3 or 4 songs; try to explain some of the difficult words

Tell the Story

Remind kids of the ‘Water into wine” transformation, using the actions.

Introduce drama with Amos, wife and waiter.

Amos – a sleeping husband at a wedding

A wife – guest at a party

A waiter

The comedy comes in the switching of glasses. Amos is asleep in his chair. He has an empty glass in his hand and ever so often snores. His wife is sat on a chair beside him, staring into her empty glass, looking bored and occasionally staring around the room at other guests.


Well Amos, I have to say, this wedding has been a disappointment. Look at the two of us, sat here, empty glasses for over half an hour and nothing to drink. Well, of course, how embarrassing! I mean, put on a party and run out of wine so soon. You wouldn’t believe it really would you? (looks at Amos, and shouts) Would you? Oh Amos, wake up!

(Amos stirs, but falls back asleep)

That wedding we went to last week, well that was amazing. The wine flowed all night. Great party…unlike here! But this…talk about an embarrassment!

You’re an embarrassment too. Oh yes, my husband, fast asleep at a wedding. Well…I can’t blame you really. I’m a bit bored myself. I hope the wine comes out soon.

(waiter enters with jug)


Evening madam. More wine? (fills up glass)

And for the gentlemen? (fills Amos’ glass)

Enjoy the wine, you won’t be disappointed

(waiter exits)


Oh, Amos! (elbows Amos)

Amos, wake up! (takes sip of wine)

OOOOOH, Amos, it’s lovely! (drinks more)

Oi! Wake up you lazy oaf, this party’s looking up! (swaps glass with Amos)

This really is amazing!

(waiter enters with jug)


More wine sir? He must have enjoyed it madam, he’s finished it already!

(Waiter fills up both glasses)


(finishes glass, and swaps with Amos)

Now I’m a bit puzzled. Last weeks wedding was grand. But as the evening went on, the wine got more and more tasteless, didn’t it, Amos?? (pokes him!)

Not that we cared! (hiccups)

But this wine, this is the best I’ve ever tasted. EVER!

And it came out last of all! Very strange!


(Waiter fills up Amos’ glass)

Finished again sir? You really do like this wine!


Now young man, there is something I don’t understand. We’ve been sat here for ages with empty glasses and long faces because there was no wine. Then all of a sudden you come and give us the best wine I’ve ever tasted. How can that be?


Well it’s all down to Jesus. You know Jesus? The carpenter. Mary’s son.


Mary? I know her.


Well, Jesus filled up our big jars with water and said a prayer. Then instead of water coming out of the jars, out came this wonderful, beautiful, amazing red wine that your drinking. I don’t understand but I know a miracle has happened.

(waiter leaves)


Amos, wake up! You need to hear this story. It’s all about Jesus. You know the son of Mary. He changed water into wine

(wife leaves)

(Amos wakes up and mumbles)


What?? Still no wine?


Do and explain magic trick. Explain that magic is a trick, but miracles are real.

Get kids to shout out other miracles.

Explain that a miracle is a sign pointing towards Jesus.

Jesus = son of God

Waste Watchers Word

Remind them of the actions to the Waste Watchers Word (‘Nothing to Something’).

Short game

Prayer for the world

Explain that Christians believe that God hears us when we talked to him

He loves to hear us saying thank you to him.

Thank God was sending Jesus to this earth

Thank Jesus that He did these miracles

TASKFORCE (in groups)


Discuss with kids about how orange juice can easily be created by just adding water.

But making wine takes ages and ages.

Only give the kids empty cups, and ask them what they would feel if we had no drink left.

Bible Discovery

> Older kids:

Read John 2:1-11 out loud (page 20). Get kids to underline what Mary said to Jesus, what Jesus said to Mary and what the man in charge said.

Get kids to play the roles of Mary, Jesus, man in charge of feast and a narrator. Create speech bubbles which they hold up when the relevant part is read out by the narrator.

Do ‘spot the difference’ on page 22

Talk about things can go wrong at weddings, reminding them of the footage seen at start of the day.

How would they feel if there was no drink today.

Imagine you are writing an article in a newspaper. What would the headline be? What would you say?

Has God ever helped you in a problem?

What did the people at the wedding do when they had a problem?

Ask God to help you with problems

Jesus said that his miracles were signs

What is a miracle?

What does a sign do?

Who does the miracle point us towards?

EXTRA: Do ‘From Fear to Calm’ on page 28.

> Younger kids:

Do eco sheets


Craft will be described in detail during the briefing

Todays craft is stained glass OR glass painting

BIG CLEAN UP (together)


1. Where was the wedding that Jesus went to?

Connor, Cana, Cayman, Cippenham

2. Who told Jesus they had run out of wine?

His mother, his sister, his friend, his auntie

3. How much water did the six water jars hold in total?

100 litres, 300 litres, 600 litres

4. How did the man in charge of the feast test new wine?

Smelt it, dipped finger in it, sipped it, spat it out

4. How did the man in charge of the feast describe the wine?

Poor, watery, OK, the best

5. What was today’s WWW?

Water into Wine





Bottle Bank

Read out some jokes.

Read out some of the “God has created…” slips, that were brought in by children.

Ask kids to write down ONE miracle that Jesus did, for tomorrow. They can put this into the ‘other’ bottle bank.

This happened to me…

A short testimony from a leader, related to today’s Waste Watchers Word.

How Jesus helped them in a difficult situation.

> Val

Learn and remember

"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." John 8 v12 (there is a memory verse song for this)

Creative Prayer



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