UbD Lesson Planning Guide (PSI)

Lesson Plan #1 – Introduction/Digital Citizenship

Grade/Subject: Grade 7/8 Computers Unit: Digital Citizenship Lesson Duration: 40 min

Date: September 4 (gr7) and 14 (gr8), 2015


|General Learning Outcomes: |Specific Learning Outcomes |

|Explore the impact media has on society |2. Explore the impact media has on society with technology, |

| |economics, community, politics |

| | |

| |4. Identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them |

| |into practice |

|LEARNING OBJECTIVES |Main Driving Question |

|Students will: |What does it mean to be a Digizen and how can we be a Digizen in |

|Explore what it means to be a digital citizen |our school? |

|Understand the choices they make online affects others in some way | |

|Understand basic copyright and use of materials procedures | |


|Observations: Constantly observe students through all activities and see if they |Discussion: Student’s responses to questions posed about |

|understand the concepts taught or need assistance. |the information discussed in class to assess understanding.|

|Written/Performance Assessments: |

|Student introduction - Students will provide the teacher with a brief background on who they are and how advanced they are with the use of technology.|

|This will allow the teacher to formatively assess their background knowledge on what will be learned this term. |


|Pencil and paper for each student |

|Smart presentation |

|Resources |Class Preparation |

|Alberta Education CTS Program of Study - COM 1015: Media - |Create folder for student assignments |

| |Create class presentation of me and the class |

| | |

| | |


|Introduction ( 10 min.): |

|Intro |

|Begin by giving a brief Introduction of the course and the expectations. |

|Go over what the day will look like and post the class schedule from the smart presentation. |

|Explain to the students that today we will be discussing digital citizenship and what it means to the school |

|Before moving on, take attendance and ensure all students are in the class. |

| |

|As doing the attendance, ask the students if they have any questions before we begin class. |

| |

|After there are no questions, transition to body. |

|Transition to Body |

|Attention Grabber |Technology plays a major role in our lives. What we post can be seen by anyone online. |Time: 1 minute |

|Assessment of Prior |How many have posted something online and felt instant regret? |Time: less than 1 |

|Knowledge | |minute |

|Expectations of student |Every class we will abide by our code of conduct set at the beginning of the year. Every student will |Time: Todays lesson |

|learning and Behaviour |treat one another with respect. No one will call any one names in a derogatory manner, as we are all |this will be skipped|

| |learning a skill that some may have never done or do often. Every student will try their absolute best |as covered in the |

| |and give all their effort for the activities. Any question can be asked at any time during the class, as|intro |

| |no question is a bad question. Be open to new ideas from the teacher and classmates. Attention must be | |

| |on the teacher in order for things to run smoothly and get as much time with the activities as possible.| |

| |Lastly, Have fun! | |

|Advance Organizer/Agenda|Unit expectations | |

| |Class discussion | |

| |About me work | |

| |Digital citizenship research | |

|Transition to Body |Technology can be amazing, but when used correctly. Lets discuss some of the ways in which it should be |Time: 1 minute |

| |used correctly. | |

|Body (13 min) |Time |

|Learning Activity 1 |Digital Citizenship |10 minutes |

| |Begin telling the students that using technology can be scary | |

| |Explain that the online world can be a dark place due to anonymity concerns. Being anonymous can change | |

| |people and their behaviours | |

| |Being a good digizen can help us become smart online and avoid any negative beings | |

| |Social networking is a major issue, so we need to know ways to remain smart about everything | |

| |Get the students to begin researching ways to be a good digital citizen and take notes about what | |

| |digital citizenship is in a word file | |

| | | |

| |Ask the students to play the Digizen game: | |

| | | |

| |Make sure you explain that children and adults are not so different. | |

|Assessments/ |Formative | |

|Differentiation |Discussion | |

| |Feedback | |

| |Summative | |

| |N/A | |

| |Differentiation | |

| |Provide word visuals and explanation of terms | |

|Learning Activity 2 |Student Research |Rest of class |

| |Allow students to go around the digizen website and copy notes from the site about digital citizenship | |

| |Ensure they look for things that they can do to become a digital citizen | |

| |Explain that this research will be needed for next class when we design an infographic of digital | |

