From: 'Guy Atkins'

Grayland, Washington Dxpedition – Fall 2001

Yet again, we converged on Grayland from Wednesday, September 19th to Sunday the 23rd. This time we moved the date from our normal July 4th weekend so that we could get a taste of some different conditions and take advantage of the excellent fall conditions. It worked. If you compare this set of loggings with a lot of the previous years’ logs, there’s definitely a different set of stations.


Guy Atkins dx@

Receiver: AOR AR7030 with Lankford sensitivity mod & extra filters.

Accessories: Sharp MD-X5 MD recorder, JPS NIR-12 DSP audio filter, ERGO receiver control software.

Phil Bytheway phil_tekno@

Receivers: R-7/R-8

Accessories: Didn’t have any. Prefers to just fill up his basement with them.

John Bryant bjohn@

Receivers: NRD-535 + Ten-Tec 340

Accessories: ?

Don Nelson ulformat@

Receivers: Anything you can think of, specifically including Watkins–Johnson 8711A, WJ 8712P, HF1000A, TenTec340 with Sherwood SE3 Synchronous Detector, DSP599ZX.

Accessories: There’s not enough space to list them all.

Chuck Hutton chutton1@

Receivers: R8B and R71

Accessories: Radio Plus Phasing Unit, homebrew phasing unit

Bruce Portzer bportzer@

Receiver: Drake R8A

Accessories: Hewlett Packard HP141T Spectrum Analyzer. (Also known as Wind Tunnel Unit or Tsunami Repeller)

Walt Salmaniw salmaniw@

Receiver: ??(he has lots of good ones, but which was there?)

Accessories: ??



Three matched, terminated dual-wire Beverages aimed southwest, west, and northwest. Each antenna was 900 ft. long and either mounted on plastic 6 foot tomato (?) stakes or tree limbs with nothing better to do. All antennas were shared by all DX’ers via matching transformers, ARR preamps and passive splitters. Preamps were located at the antenna / cable junction, with splitting done inside.

Deer bite repairs by Guy Atkins.

Motel management interface: John (The Sweet Talker) Bryant


Here’s a little list of rough distances (in miles) from Washington state to various TP DX targets:

Hawaii 2700

Tahiti 4500

New Zealand 7300

South Korea 5000

Japan 4000 to 5000

China – Urumqui 6000

China – south 6200

China – Beijing 5200

Thailand 7500

Australia – NW 7200

Australia – SW 8000

Australia – W 9000

Vietnam 7200

Philippines 6800

Compare that to these distances from Boston to major TA DX targets:

London 3240

Paris 3440

Madrid 3440

Casablanca 3420

Norway 3400

Yugoslavia 4800

Saudi Arabia 6200

Kuwait 6200

You can see why we hear Japan, Japan, and Japan. It’s a LONG way to a lot of those other places.


[Guy Atkins]

Interesting propagation conditions prevailed during this DXpedition. More often than not we found very little directionality differences between the three antennas. I noticed that prior to local sunrise the normal directionality improved, but usually this was not the case. On most other coastal DXpeditions I've found that lack of directionality often occurs *during* the dawn enhancement period (presumably due to fluctuating arrival angles) rather than the other way around.

Conditions were predominantly Asian on mediumwave, with very little "down under" DX heard. I was disappointed not to hear my favorite South Pacific stations at better and more sustained levels-- 1017 Tonga, 891 Fiji, and 738 Tahiti. However, the variety of signals from elsewhere more than made up for the absence of these favorites.

Indonesian and Papua New Guinea stations on the tropical bands were

occasionally at impressive levels, although I would call the conditions

mostly average on shortwave.

DXers in attendance were Don Nelson, John Bryant, Walt Salmaniw, Phil

Bytheway, Bruce Portzer, Chuck Hutton, and myself. Compared to the others, my loggings from this trip are rather few in number. I look forward to reading John's published logs in particular... he seemed to be writing or typing furiously throughout the DXpedition!

This DXpedition report was made much easier for me with the use of Tom

Lackamp's excellent freeware program "B-Log". It has recently gone through major updates and is currently available as a stable beta version from Tom's web site:

[John Bryant]

The first night, UTC Friday SEP 20, was excellent DX conditions from 1100 to 1400 on the lower part of the band. Most loggings were from Japan, China and the Koreas. Most notable loggings, though, were 1557 Family Radio in EE from TAIWAN and Radio Mayak/Radio Rossii 576. Also somewhat unusual were a large number of NHK1 ststions from Japan, including several lower power outlets.

