Chapter 5 Worksheet - Cengage

Chapter 5 Worksheet


|Word Clue |

|A love style that involves selflessness and giving, without expecting anything in return. |

|A love style that is a calm, soothing, nonsexual love devoid of intense passion. |

|A type of jealousy that includes obsessive ruminations about the partners alleged infidelity that make one's life a |

|miserable emotional torment. |

|A type of love that is characterized by such beliefs as “love at first sight,” and “If I were really in love, I would |

|marry someone I had known for only a short time.” |

|A term to describe people who require constant affirmation from a partner as to their worth, and may cling desperately |

|to that person out of fear of being abandoned. |

| A marriage that results when people marry someone immediately after another person has ended a relationship with them.|

|The money and |

|An agreement that specifies how property will be divided if the marriage ends in divorce or when it ends by the death |

|of one partner. |

|A time in which the partners are emotionally committed, are sexually monogamous, and are focused on wedding |

|preparations. |

|A type of jealousy that involves an attack at the partner or the alleged person to whom the partner is showing |

|attention. |

|A theory that emphasizes that mate selection is based on assessing who offers the greatest rewards at the lowest cost. |

|A love style where the lover feels intense emotion and sexual passion but is out of control. |

|A type of relationship characterized by an emotional or sexual involvement between a member of a pair and someone other|

|than the partner. |

|An emotional response to a perceived or real threat to an important or valued relationship. |

|A type of love that is characterized by the tendency to idealize the love partner. |

Matching – Match the term on the left to the description on the right.

|Arranged marriage | |

| |A type of love that is characterized by companionship, calmness, comfort, and security. |

|Endogamy | |

| |A love style based on passion and romance. |

|Exogamy | |

| |A term that describes individual initiative toward sameness or “likes attract.” |

|Ludic | |

| |The imbalance of the ratio of marriageable-aged men to marriageable-aged women. |

|Pragma | |

| |A type of jealousy that consists of feelings that are a reaction to something the partner is doing |

|Religion | |

| |A theoretical perspective that suggests a biological basis for all social behavior-including mate selection. |


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