| |citizenship | |

|Assessments/ |Formative | |

|Differentiation |Discussion | |

| |Feedback | |

| |Summative | |

| |N/A | |

| |Differentiation | |

| |Let students pick a partner to research the information and work together | |

| |Give students assistance to write down their ideas on paper | |

|Learning Activity 3 | | |

|Assessments/ | | |

|Differentiation | | |

|Learning Activity 4 | | |

|Extra time activity (if time permits): and show the 9 elements |

|Closure (4 min.): | |

|Assessment of Learning: |What was the most difficult part of this lesson today? | |

| |Was there anything that you need explained more? | |

| |On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being not comfortable, how did you feel participating today? | |

|Feedback from students: |Did you enjoy the research? | |

| |Has anyone heard of this website before? | |

|Feedback to Students: |Excellent job today taking in all this information and remaining focused throughout. | |

|Transition to Next |Today's lesson was to understand the idea of being a digizen, next class we will use what we found and | |

|Lesson: |create an infographic of being a digital citizen | |

|Reflection |

| |

Lesson Plan #2 – Digital Citizenship

Grade/Subject: Grade 7/8 Computers Unit: Digital Citizenship Lesson Duration: 40 min

Date: September 21 (gr7) and 26 (gr8), 2015


|General Learning Outcomes: |Specific Learning Outcomes |

|Explore the impact media has on society |2. Explore the impact media has on society with technology, |

| |economics, community, politics |

| | |

| |4. Identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them |

| |into practice |

|LEARNING OBJECTIVES |Main Driving Question |

|Students will: |What does it mean to be a Digizen and how can we be a Digizen in |

|Explore what it means to be a digital citizen |our school? |

|Understand the choices they make online affects others in some way | |

|Understand basic copyright and use of materials procedures | |


|Observations: Constantly observe students through all activities and see if they |Discussion: Student’s responses to questions posed about |

|understand the concepts taught or need assistance. |the information discussed in class to assess understanding.|

|Written/Performance Assessments: |

|Students will need to demonstrate their understandings of being a digital citizen by participating in the group document. The poster they create will |

|demonstrate their understanding of the material based from the discussion. |


|Computer |

|Microsoft 365 |

|Smart presentation |

|Resources |Class Preparation |

|Alberta Education CTS Program of Study - COM 1015: Media - |Seating plan |

| | |

| | |

| | |


|Introduction (10 min.): |

|Intro |

|Begin by giving a brief Introduction of the class and what will be accomplished |

| |

|As doing the attendance, ask the students if they have any questions before we begin class. |

| |

|After there are no questions, transition to body. |

|Transition to Body |

|Attention Grabber |Everyone saw the presentation last week, so lets gather our understandings based off that presentation. |Time: 1 minute |

|Assessment of Prior |How many have posted something online and felt instant regret? |Time: less than 1 |

|Knowledge | |minute |

|Expectations of student |Every class we will abide by our code of conduct set at the beginning of the year. Every student will |Time: Todays lesson |

|learning and Behaviour |treat one another with respect. No one will call any one names in a derogatory manner, as we are all |this will be skipped|

| |learning a skill that some may have never done or do often. Every student will try their absolute best |as covered in the |

| |and give all their effort for the activities. Any question can be asked at any time during the class, as|intro |

| |no question is a bad question. Be open to new ideas from the teacher and classmates. Attention must be | |

| |on the teacher in order for things to run smoothly and get as much time with the activities as possible.| |

| |Lastly, Have fun! | |

|Advance Organizer/Agenda|Set up Microsoft 365 | |

| |Class document creation | |

|Transition to Body |Lets all figure out Microsoft 365 together. Based off our discussions, we will then create our posters. |Time: 1 minute |

|Body |Time |

|Learning Activity 1 |Microsoft 365 |20 minutes |

| |Begin by explaining why Microsoft 365 is being used and why it is important | |

| |Get all students to log in and briefly discuss the features | |

| |Begin by setting up a shared class document and get the students to work together to develop a document | |

| |with all aspects of being a digital citizen | |

| |The teacher should lead the document with ideas or topics for digital citizenship | |

| |Ensure all are participating throughout the document | |

|Assessments/ |Formative | |

|Differentiation |Discussion | |

| |Feedback | |

| |Summative | |

| |N/A | |

| |Differentiation | |

| |Allow students to work together as two | |

|Learning Activity 2 |Poster creation |Rest of class |

| |Get students to create a digital poster of all the information created on the document | |

| |The poster should include all topics discussed and their demonstrate their own understandings of being a| |

| |digital citizen | |

| |The teacher should allow the students to choose any digital platform they wish, but needs to look like a| |