The second night, UTC Saturday SEP 21, was characterized with excellent DX only from 1100 to about 1230 and then only marginal conditions thereafter. The best frequencies had moved up the dial to the middle and upper segments of the band. Most notable logging was 1323, China Radio International's Russian Service, beamed to the Russian Far East from Urumchi, Xianjiang Province in Central Asia! Don Nelson also managed a brief logging of 864//3260, Madang, Papua New Guinea. He also focused on Hawaii after local dawn here in the Northwest, logging 8 of the more elusive Hawaiians.

The third night, UTC Sunday SEP 22, was very unusual. The middle period, characterized in previous nights by excellent DX from the Pacific and Japan, was limited to a handful of hets. Don Nelson was actually seen playing solitaire on his computer. A few lowband Hawaiians were the only MW DX until about an hour before sunrise. Then, suddenly, the band was alive with audio from modest and small-sized Japanese transmitters and the Big Guns of the Russian and Chinese MW Foreign Services.

The final evening, UTC SEP Monday 23, was also a very fractured DX session with good reception from Japan from about 1130 until 1245 followed by "the bottom dropping out." The final hour and a half was very sparse until just at dawn when the only Philippines station logged suddenly appeared on 1503.

All in all, the September 2001 Grayland DXpedition was our best medium wave DXpedition in about three years, with many new loggings for us all.

[Chuck Hutton]

It was a strange set of conditions. It wasn’t great for Chinese, Japanese, DU’s , or Oceanics. (“Oceanics” is a phrase that really doesn’t mean anything but it sounds more important than “island stations”.) Yet there were interesting things from each of those areas and some good catches.

The very high-latitude paths weren’t great so there was little chance at the exotic stuff like India. Don’t ask me to explain why a few of the Far East Russians were in well while many of the big guns were missing. Ditto Japan – the big guys weren’t so big at all. There were times when I was using 1503 to check NHK1 parallels, not 594! Of course, there were times when 594 was strong. 774 and 747 were never really strong either. In spite of that, Japan was heard on dozens and dozens of frequencies, including the really low powered frequencies like 1593.

Australia was kind of the same; 612 and 792 were OK but not great while some new stations were logged like 1062.

Oceania was fair to poor, but Don Nelson managed to catch Papua New Guinea on 864 which makes me jealous.

Hawaii was definitely in. 620 was local-like and 720 was real close to it. 790 was a new log for me and was a lot easier because it is now // to 620. I could have pulled it out without using the parallel, but it would have taken a bit of waiting. I may have had 1380 also but I couldn’t get anything definitive. The others I need (1060 and 1570) will have to wait for next time as I was busy elsewhere.

I’m pretty sure that there was something at one time or another on every single TP split frequency. I didn’t take the time to verify that, but if any were absent there were certainly just a few of them.

Unlike Guy, I had no complaints about the directivity of the Beverages. I often found Japan alone on one wire and Australia alone on another wire.

Best of show? For me, I guess that would be either the strong reception of Vietnam on 675 or Hawaii on 790 or Philippines on 1503.

Disappointment? Wasting time yet again at sunrise to phase out Japan 1134 in hopes of hearing the 1000 kW Indian from Calcutta. South Korea always spoils the show, with a little help from Australia or New Zealand (I’m not sure which) this time.


531 Who is the pop-rock mx that several of us heard?

738 Bruce’s two stations with pips.

783 What is the format of the NZ station Samoan Capital Radio? If not pop mx, then the weak pop mx was probably one of the Aussies.

909 Who would run the tele-talk show Bruce heard?

1008 What a mix…. Who has // stations that produced echo?

1062 Any thoughts on which Aussie was being heard at which time? The unid oriental language also heard?

1161 Who is likely to be the weak DU heard just after sunrise?

1179 An interesting stn heard by Bruce, Chuck and maybe others too.

1215 No real strong possibilities as best I know.


180 RUSSIA  unid Russian, either Kamchatka Radio, or Chita, as listed in B. Portzer's Asia-Pacific Log at 11:12 with weak audio.  Parallel stronger 189, Belogorsk was fair with Radio Rossii, though 180 was fractionally behind 189 kHz.  Also parallel to 234 (Magadan).  243 Primorskoe Radio, Razdolnoe also heard, but not sure if it was also in parallel.  (Salmaniw, Grayland,WA 21 Sept).

