Pushing People Away from God Cleaning House

Observations for Our Time Volume 2: Religious Poison Pushing People Away from God


Part Two

Where the Towrah's Voice Died

Cleaning House...

Since most of the places presented in Yasha'yah 15 are uninhabited and no longer exist as viable communities, as we approach the initial statement, I'm going to highlight the meaning of each ancient place such that we might more readily ponder the prophetic implications. I suspect that Mow'ab is being used to expose the Adversary's greatest and most ignominious achievement, that of fooling the faithful into believing that he is their father. If I'm right, Satan and all of those allied with him and who have been influenced by him will not only cease being political, conspiratorial, and religious, they and their messages will be removed from the realm of the living.

As affirmation of this perspective, ancient Mow'ab was not destroyed in a single night, but instead one early morning as the sun glistened on the water. It was then that the kingdom's fate was sealed, completely disappearing from the extant historical record. Its territory was overrun by tribes from northern Arabia, including the Kedarites and Nabataeans. And that is why in Nechemyah / Nehemiah 4:7, the "`Arabym ? Arabs," not Mowabites, are named as allies of the Ammonites.

Therefore, it is now incumbent upon us to develop an accurate assessment of what and who Mow'ab represents today...

"This is a prophetic pronouncement (masa' ? this is a future declaration regarding the ignorant and irrational thinking) concerning Mow'ab / Who is this Questionable Father ? those Political Correctness and Multiculturalism have Caused to have Questionable Allegiances (Mow'ab ? Who is your Daddy, a sparsely populated region east of the Dead Sea in today's Jordan, Mow'ab was Lowt's son by his eldest daughter and thus a child born of incest, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture born of incest after being indoctrinated in the amoral morass of Sodom, with shared Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to form Christian, Muslim, and Socialist Secular viewpoints, the place where the Towrah's voice died; from ma ?

to question the who, what, and why of `ab ? the father, related to mowba' and mow'al ? a path which leads in the opposite direction).

Indeed (ky ? surely and for this reason), in a night (ba layil ? during a period of darkness), the `Ar / Adversary (`Ar ? the Enemy, the foe who is actively hostile; the prefix to `arab ? those who barter in darkness, those who commingle ideas to confuse to create religious disorder, the edge of night, foreign and estranged people who are as noxious as swarms of flies) of Mow'ab / those of a Questionable Father (Mow'ab ? Who is this Father?; from the interrogatory ma ? to question the who, what, where, how, and when of someone or something and `ab ? father, related to mowba' and mow'al ? a path which leads in the wrong direction) will be destroyed and removed (shadad ? he will be undone and will no longer be viable or influential).

His likeness will be forced to stop what he has been doing and he will be silenced (damah ? such thinking will be wiped away and removed, and all that is comparable will disengage, no longer capable of any activity, isolated from the living (nifal perfect passive ? at a point in time the subject receives and carries out the action)), because (ky ? for the express reason, indeed) in a night (ba layil ? during a period of darkness) Qyr / the Divisive Nature of Mow'ab / those of a Questionable Father (Qyr Mow'ab ? the Dividing Line Between the Agony of the Dubious Father, the divide to create a barrier and separate the father [1QIsa has `yr, not qyr before Mow'ab and would thus read "agonizing and terrorizing"]) will be undone, no longer viable nor influential (shadad ? will be destroyed and removed), such thinking will be wiped away and all that is comparable required to disengage (damah ? their likenesses will cease and be silenced, all activity will stop, as they are isolated from the realm of the living [the pronoun, huw', for it or he, isn't extant in 1QIsa and the stem differs])." (Yasha'yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:1)

Since this brings us into the midst of the Time of Ya'aqob's Troubles, I'd like to interject a more reasoned extrapolation of Mow'ab ? one that fits this prophecy and the time and place it will be fulfilled: Mow'ab: those blended together by Political Correctness, including Socialist Secularists and Pauline Christians, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture born of incest after being indoctrinated in the amoral morass of Sodom, having grown out of the Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to take them to the place where the Towrah's voice died.

Every aspect of this seems to portray the ultimate removal and incarceration of Satan along with those who have aided and abetted his quest to be worshiped as God throughout mankind's most popular religions. But we'd be unwise to limit this indictment exclusively to the demise of religion because almost every political entity has a founding father and most have been adept at promoting patriotism by

commingling truth and lies to confuse the masses. And therefore, as we've long suspected, before Yahowah returns to His people, He will clean house. Earth will become as Eden.

The reason for this should be obvious. For Yahowah to return and live among His people, Satan and the political and religious schemes he has inspired must go. Foremost among them is the one with a Questionable Father ? the "Holy Father" of Roman Catholicism ? the most popular and pervasive religion on earth, the one whose very foundation is based upon commingling prior religious and political schemes to confuse. Also telling, three of the most despicable people who ever lived, Paul, Akiba, and Muhammad, fathered the religions Yahowah despises most of all ? and all because they obscure His message and confound the unsuspecting by mixing truth and lies in such a way as to make their deceptions seem plausible, believable.