| |poster | |

| |The teacher will provide examples for students to use (prezi, easel.ly) | |

| |Explain to the students that they will be graded on this assignment | |

|Assessments/ |Formative | |

|Differentiation |Discussion | |

| |Feedback | |

| |Summative | |

| |N/A | |

| |Differentiation | |

| |Allow students to create a physical poster if they choose | |

| |Allow students to work in partners | |

|Learning Activity 3 | | |

|Assessments/ | | |

|Differentiation | | |

|Learning Activity 4 | | |

|Extra time activity (if time permits): |

|Closure (4 min.): | |

|Assessment of Learning: |What was the most difficult part of this lesson today? | |

| |Was there anything that you need explained more? | |

| |On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being not comfortable, how did you feel participating today? | |

|Feedback from students: |Did you enjoy the research? | |

| |Has anyone heard of this website before? | |

|Feedback to Students: |Excellent job today taking in all this information and remaining focused throughout. | |

|Transition to Next |Next class we will be finishing up our posters | |

|Lesson: | | |

|Reflection |

| |

Lesson Plan #3 – Digital Citizenship II

Grade/Subject: Grade 7/8 Computers Unit: Digital Citizenship Lesson Duration: 40 min

Date: September 28 (gr8) and Oct 2 (gr7), 2015


|General Learning Outcomes: |Specific Learning Outcomes |

|Explore the impact media has on society |2. Explore the impact media has on society with technology, |

| |economics, community, politics |

| | |

| |4. Identify copyright restrictions and permissions and put them |

| |into practice |

|LEARNING OBJECTIVES |Main Driving Question |

|Students will: |What does it mean to be a Digizen and how can we be a Digizen in |

|Explore what it means to be a digital citizen |our school? |

|Understand the choices they make online affects others in some way | |

|Understand basic copyright and use of materials procedures | |


|Observations: Constantly observe students through all activities and see if they |Discussion: Student’s responses to questions posed about |

|understand the concepts taught or need assistance. |the information discussed in class to assess understanding.|

|Written/Performance Assessments: |

|Students will need to demonstrate their understandings of being a digital citizen by participating in the group document. The poster they create will |

|demonstrate their understanding of the material based from the discussion. |


|Computer |

|Microsoft 365 |

|Smart presentation |

|Resources |Class Preparation |

|Alberta Education CTS Program of Study - COM 1015: Media - |Seating plan |

| | |

| | |

| | |


|Introduction (10 min.): |

|Intro |

|Begin by giving a brief Introduction of the class and what will be accomplished |

| |

|As doing the attendance, ask the students if they have any questions before we begin class. |

| |

|After there are no questions, transition to body. |

|Transition to Body |

|Attention Grabber |Everyone saw the presentation last week, so lets gather our understandings based off that presentation. |Time: 1 minute |

|Assessment of Prior |How many have posted something online and felt instant regret? |Time: less than 1 |

|Knowledge | |minute |

|Expectations of student |Every class we will abide by our code of conduct set at the beginning of the year. Every student will |Time: Todays lesson |

|learning and Behaviour |treat one another with respect. No one will call any one names in a derogatory manner, as we are all |this will be skipped|

| |learning a skill that some may have never done or do often. Every student will try their absolute best |as covered in the |

| |and give all their effort for the activities. Any question can be asked at any time during the class, as|intro |

| |no question is a bad question. Be open to new ideas from the teacher and classmates. Attention must be | |

| |on the teacher in order for things to run smoothly and get as much time with the activities as possible.| |

| |Lastly, Have fun! | |

|Advance Organizer/Agenda|Set up Microsoft 365 | |

| |Class document creation | |

|Transition to Body |Lets all figure out Microsoft 365 together. Based off our discussions, we will then create our posters. |Time: 1 minute |

|Body |Time |

|Learning Activity 1 |Poster creation (cont’d) |20 minutes |

| |Get students to create a digital poster of all the information created on the document | |

| |The poster should include all topics discussed and their demonstrate their own understandings of being a| |

| |digital citizen | |

| |The teacher should allow the students to choose any digital platform they wish, but needs to look like a| |

| |poster | |

| |The teacher will provide examples for students to use (prezi, easel.ly) | |

| |Explain to the students that they will be graded on this assignment | |

| | | |

| |Explain that students will only have this class to finish and complete their assignment in which they | |