180 RUSSIA, Petropavlovsk/Chita, R Rossii, Russian vocal music 1319 9/22, fair, //189 (bp WA)

180 RUSSIA R. Rossii, Petropavlovsk, FE SEP 21 1330 - Heard well with RR programming // with 189 kHz. (Bryant-WA)

189 RUSSIA R. Rossii, Belogorsk, SEP 21 1330 - Heard at excellent level. (Bryant-WA)

189 RUSSIA, Belogorsk, R Rossii vocal music, woman announcer in Russian //180 1319 9/22 (bp WA)

243 RUSSIA, Razdo1noe, 320 9/22 Russian talk good-fair under beacon QRM (bp WA)

530 ALASKA ADK, Adak 9/22/01 0624 lots of code IDs mixing with SQM. (btw-WA)

531 JAPAN JOQG NHK 1 Morioka SEP 20, 1305 to 1330 - Noted in parallel with other NHK 1 stations running special news account (in JJ) of America's War on Terrorism. Fair signal. (Bryant-WA)

531 UNIDENTIFIED , Sep 22 1200 - US 1950's song 'Rock Around the Clock' noted here briefly before fading into the noise. Possible 1XPI Auckland. (ATKINS-WA)

531 UNID 9/23 at 1038 with a man talking in a language I could not identify, but was not JJ. I bet this was 1XPI New Zealand which is supposed to be in “island languages”. (CH)

531 UNID 9/22 1221 with “Let Your Love Flow” and other pop hits at fair-poor level. I have no idea which of the possible Australia and New Zealand stations this was. (CH)

540 MEXICO XEJAZZ? BC, Tijuana 9/22/01 0658 classical music, talk mentioning Tijuana after Mexican NA at TOH… into Carmen. (btw-WA)

550 HAWAII Wailuku KMVI, Sep 22 1203 - Excellent signal on all Beverage antennas. Ads for Maui businesses including 'Uncle '. ID as 'You're in the zone for sports 24 hours a day, seven days a week... SportsZone 55, KMVI Wailuku'. (ATKINS-WA)

550 HAWAII, Wailuku, KMVI, 0847 9/22 local (Maui) ads mixing with KOAC(bp WA)

550 HAWAII KMVI Wailuku, SEP 22 0900 - Heard with ESPN Radio coverage fair to poor under KARI, Blaine, WA. Hrd also at 1200 with much better signal and several Ids. Still carrying ESPN Radio. (Bryant-WA)

550 HAWAII KMVI, 0850-0910 22-Sep, ESPN radio. ID after ToH for KMVI. 1207-1230 22-Sep, ESPN with auto racing, Ids. (Nelson-WA)

558 FIJI Radio One, Sep 22 1237 - Island choral music at fair level; fading down by 1243. Tentative. (ATKINS-WA)

558 Fiji Naulu 9/22/01 1322 noted loud in passing. (btw-WA)

558 JAPAN JOCR Kobe, SEP 21 1130 - AM Kobe noted in passing with JJ talk by men. Fair level. Also noted on SEP 22; heard well at SEP 23 1410. (Bryant-WA)

558 JAPAN JOCR- Kobe, 1357-1430 22-Sep, M and F in Japanese (Nelson-WA)

567 JAPAN, Sapporo, JOIK, 1126 9/22 fair with talk in Japanese (bp WA)

567 JAPAN JOIK NHK1 Sapporo SEP 21 1215-1230 - Noted with JJ talk weakly in parallel with NHK1 Tokyo, 594 kHz. Also heard SEP 22. (Bryant-WA)

570 HAWAII KONG Lihue SEP 22 1205 - Heard at good level with local weather, IDs, etc after network news. Good level. (Bryant-WA)

570 HAWAII, KONG, 1158-1230 22-Sep, Ads for computer hardware, ID as AM 570 (mixing with another station cochannel at this time), ID ToH as "Kuai's Kong" then into national CBS news feed ) At 8:00(1207 Mx "Spirit in the Sky" fades up then down again. And back up. Fadeup of talk discussion on Vietnam and Agent Orange. AD for aging slowdown HDH to slow down aging. Ultimate HGH. at (13:50). Great American Products 1-800-557-4627. Talking about catestrophic events with authors, Mark in LA on caller line. Program is called Coast-to-Coast AM. at 18:00. Talking to man with daughter going to Baptist college. Then talking with a young lady - Generation Xers to fight the war. Pop mx at 1328. KONG AM 570 ID at 1329 then --" interaction with program on topics that affect each of us on Kuai. Irontalk, every Tuesday from 11 am on KONG AM 5-70..Keep listening." Smart listening topic of day -- phone cards. Home cooked meal ID -- Check new idea on internet - dinner idea from Reynolds wrap. From compuserve 2000. Kaui 25 social service agencies id on our isolated island. many mentions of Kaui. Kaui (this was United Way AD). Ad -- need help for YWCA call 245-5959 to sign up, carpentry skills needed. -. AD Coast to Coast AM trans-70. Into pop mx -- "Kodachrome" (Nelson-WA)

