Lesson Title Memory Verse Key Thought

Lesson Title

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The Gospel The Bible

Curriculum Guide

Mission: Agents of Grace

In this handbook, T&TTM kids will explore some of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity! In these 32 lessons, they will spend time learning about the character and nature of God, the structure and sequence of the Bible, the redemption narrative, and key discipleship practices! Each section includes an introductory activity, a Bible study, a prayer section guiding them on how to specifically pray for different countries in the world, and optional extra credit opportunities to dive deeper in their Scripture memory and study of God's Word. Kids will also be challenged to memorize the books of the Bible, and to bring a friend to their T&T club. Look forward to an amazing time diving deep into truth and training together! Ready, super agents?

Let's go!

UNIT 1 -- God Is ...

1.1 God Is Our Savior 1.2 God Is Our Hope

1.3 God Is Our Advocate 1.4 God Is Our Strength 1.5 God Is Our Peace

1.6 Unit 1 Review

Memory Verse* Key Thought

Ephesians 2:8-9 Romans 10:17

God created, man sinned, Jesus saves.

The Bible is special, and you can learn how to read it.

Titus 3:4-5 Romans 15:13

1 John 2:1 Psalm 46:1 John 16:33

(All Unit 1 verses)

We can't be saved by anything we do. God alone can be our Savior.

In the Bible, the word hope doesn't mean wanting something to happen but not being sure that it will. God's hope is being sure that what He says will happen, will definitely happen.

God is our advocate. He is with us, supports us, and speaks for us.

God is our strength when we are weak. He is our safe place to run to when we need help.

God has promised to be our peace. But we can only have God's peace if we have a relationship with Him. If you have never accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you will never know the peace of God.

*Memory verse list does not include the Gold Extra Credit memory verses.

Lesson Title

UNIT 2 -- The Bible

2.1 The Bible Is God's Revelation 2.2 The Bible Is God's Inspired Word

Curriculum Guide

Mission: Agents of Grace

2.3 The Bible Lights Our Path 2.4 The Bible Is True and Useful

2.5 The Bible Is the Standard

2.6 The Bible Is Trustworthy 2.7 The Bible Is Helpful to Correct 2.8 Unit 2 Review

Memory Verse* Key Thought

Romans 1:20 2 Timothy 3:16-17

John 14:26 Psalm 12:6 2 Peter 3:2

2 Peter 1:16 Hebrews 4:12 (All Unit 2 verses)

Everything God wants you to know He has revealed to you in the Bible.

God is the author of the Bible. He picked certain men to write down His words. But you can't know God and really understand the Bible until you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior.

The more you spend time learning about God and growing in your relationship with Him, the more the Holy Spirit will help you understand.

God gave us the Bible to know how to have a relationship with Him. Real faith and trust in Jesus Christ as Savior comes from knowing the gospel.

The church as we know it today did not write the Bible. Prophets and apostles wrote the Word of God down for people to read. They did not choose what to say, the Holy Spirit told them what to write.

If the Bible is the authority, I can read it when I have questions, don't understand something, or am scared.

The Bible is not like any other book you will ever read. As you read the Bible, God will work in your heart and life and help you become more like Jesus Christ.

*Memory verse list does not include the Gold Extra Credit memory verses.

Lesson Title

UNIT 3 -- Jesus ... I Am

3.1 I Am the Bread of Life

Curriculum Guide

Mission: Agents of Grace

3.2 I Am the Light of the World 3.3 I Am the Gate 3.4 I Am the Good Shepherd

3.5 I Am the Resurrection and the Life

3.6 I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life 3.7 I Am the True Vine 3.8 Unit 3 Review

Memory Verse* Key Thought

John 6:35 John 8:12 John 10:7 John 10:14 John 11:25

John 14:6 John 15:5 (All Unit 3 verses)

We all have the same choice to make ourselves. Do you believe that Jesus is the Bread of Life and the only way to receive eternal life?

Following Jesus begins with the simple step of accepting Jesus as your Savior. Once you have done that, you have the light of Jesus in you and can shine that light to the world.

We are only safe from the punishment of sin when we choose to "walk through the door" and believe in Jesus Christ as Savior.

As the Good Shepherd, Jesus protects us and knows us. Our Good Shepherd gave His life for us when He died on the cross for our sins.

But Jesus is life and has power over death and sin. Because of His death on the cross for our sins, we are offered eternal life if we accept Jesus as our Savior. When our physical bodies die, we will live forever in heaven with Jesus.

When life is scary and uncertain, you can trust in the fact that Jesus is the only way to God. Jesus is the truth, and Jesus is the source of all life, including eternal life.

If you spend time getting to know God better, you will become more like Jesus Christ and you will shine the light of Jesus to the world.

*Memory verse list does not include the Gold Extra Credit memory verses.

Lesson Title

UNIT 4 -- Agents of ...

4.1 Agents of Courage

Curriculum Guide

Mission: Agents of Grace

4.2 Agents of Humility 4.3 Agents of Wisdom

4.4 Agents of Obedience

4.5 Agents of Honor

4.6 Agents of Hope 4.7 Agents of Grace 4.8 Unit 4 Review

Memory Verse* Key Thought

Joshua 1:9 Philippians 2:3 James 1:5 John 14:15 Romans 12:10 Psalm 43:5 1 Corinthians 15:10 (All Unit 4 verses)

When you focus on God and trust Him, He will give you real courage, and you will be brave enough to face any situation. The God of the universe is with you and loves you.

Remember, you can never really be humble until you accept Jesus Christ as Savior. To be saved, you need to humble yourself and realize that you cannot save yourself.

You can make some good choices and be a smart person without God. But godly wisdom and understanding, the kind that help you become more like Jesus Christ, can only come from God.

When you choose to obey, you are loving and honoring God. And you will show others that you have accepted Jesus Christ as Savior and have a relationship with Him.

You won't always feel like helping other people, but when you choose to obey Jesus and honor others by loving them, God is glorified and everyone will know that you are a disciple of Jesus.

When we depend on God, we can do whatever He has called us to do because we know He will give us the strength to do it.

As you do what God tells you to do, remember that is only because of His grace that you can do anything.

*Memory verse list does not include the Gold Extra Credit memory verses.


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