| |will be graded | |

|Assessments/ |Formative | |

|Differentiation |Discussion | |

| |Feedback | |

| |Summative | |

| |N/A | |

| |Differentiation | |

| |Allow students to work together as two | |

|Learning Activity 2 | |Rest of class |

|Assessments/ | | |

|Differentiation | | |

|Learning Activity 3 | | |

|Assessments/ | | |

|Differentiation | | |

|Learning Activity 4 | | |

|Extra time activity (if time permits): |

|Closure (4 min.): | |

|Assessment of Learning: |What was the most difficult part of this lesson today? | |

| |Was there anything that you need explained more? | |

| |On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being not comfortable, how did you feel participating today? | |

|Feedback from students: |Did you enjoy the research? | |

| |Was the technology used hard to navigate or use? | |

|Feedback to Students: |Excellent job today taking in all this information and remaining focused throughout. | |

|Transition to Next |Next class we will be finishing up our posters and be moving into learning about designing websites | |

|Lesson: | | |

|Reflection |

| |

Lesson Plan #3 – Microsoft 365

Grade/Subject: Grade 7 Computers Unit: Digital Citizenship Lesson Duration: 40 min

Date: September 24, 2015


|General Learning Outcomes: |Specific Learning Outcomes |

|3. analyze various types of media used to communicate ideas and information |3.1  critique sample projects (e.g., professional, student) |

|6. apply consistent and appropriate work station routines |regarding: |

|7. demonstrate basic competencies |3.1.1 intent |

| |3.1.2 project planning and execution; e.g., storyboard, script, |

| |audio, visual |

| |3.1.3 appropriateness of layout |

| |3.1.4 clarity of message |

| |3.1.5 techniques used |

| | |

| |6.1  demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, |

| |positioning of hardware and furniture |

| |6.2  demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and |

| |personal work |

| |7.1  demonstrate fundamental skills to: |

| |7.1.1 communicate |

| |7.1.2 manage information |

| |7.1.3 use numbers |

| |7.1.4 think and solve problems |

| | |

| | |

|LEARNING OBJECTIVES |Main Driving Question |

|Students will: |How are we able to use Microsoft 365 as an entire group? |

|Understand the role of storing all information in one location |What are the possible benefits of this type of software? |

|Demonstrate their competency to understand new technologies | |

|Demonstrate proper usage of the Microsoft software pertaining to class use | |


|Observations: Constantly observe students through all activities and see if they |Discussion: Student’s responses to questions posed about |

|understand the concepts taught or need assistance. |the information discussed in class to assess understanding.|

|Written/Performance Assessments: |

|Students will need to demonstrate their understandings of using Microsoft 365 in an efficient way. Students should be able to understand the |

|connection of the software and use for school. Students should be able to navigate easily through the entire program. |


|Computer |

|Microsoft 365 |

|Power Point |

|Resources |Class Preparation |

|Alberta Education CTS Program of Study - COM 1015: Media - |Seating plan |

| |Power point |

| | |

| | |


|Introduction (5 min.): |

|Intro |

|Bellwork/Attendance |

| |

|Introduction of Mr. Sproule |

| |

|Begin by giving a brief Introduction of the class and what will be accomplished |

| |

|After there are no questions, transition to body. |

|Transition to Body |

|Attention Grabber |Everyone saw the presentation last week, so lets gather our understandings based off that presentation. |Time: 1 minute |

|Assessment of Prior |How many have used Microsoft 365 before? |Time: less than 1 |

|Knowledge | |minute |

|Expectations of student |Every class we will abide by our code of conduct set at the beginning of the year. Every student will |Time: Todays lesson |

|learning and Behaviour |treat one another with respect. No one will call any one names in a derogatory manner, as we are all |this will be skipped|

| |learning a skill that some may have never done or do often. Every student will try their absolute best |as covered in the |

| |and give all their effort for the activities. Any question can be asked at any time during the class, as|intro |

| |no question is a bad question. Be open to new ideas from the teacher and classmates. Attention must be | |

| |on the teacher in order for things to run smoothly and get as much time with the activities as possible.| |

| |Lastly, Have fun! | |

|Advance Organizer/Agenda|Set up Microsoft 365 | |

| |Class document creation | |

|Transition to Body |Lets all figure out Microsoft 365 together. Based off our discussions, we will then maybe create more |Time: 1 minute |

| |cool things on this platform. | |

|Body |Time |

|Learning Activity 1 |Microsoft 365 |30 minutes |

| |Begin by explaining what Microsoft 365 is and why it is important for us at the school | |