576 RUSSIA, Khabarovsk et al, Mayak pgm loud with Russian talk and pop tune sung in English 1353 9/22 (bp WA)

576 RUSSIA R. Mayak/R. Rossii(?), Petropavlovsk, FE (presumed location) SEP 20 1330 to 1406 - Was stunned to hear the old Radio Moscow IS "Moscow Nights" on chimes as I tuned across 576 at 1330. The chimed version was followed by a brief orchestral version and then R. Mayak/R. Rossii programming continued in RR. Was a mixture of RR talk and pop tunes until 1400. At 1400, there were only three notes of the Moscow Nights chimes followed by an abrupt program change to the few bars of music that normally follow BBCs Big Ben and lead in to the BBC News in EE. This is EXACTLY what followed. The BBC news in EE was still going at 1406 when the signal faded abruptly due to local dawn here in the Pacific Northwest. Who knew? Also heard at 1346 on SEP 22. (Bryant-WA)

576 RUSSIA Petropavlovsk 09/22 1346 with a really nice signal noted after an alert from John Bryant. This guy is often heard at Grayland. In spite of the very good signal, I heard not a peep from 1008 or 1575 from that corner of Russia. (CH)

576 RUSSIA, R Mayak, 1329-1340 20-Sep, "Russian nights" theme on until 1330 then into Russian dialect. Unfortunately, there are 3 transmitters in Russia listed on this MW frequency. At recheck of 1400, they were carrying BBC World News. 1357-1415 22-Sep, Russian language, followed by Bells IS at 1358. After ToH, into EE report on the Taliban. (Nelson-WA)

585 RUSSIA Foreign Service, Belogorsk SEP 22 1347-1401 - Russian Foreign Service to China noted with traditional Russian music programming and talk in Beijing dialect Chinese and, at the hour, in Russian. Program closed with the old Radio Moscow Interval Signal of "Moscow Nights" played on a stringed instrument. Excellent, fading to poor level at close. (Bryant-WA)

585 JAPAN JOPG Kushiro SEP 22 1401 - NHK1 programming noted in parallel to 594 kHz. as the Russian Foreign Service signal faded down. Fair signal until band fade at 1430 dawn. (Bryant-WA)

585 RUSSIA, Belogorsk, Voice of Russia Chinese service good 1349 9/22(bp WA)

585 TAIWAN, Chinese MW station, 1348-1400 22-Sep, M and F in Chinese. At 1355 into "Moscow Nights" IS of R Mayak over the Chinese station (Nelson-WA)

590 HAWAII, KSSK, 1400 21-Sep, ID for KSSK heard under Eugene, Oregon station (Nelson-WA)

594 JAPAN Tokyo JOAK, Sep 21 1128 - Male and female announcers in JJ and bamboo flute music. Mentions of Tokyo 1130. Fair-gd. (ATKINS-WA)

594 JAPAN, Tokyo, JOAK, 1355 9/22 strong with Japanese talk (bp WA)

594 JAPAN JOBK NHK 1 Tokyo SEP 20, 1305 to 1330 - Noted in parallel with other NHK 1 stations running special news account (in JJ) of America's War on Terrorism. Excellent signal all night and usually the strongest NHK1 station. Also hrd SEP 21, 22, 23 (Bryant-WA)

603 UNID, possible Chinese talk 1348 9/22, quickly lost (bp WA)

612 AUSTRALIA, Brisbane, 4QR, 1404 9/23 good-fair with ABC news, "612 ABC Brisbane" ID (bp WA)

612 AUSTRALIA Brisbane 4QR, Sep 22 1304 - Female announcer with 'ABC regional news' and into Queensland weather. Fair. (ATKINS-WA)

612 AUSTRALIA 4QR Brisbane good 9/22 at 1247 with a long list of upcoming events in various cities. It was good but not stunningly strong as it has been on other Grayland Dxpeditions. (CH)