When Christians publicly pronounce the "Our Father" of their "Lord's Prayer," they are acting like Mow'ab, praying to the counterfeit father they should be questioning. When Christians study Paul's letters as if they were "Scripture," they are choosing to believe a man whose name, Sha'uwl, actually means "Question Him." As such, Yahowah appears to be condemning Satan's role as the Lord God of Christianity, telling us that his influence will eventually come to an end. The Whore of Babylon will no longer plague the earth. The Adversary's voice will be silenced. The world Yahowah created will never again be haunted by thoughtless recitals of the Lord's Prayer, by rabbinic chanting, or by terrorists screaming: "Allahu Akbar."

The word used in the opening stanza for "Adversary" is insightful. `Ar isn't just a "foe who is actively hostile," it is the prefix to `arab, and thus includes "those who barter in darkness, those who confuse by commingling, creating religious disorder." This is a perfect depiction of what Jewish, Christian, and Muslim clerics have done to create the illusion that their religion was inspired by the God of the Torah, Prophets, and Psalms. To make their regurgitation of Babylonian myths appear credible, to commingle the once popular and accepted Egyptian, Greek, and Roman religions into a plausible belief system they could use to control the masses, the founding fathers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam had to usurp the credibility of the one true God. This all occurred in the darkness, when Satan is the most effective ? when the lack of light diminishes mankind's ability to be observant.

By himself, Satan's influence is minimal, which is why the Adversary deploys the likes of Paul, Akiba, and Muhammad, Titus, Hadrian, and Hitler. And that is why there is more to "shadad ? undoing the influence" of Satan than just banishing this evil spirit. God must also "damah ? wipe away all thinking which is comparable." Satan's religious and political leaders will be "silenced, their activity will cease, as they are isolated from the realm of the living."

Before we move on, there is a disagreement between 1QIsa and both 4QIsa and the Masoretic Text. The latter have "qyr ? to divide," while the Great Isaiah Scroll presents `yr, whose primary definition is "anguishing terror," but can also describe "population centers, towns, and cities." Since the ancient witnesses are divided, we cannot emphatically claim one over the other, so it is useful to know that `yr conveys a particularly tantalizing insight. At its root, `uwr encourages us to be especially alert and observant so that we are not harmed by the mal'ak (spiritual messengers (and thus potentially demons, the spiritual beings allied with the Adversary)) who are spying upon humankind with ill intent.

The reason the Adversary and his minions must be stomped out and are being removed at this time is to prevent them from continuing to corrupt the living...

"He and it have ascended (`alah ? he and it [speaking of the Adversary and Mow'ab] have made their way up to and have been exalted at) to the House (ha beyth ? the Home (a reference to the House of Yahowah, and thus to the Temple Mount, to Mowryah in Yaruwshalaim)), to Dybown / to the Place of Sorrow (Dybown ? Causing Grief for those who Pass Away), to the centers of worship in high places (ha bamah ? to the heights and hills where religious shrines are built and cults emerge, to battlefields and funeral mounds), to weep (la beky ? to those who mourn) over (`al) Nabow / the Scriptures of Babel (Nabow ? the Babylonian god of writing and learning, corresponding to the Greek Hermes, the Roman Mercury, and the Egyptian Thoth; the mountain upon which Moseh died, meaning prophet in Aramaic), wailing (yalal ? crying and lamenting in sorrow, howling in a lifeless place) over (wa `al) Mydaba' / the Slippery Waters (Mydaba' ? slithering waters; from maym ? waters and dabab ? to glide or slip over; akin to dabab and dibbah ? to speak so as to defame and slander) of Mow'ab / Questionable Father ? of those Political Correctness, Multiculturalism, and Pauline Christianity have Caused to have Questionable Allegiances (Mow'ab ? Who is Your Daddy, the sparsely populated region east of the Dead Sea in today's Jordan, Mow'ab was Lowt's son by his eldest daughter, an unthinking, warlike, and multicultural religious and political culture born of incest after being indoctrinated in the cesspool of Sodom, with shared Hebrew writings which were twisted and intermixed with pagan lore to form Christian, Muslim, and Socialist Secular viewpoints, the place where the Towrah's voice died; from ma ? to question the who, what, and why of `ab ? the father, related to mowba' and mow'al ? a path which leads in the opposite direction).