| |Start by showing the quick intro video to Microsoft 365 through the power point | |

| |Explain that from this point on, a majority of teachers will be using this program for all documents, | |

| |homework and other things that they see fit. | |

| | | |

| |ASK students if they ever have used a program like this before. | |

| |ASK students if they are excited to use technology like this, or scared. | |

| | | |

| |After, ensure all students are on the website before beginning: | |

| |Explain the log in steps and what to write firstnamelastname@prrd8.ca and the password is the same as | |

| |what they used to get on their computer | |

| |Ensure all students are logged in before moving on | |

| |Once logged in, start taking the students through each of the programs hosted online | |

| |Provide a demonstration on the board for students to follow along. Try to keep it interesting and | |

| |include things that will intrigue them | |

| |Explain to the students that they will be able to collaborate with partners on future assignments and | |

| |easily communicate with their teacher | |

| | | |

| |ASK: What other possible uses could come from this program? | |

| |ASK: Is this easier than our Shared folder to navigate? | |

| |ASK: Can we see any negative downside to using this program in relation to cyber-bullying or others | |

| |trying to steal ideas? | |

| | | |

| |Provide a demonstration and try to set up a class document online for the entire class to add to the | |

| |conversation. | |

| |Get students to add funny photos from Google or simply type in the document. Get them to try as many | |

| |things as possible. | |

| | | |

| |If not, use Padlet as a way to show the similar functions that 365 would provide | |

| | | |

| |In Padlet, there are already premade topics that students could add conversation to about our assignment| |

| |that we began last class | |

| |Students can use this information to transfer into their assignment for different ideas | |

|Assessments/ |Formative | |

|Differentiation |Discussion | |

| |Feedback | |

| |Summative | |

| |N/A | |

| |Differentiation | |

| |Provide cheat sheet of steps on how to navigate the documents online to those students who may need a | |

| |sheet in front of them to read | |

| |Allow students to work with their table buddy to help navigate the pages | |

|Learning Activity 2 |If all goes well with the discovery, try to set up an online document through 365 with all of the |Rest of class |

| |students. | |

| |Get students to try to write down their name on the collaboration space | |

| |Get students to try to add a picture into the space | |

| |Get students to find a link that matters to them and add it to the space | |

| | | |

| |Also, get students to send an email to the teachers email in order to start generating a class list to | |

| |transfer into 365 to share documents | |

|Assessments/ |Formative | |

|Differentiation |Discussion | |

| |Feedback | |

| |Summative | |

| |N/A | |

| |Differentiation | |

| |Allow students to work in pairs to help each other out through the process | |

|Learning Activity 3 | | |

|Assessments/ | | |

|Differentiation | | |

|Learning Activity 4 | | |

|Extra time activity (if time permits): |

|Closure (4 min.): | |

|Assessment of Learning: |What was the most difficult part of this lesson today? | |

| |Was there anything that you need explained more? | |

| |On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being not comfortable, how did you feel participating today? | |

|Feedback from students: |Did you enjoy learning about a new program that will benefit you for your education? | |

| |Was the technology used hard to navigate or easy? | |

|Feedback to Students: |Excellent job today taking in all this information and remaining focused throughout. | |

|Transition to Next |Next class we will be finishing up our posters and be moving into learning about designing websites | |

|Lesson: | | |

|Reflection |

| |

Lesson Plan #3 – Website Creation

Grade/Subject: Grade 7/8 Computers Unit: Website Design Lesson Duration: 40 min

Date: October 4, 2015


|General Learning Outcomes: |Specific Learning Outcomes |

|3. analyze various types of media used to communicate ideas and information |3.1  critique sample projects (e.g., professional, student) |

|6. apply consistent and appropriate work station routines |regarding: |

|7. demonstrate basic competencies |3.1.1 intent |

| |3.1.2 project planning and execution; e.g., storyboard, script, |

| |audio, visual |

| |3.1.3 appropriateness of layout |

| |3.1.4 clarity of message |

| |3.1.5 techniques used |

| | |

| |6.1  demonstrate good health and safety practices; e.g., posture, |

| |positioning of hardware and furniture |

| |6.2  demonstrate security for hardware, software, supplies and |

| |personal work |

| |7.1  demonstrate fundamental skills to: |

| |7.1.1 communicate |

| |7.1.2 manage information |

| |7.1.3 use numbers |

| |7.1.4 think and solve problems |

| | |

| | |

|LEARNING OBJECTIVES |Main Driving Question |

|Students will: |What are the main benefits of creating a visually appealing |

|Understand the elements of basic web design |website? |

|Understand the importance of creating something beautiful | |

|Demonstrate their understanding of using basic web design software |How can we make websites easy to navigate? |


