The Language of Science

The Language of Science

The main reason students find it difficult to understand science is because of all the hard to write, spell and read words. Actually, scientific vocabulary is a hodge podge of little words that are linked together to have different meanings. If you learn the meanings of the little words, you'll find scientific vocabulary much easier to understand.

|Word |Word |

|Meaning |Meaning |

| | |

|a or an |hemo |

|not or non |blood |

| | |

|meso |hyper |

|middle |above |

| | |

|endo |hypo |

|inner, inside |below |

| | |

|aero |intra |

|needing oxygen or air |within, inside |

| | |

|anti |itis |

|against |disease, inflammation |

| | |

|amphi |lateral |

|both, doubly |side |

| | |

|aqua |logy |

|water |study of |

| | |

|arthro |lys |

|joint |break down |

| | |

|auto |meter |

|self |measurement |

| | |

|bi |mono |

|two, twice, double |one, single |

| | |

|bio |morph |

|life, living |form |

| | |

|cephal |micro |

|head |small |

| | |

|chloro |macro |

|green |large |

| | |

|chromo |multi |

|color |many |

| | |

|cide |pod |

|killer, kill, killing |foot |

| | |

|cyto |phobia |

|cell |dislike, fear |

| | |

|derm |philia |

|skin |like |

| | |

|di |plasm |

|two, double |form |

| | |

|ecto (exo) |proto |

|outer, external |first |

| | |

|endo |photo |

|internal |light |

| | |

|epi |poly |

|above |many |

| | |

|gastro |synthesis |

|stomach |to make |

| | |

|genesis |sub |

|origin, beginning |lesser, below |

| | |

|herba |troph |

|plants |eat, consume |

| | |

|hetero |therm |

|different |heat |

| | |

|homo |tri |

|alike, similar |three |

| | |

|hydro |zoo, zoa |

|water |animal |

| | |

Name: __________________________________ Date: _____________ Class: ________________

|Directions: Use the prefixes and suffixes above to guess the meaning of the following words or to make words for the given definitions |

|1. Example: Cytology answer: study of cells |

|2. Protoplasm |

|3. Hypothermia |

|4. Autotroph |

|5. Heterotroph |

|6. Biotic |

|7. Abiotic |

|8. Endocytosis |

|9. Ectocytosis |

|10. Aerobic |

|11. Anerobic |

|12. Endotherm |

|13. Ectotherm |

|14. Monozoa |

|15. Example: to make many answer: polysynthesis |

|16. study of large living things |

|17. study of small living things |

|18. different beginnings |

|19. lesser (below) form |

|20. against breaking down |

|21. Fear of animals |

|22. Love of green |


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