With every one of his and its leaders (ba kol ro'sh huw' ? in and among all his summits and sources, its and his top rulers and heads of institutions, his venom and bitter poison), there is coldness, the complete absence of warmth (qarhah ? baldness, shaved, bare, and exposed, complete frigidity), and so (wa ? also [from 1QIsa]) every religious leader in the community (kol zaqan ? all government

officials, representatives, dignitaries, prominent persons, and community elders (can also be rendered `beards')) will disappear and be diminished (gara' ? will be restrained, abated, omitted, and cut off, stopped and withdrawn)." (Yasha'yah / Salvation is from Yahowah / Isaiah 15:2)

With these words, one of our initial questions has been answered. Mow'ab represents the adversarial father who seeks to be worshiped and honored within human religious and political schemes. And with the reference to Nabow, the Babylonian god of Scripture, Yahowah has reinforced Babel's connection to religious "Scripture," and particularly to the Babel / Bible. Fortunately, Satan's plans will be curtailed, and he will disappear.

The reason Satan has been and continues to be so effective is that he presents himself as the alternative to God where man least expects him ? right out in the open, in the most conspicuous and prominent of all places, within the leadership of governments and religious institutions, as the heavenly father, the lord, and god of religion. He has "`alah ? ascended" to the very "beyth ? house and home" of God ? with his own satanic shrines, mosques, and churches built upon and all around the Temple Mount ? right in the heart of Yaruwshalaim. In so doing, the Adversary has turned every religious edifice into "Dybown ? Grief for those who Pass Away."

Should there have been any question whether or not Yahowah was exposing and condemning religious leaders and the institutions they extol, "bamah ? the centers of worship in high places and prominent places where religious shrines are built and cults emerge" removes any doubt.

Should you wonder why the Adversary would "la beky ? weep and mourn" over Nabow / the Scriptures of Babel, at this time, it's possible that he's lamenting the fact that the masses are no longer capable of being beguiled into believing that the Talmud, Bible, and Qur'an represent the "Word of God." Satan's greatest ruse has been exposed, condemned, and censured, albeit too late to save those his muddled message confused. This might also explain why he's found wailing over the "Mydaba' ? Slippery Waters" of ritualistic washing and especially baptism. Water's unique position as the source of life and universal solvent has been usurped by religions the world over, becoming the basis of countless tedious and meaningless religious rituals.

With few exceptions, God views religious and political leaders as cold and calculating, uncaring men and women who are simply pretending to serve. That is why He's exposing them as heartless frauds. Yah just revealed: "kol ro'sh huw' ? every one of his leaders, his top rulers and the heads of his institutions" is supplied with "his venom and bitter poison" and are "qarhah ? are cold," and thus lack the warmth of a loving association. The Almighty then buttressed this by saying "kol zaqan ? every religious leader in the community, all government officials, every

representative, dignitary, prominent individual, and community leader" "gara' ? will disappear and be diminished, finding themselves restrained, abated, cut off, and withdrawn." As a result, She'owl / the Place of Questioning, known to Christians and Muslims as "Hell," will be a very popular and extremely religious experience.

With another query answered, the question which may remain for some is whether these references to Mow'ab pertain to a narrow or broad group of people typecast by them living today. I suspect the latter based upon all we have read, and think, that at the very least, Mow'ab represents the questionable conception and existence of Pauline Christianity and Multicultural Socialist Secular Humanism and how they have "babeled" together in the West.

The only reason that I have somewhat discounted the role Roman Catholicism and Islam play in modern Mow'ab is because there are more direct analogs to both, including names which emerge from the same place and time, with `Esa'ow representing Imperial and Catholic Rome and `Amown symbolic of the Tyrannical nature of Islam. In this regard, while `Esa'ow's correlation with Rome will be revealed in the next chapter, `Amown's association with Islam was presented in this one.

Remember: "I have heard the shameful taunts of Mow'ab and the abusive rhetoric, the deriding defamation and mocking criticism of the descendants of `Amown (`Amown ? of that which pertains to the nation, family, or people, the children of Ben-`Amy ? Offspring of my Nation) such that they have become confused, incapable of thinking rationally, and as a result have insulted and ridiculed, annoying My people, making boastful statements over their territory, especially their borders, speaking of their desire to reduce the size of Yisra'el so that they can claim it for themselves. Therefore, as I live, declares well in advance of it occurring, Yahowah, of the spiritual implements, the Almighty God of Yisra'el, `surely, Mow'ab / those of a Questionable Father shall, for an ongoing period of time, actually come to be very similar to Cadom / Scorched and Burnt and the descendants of `Amown / Pertaining to the Offspring of my Nation shall be as `Amorah / Authoritarian Manipulation (`Amora ? Oppressive and Tyrannical Binding and Twisting, Gomorrah; from `amar ? to bind, manipulate, and subjugate with autocratic control), a place owned and possessed by prickly and irritating weeds, stinging nettles, and toxic undergrowth, and as salt pits, of counsel which impedes growth, where even weapons corrode, a nearly uninhabitable, sparsely populated, wasteland forevermore." (Tsephanyah / Yahowah's Treasures are Stored Up for Another Time / Zephaniah 2:7-8) `Amown as `Amorah is unmistakably Islam today.

This known, Mow'ab may also be seen to include aspects of the two religions, Roman Catholicism and Sunni Islam, whose leaders, Pope Francis and Sheikh


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