612 JAPAN JOLK NHK1 Fukuoka SEP 22 1405 - JJ NHK1 programming noted in parallel with 594 kHz. at fair level. (Bryant-WA)

612 AUSTRALIA 4QR Brisbane SEP 23 1340 - Heard with ABC talk show at fair level. (Bryant-WA)

620 HAWAII - KIPA Hilo SEP 22 1154 - Heard parallel to much weaker KKON, Kona, 690 with music program and local IDs. Net news on the hour. Good signal. (Bryant-WA)

620 HAWAII, Hilo, KIPA, 0940 9/22 way atop w/soft oldies, "AM 620 & 790, Rainbow Radio" slogan & ads (bp WA)

620 HAWAII KIPA Hilo way, way on top and basically local-like 9/22 at 1130. It was as strong as any Hawaiian and was even heard on a Radio Shack TRF with no external antenna. It announces as “the Rainbow Network” and mentions being parallel with 790. Normally they also announce the synchronous transmitters also. (CH)

620 HAWAII KIPA, Naalehi 9/22/01 1141 //620 with music and "rainbow network" ID at 1151. (btw-WA)

620 HAWAII KIPA, 0925-1010 22-Sep, parallel with 790 with "Rainbow Radio for the Big Island of Hawaii", and pop mx prgrm. Note that there are 3 KIPA transmitters around the island on 620 (Nelson-WA)

639 CHINA, CNR1, 1342 9/22 man in Chinese either via phone or poor quality audio feed, slight echo from a parallel co-channel transmitter, seemed //4460 (which had UTE QRM), very echo-ey at 1357 recheck (bp WA)

639 China various 9/22/01 1344 noted in CC //4490. (btw-WA)

639 JAPAN JOPB NHK2 Shizuoka SEP 23 1342-1405 - Noted at fair to poor level with NHK2 programming parallel to 774 kHz. (Bryant-WA)

650 ALASKA, KENI, 1255-1330 22-Sep, Ads for US Marine recruiting. Discussion of departures of USAF for overseas from a local base.(Nelson-WA)

650 HAWAII KHNR Honolulu SEP 21 1409-1420 - Heard at good level with lengthy network news. Local promo for SF Giants baseball on KHNR at commercial break. BC station phased out. Faded out due to local dawn in Pacific Northwest. (Bryant-WA)

650 HAWAII, KUME, 1358 21-Sep, At good levels with ID after the hour (recheck the Minidisk for more details) (Nelson-WA)

657 NORTH KOREA, Pyongyang, 1307 9/22 strident talk in Korean (bp WA)

657 NORTH KOREA Pyongyang 1319 9/22 fair-poor with a man talking away. (CH)

657 NORTH KOREA Pyongyang Pansong, Kangnam (pres.) SEP 20 0950 - M+W in KK noted in passing with good signal; by 1124 noted at fair level //3250 kHz. (Bryant-WA)

657 UNID DU but who? Poor signal 9/23 1337 woman talking (seemingly in EE but I am not sure) then folk song and later folky flute music. Or so I think – it was that kind of music and QRM that make you think you are hearing one kind of music now and a different kind later. NZ is said to be gospel mx so this must be one of the Australians. (CH)

666 JAPAN JOBK NHK 1 Osaka SEP 20, 1305 to 1330 - Noted in parallel with other NHK 1 stations running special news account (in JJ) of America's War on Terrorism. Good signal. Also hrd SEP 21, 23. (Bryant-WA)

675 VIETNAM Hanoi 9/22 at various times from 1322 to 1406 with a nice signal, easily clear enough for a non-DXing Vietnamese colleague to listen to later. At the top of the hour there was a few seconds of chimes (possibly a short IS), 5 medium and 1 long pips, a nice ID as “This is a broadcast from the People’s Army Station”, and a minute or so of martial music that may have been an anthem. Quite clear. The listed “350 kw?” power in Bruce’s Pacific-Asian Log” seems fairly reasonable. Translation provided by Vietnamese native Duc Phan who could not understand how and why we had received this signal! This is of course Bruce’s unid below. In retrospect, our guess of “Chinese-like language but not Chinese” was reasonably close. (CH)

675 UNID, probably China or Taiwan, 1330-1341 9/22, in what sounded like a Chinese minority language (not Mandarin), mostly brief talks with a couple of distinctive Chinese musical riffs, good signal at times. Any ideas? Have recording available (bp WA)

684 JAPAN NHK1 Synchros SEP 22 1240 - Heard in parallel to 594 at fair level. (Bryant-WA)

684 UNID 9/23 1342 with strange sounding folk mx that I could not place. (CH)

690 CANADA, CBC-1, 1342-1400 22-Sep, Hawaiian guitar music then into F with EE timecheck for 17 before 7 o’clock (this is local BC time, not a Hawaiian station. Then CBC-1 Radio Ad. (Nelson-WA)