|Observations: Constantly observe students through all activities and see if they |Discussion: Student’s responses to questions posed about |

|understand the concepts taught or need assistance. |the information discussed in class to assess understanding.|

|Written/Performance Assessments: |

|Students will need to demonstrate their understandings of using Weebly to create their own website. They should be able to navigate freely when using |

|the design tools and be able to navigate easily. |


|Computer |

|Weebly |

|Weebly instructions |

|Resources |Class Preparation |

|Alberta Education CTS Program of Study - COM 1015: Media - |Seating plan |

| |Power point |

| | |

| | |


|Introduction (5 min.): |

|Intro |

|Bellwork/Attendance |

| |

|Bellwork: Get students to create a response on the collaboration wall of what they think digital citizenship is, what it looks like, and things to |

|remember |

| |

|Begin by giving a brief Introduction of the class and what will be accomplished |

| |

|After there are no questions, transition to body. |

|Transition to Body |

|Attention Grabber |Ever navigate a website and just say to yourself “that’s awful”? |Time: 1 minute |

|Assessment of Prior |How many have created their own website before? |Time: less than 1 |

|Knowledge | |minute |

|Expectations of student |Every class we will abide by our code of conduct set at the beginning of the year. Every student will |Time: Todays lesson |

|learning and Behaviour |treat one another with respect. No one will call any one names in a derogatory manner, as we are all |this will be skipped|

| |learning a skill that some may have never done or do often. Every student will try their absolute best |as covered in the |

| |and give all their effort for the activities. Any question can be asked at any time during the class, as|intro |

| |no question is a bad question. Be open to new ideas from the teacher and classmates. Attention must be | |

| |on the teacher in order for things to run smoothly and get as much time with the activities as possible.| |

| |Lastly, Have fun! | |

|Advance Organizer/Agenda|Bad websites examples | |

| |Introduction to Weebly | |

| |Weebly navigation and exploration | |

|Transition to Body |Lets begin by learning how to create our own website |Time: 1 minute |

|Body |Time |

|Learning Activity 1 |Website Design |30 minutes |

| |Begin the class by providing bad examples of websites | |

| |Explain to the students that the functionality and look of the website should be appealing to all who | |

| |use it | |

| |Explain that Weebly provides everything for basic website design that is easy to sue and easy on the | |

| |eyes | |

| |Take the students step-by-step in creating their own website | |

| |Explain that their project will be to create a website game that will be navigated in many ways | |

| |The game must have a beginning scenario with two choices, then those two choices will be hosted with 2 | |

| |more questions to give a final scenario | |

| |Get students to use their 365 email to get logged on and sign up for Weebly | |

|Assessments/ |Formative | |

|Differentiation |Discussion | |

| |Feedback | |

| |Summative | |

| |N/A | |

| |Differentiation | |

| |Provide guides for students who need assistance | |

| |Allow students to help out others as we move along | |

|Learning Activity 2 |Begin Creating Game |Rest of class |

| |Students will begin to create their website | |

| |Before beginning, get students to add their link to their site by copying and pasting it into the | |

| |collaboration wall with their name | |

| |Explain the game set up and design in detail to ensure all students understand | |

| |Explain the grading criteria briefly, and what needs to be included | |

|Assessments/ |Formative | |

|Differentiation |Discussion | |

| |Feedback | |

| |Summative | |

| |N/A | |

| |Differentiation | |

| |Allow students to work in pairs to help each other out through the process | |

|Learning Activity 3 | | |

|Assessments/ | | |

|Differentiation | | |

|Learning Activity 4 | | |

|Extra time activity (if time permits): |

|Closure (4 min.): | |

|Assessment of Learning: |What was the most difficult part of this lesson today? | |

| |Was there anything that you need explained more? | |

| |On a scale of 1 to 5, with one being not comfortable, how did you feel participating today? | |

|Feedback from students: |Did you enjoy learning about a new program that will benefit you for your education? | |

| |Was the technology used hard to navigate or easy? | |

|Feedback to Students: |Excellent job today taking in all this information and remaining focused throughout. | |

|Transition to Next |Next class we will continue creating our website games! | |

|Lesson: | | |

|Reflection |

| |


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