Word Root Checklist

A Greek Word Root Checklist for Students in the Health ProfessionsSource: Crutchfield, Roger S. English Vocabulary Quick Reference. Leesburg, VA: Lexadyne Publishing, 2009._____ a, an (not, without)_____ aero (air)_____ ana (up, back, again, against, throughout)_____ andr/o (male, man, stamen)_____ arthr/o (joint)_____ auto (self, same)_____ bio (life)_____ blast/o (cell, cell layer, immature cell, primitive bud)_____ cardi/o (heart, orfice)_____ cata (down, completely, thoroughly, against, intensive, according to)_____ caust, caut (to burn)_____ cephal/o (head); encephal/o (brain)_____ crani/o (skull, cranium)_____ cryo (cold)_____ cyan/o (blue)_____ cyt/o, -cyte (cell)_____ dactyl/o (finger, toe, digit)_____ derma, derm, dermat/o (skin)_____ di, diplo (two, double)_____ dont, odont/o (tooth, teeth)_____ ecto (outside)_____ endo (inside)_____ ep, epi (on, upon, outside, over, among, at, after, to)_____ erg/o (work)_____ erythr/o (red)_____ eu (good, well)_____ gam/o, gameto, -gamy (marriage, sexual union, gamete, united)_____ gastr/o (stomach)_____ gen/o, -gene, --genesis (production, formation, generation, origin, cause, birth, kind, race)_____ hem/o, hemat/o, hema, -emia, -aemia (blood, blood condition)_____ hepat/o (liver):_____ hetero (different, other)_____ homo, homoio, homeo (same, similar, equal)_____ hydr/o (water, hydrogen, liquid)_____ hyp, hypo (under, below, less)_____ hyper (above, excessive, beyond, over)_____ iatr/o (healing, medical treatment)_____ -ics (study of, science, skill, practice, knowledge)_____ idio (peculiar, personal, distinct)_____ iso- (equal, same)_____ -itis (inflammation)_____ kine, kinet, kinemat (motion, division)_____ leuk/o, leuc/o (white, colorless)_____ lip/o (fat)_____ mania (excessive desire, mental aberration)_____ mega, megal/o, -megaly (large, great, million)_____ melan/o (black)_____ meso (middle)_____ meta- (change, between, after, beyond)_____ meter, metr, metry (measure, to measure, science of measuring)_____ micro- (small, millionth)_____ mono, mon- (one, single, alone)_____ morph/o (form)_____ my/o (muscle)_____ necr/o (dead death)_____ neo (new, recent)_____ nephr/o (kidney)_____ neur/o (nerve)_____ -ology, -logy (study of, science)_____ op, ops, opt/o, opthamal/o, opia, opsy (eye, visual condition, vision, sight, inspection)_____ ortho (straight, correct, vertical, perpendicular)_____ oste/o (bone)_____ para (1: beside, beyond, abnormal, variation, assistant)_____ para (2: protection from)_____ path/o, -pathy (disease, feeling)_____ ped/o (child)_____ pept, peps (digestion)_____ peri- (around)_____ phag, phage (to eat)_____ phon/o, -phone, -phony (sound, voice)_____ phor, -phore (to bear, to produce, to carry, state)_____ phot/o (light)_____ physi/o (nature, physical)_____ phyt/o, -phyte (plant, to grow)_____ plas, plast, plasm, -plasty (to form, forming cells or tissue, protoplasm, development)_____ pneum/o, pneumon/o, pneumat/o, -pnea, -pnoea (breathing, lung, air, spirit)_____ pod, -pode (foot, feet)_____ poly (many)_____ psych/o (mind, soul, mental process)_____ rhin/o (nose)_____ rhod/o (red)_____ rrhea, rrhoea, rrhag (flow, excessive flow, discharge)_____ scler/o (hard)_____ scop, -scope, -scopy (to view, examine, to observe)_____ spor/o. spori (spore, to sow)_____ syn-, sym-, syl-, sys- (together, same)_____ therm/o (heat, temperature)_____ tom, -tome, -tomy, stomy (to cut)_____ troph/o, -trophy (nourishment)_____ zyg/o (pair) ................

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