693 JAPAN JOAB NHK2 Tokyo SEP 20 0950 - Noted in parallel with other NHK2 stations with beginning EE lessons for children with excellent signal. Also hrd SEP 21, 22, 23 (Bryant-WA)

693 JAPAN JOAB Tokyo 9/23 1344 good signal but not quite the equal of 774 or 747. (CH)

693 JAPAN, JOAB Tokyo, 0954-1030 20-Sep, English lessons -- 15 minutes covering "here we go." ID at 1025 welcoming the listeners to NHK's English lessons (Nelson-WA)

702 JAPAN NHK2 Synchros, likely Kitami, SEP 22 1242 - Noted at weak level, parallel to 774. (Bryant-WA)

720 HAWAII, Eleele, KUAI, 1259 9/22 "720 KUAI, Eleele, Kauai" ID into CNN nx (bp WA)

720 HAWAII KUAI Lihue 9/22 1227 totally on top and alone with KDWN phased out. I had just bought the Theresa Bright CD they were playing and it was almost as enjoyable through 2600 miles of ionosphere as at home. (CH)

720 HAWAII, KUAI, 0914-0940 22-Sep, Pop mx program under talk show; recheck MD recording. 1149-1230 22-Sep, Hawaiin mx prgrm and full id at 1213. (Nelson-WA)

729 CHINA, Nanchang, 1308 9/22 what sounded like news/feature program, back-to-back IDs as "Jiangxi Renmim Guangbo Diantai" by man & woman. Good signal, easily separated from 730 domestics (bp WA)

729 CHINA Nanchang 9/22 1308 after an alert from Bruce Portzer. Listed as 150 kw but either conditions were very good to that particular area or they run more power. They were no problem to separate from 730 and they were on top of the monkey chatter. (CH)

729 JAPAN JOCK NHK 1 Nagoya SEP 20, 1305 to 1330 - Noted in parallel with other NHK 1 stations running special news account (in JJ) of America's War on Terrorism. Fair signal. (Bryant-WA)

738 AUSTRALIA 2NR assumed as the DU station with news way under Taiwan 9/22 at 1405. A third station was also under Taiwan. (CH)

738 UNID, Several stations mixing 1358 9/22, two time signals at 1400, one had 3 pips and a 2 second tone, the other had 2 pips and a 3 second tone. Woman with possible ID in Chinese followed, probably the Fishery station which was dominant //1143 a few minutes later, but didn't sound like listed Yuye Guangbo Diantai. Recording available if someone wants to listen it.(bp WA)

738 UNID, 1424 20-Sep, low level EE vocal music and anncr off SW wire - possible NZ or Aus (Nelson-WA)

738 TAIWAN 9/22 1405 fair to sometimes good peaks // 1143 andeasily separable from 740. (CH)

738 FRENCH POLYNESIA, Papeete, R Tahiti, 0842 9/22 good w/French songs & male/female announcers (bp WA)

738 Tahiti Papeete 9/22/01 1312 FF talk noted in passing. (btw-WA)

738 TAHITI, RFO Tahiti, 1001-1030 21-Sep, Fading in and out (deep fades) with M in French. (Nelson-WA)

738 Taiwan Penghu 9/22/01 noted in //1143. (btw-WA)

747 JAPAN, Sapporo, JOIB, 1410 9/22 good w/end of Radio Japan news in English, then back into Japanese (bp WA)

747 JAPAN JOIB NHK2 Sapporo SEP 20 0950 - Noted in parallel with other NHK2 stations with beginning EE lessons for children with good signal. Also heard SEP 21, 22, 23 (Bryant-WA)

747 JAPAN, JOIB Sapporo, 1415-1419 20-Sep, NHK-2 program with many MW parallels. Faded before ID time of 1420. (Nelson-WA)

756 JAPAN JOGK NHK1 Kumamoto SEP 22 1246 - Noted at fair level in parallel to 594. (Bryant-WA)

756 NEW ZEALAND 1YA National Radio, Auckland fair with 6 pips, ID and news at 1200 9/22. (CH)

756 UNID with fair signal and smooth jazz 09/22 at 1151. I assume this was New Zealand that was heard a little later. (CH)

760 HAWAII, KGU, 1400 21-Sep, Pop mx then ID "you're listening to Hawaii's ................

In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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