Enlightenment Word Scramble (1500-1800)

Enlightenment Word Scramble (1500-1800)


1. neficsict demtho __________________________________________

• A new approach to scientific study that combined observation and reason.

2. olagile igialel __________________________________________

• Italian astronomer who used the telescope to prove that the planets move around the sun. He also proved that the sun and moon had imperfect surfaces. He was condemned as a heretic.

3. snluacio pcnrusioec ___________________________________________

• Polish mathematician and astronomer who played a major role in developing the scientific method. He taught that the earth was not the center of the universe as Ptolemy had taught.

4. mesaibor epra ____________________________________________

• French physician who developed an ointment that could be applied to wounds and also developed a technique for closing wounds with stitches.

5. aasci ntweon ____________________________________________

• English mathematician who invented calculus to prove his theories. His most important contribution to science was his mathematical formula for the law of gravity.

6. oythc ebhar _____________________________________________

• He built an observatory to study planets and stars, but observed them with the naked eye.

7. supalserca ______________________________________________

• Swiss physician who experimented with chemistry and said that chemical changes are possible. He was known for healing the sick.

8. mllwaii yhreva _______________________________________________

• Englishman who studied the circulation of the blood through the body and showed that the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood through arteries and veins.

9. nnsejhao plkere ________________________________________________

• German astronomer and mathematician who proved Copernicus’ theories to be true and stated that the planets move in an ellipse orbit.

10. eanasrd uivsslea ________________________________________________

• Italian professor of anatomy who wrote On the Structure of the Human Body and made accurate drawings of the human body.

Thinkers: During the Enlightenment, philosophers felt that they could use reason to discover the natural laws that governed human behavior. As a result, the Enlightenment is also called the Age of Reason. According to philosophers, enlightened people could perfect themselves and society.

11. stmoha shebob ________________________________________________

• English philosopher who published his ideas in Leviathan. He said that the best government was one where the ruler had absolute power because without a strong government, people would constantly fight among themselves. People should not be allowed to rebel against a tyrant!

12. hnoj ekolc ________________________________________________

• He published Two Treatises on Government and believed that the purpose of government was to create order in society. He had an optimistic view of human nature and argued that if a ruler was a tyrant, the people had the right to rebel. He also believed in the peoples’ rights to life, liberty and property.

13. usqtomneuei _______________________________________________

• French philosophe who believed in 3 branches of government: legislative, executive and judiciary --- and advocated a system of checks and balances.

14. sphesolihop _______________________________________________

• French word meaning philosopher; middle-class, well-educated men who were confident that the use of science and reason would lead to human progress. They often gathered in Paris. Their beliefs included:

1. religious tolerance

2. freedom of speech and press

3. criticized censorship

4. encouraged education

5. spoke out against torture

6. humane treatment for mentally ill

15. sidne tdidoer _______________________________________________

• French philosophe who put together a 35-volume Encyclopedia, which contained the articles of many philosophes. Most articles were devoted to science and technology. The Catholic Church banned the Encyclopedia for its anti-religious articles criticizing persecution.

16. ervtloia ________________________________________________

• French philosophe (Francois Marie Arouet) who became popular through his witty plays and novels and also for his pamphlets attacking the evils of society. He argued for common sense, religious tolerance and freedom of thought. One of his most famous works is Candide.

17. njae qcajseu ssuruaeo ____________________________________

• Swiss philosophe who came from a poor family and believed that society corrupted people who were basically good. He wrote Social Contract in which he described an ideal society where people made a contract with each other and not with a ruler. He believed in equality of all people.

18. ystpacrhiso _______________________________________________

• A group of philosophes who searched for natural laws to explain economics. They opposed mercantilism --- said that the land and farming were the true source of wealth. They favored a free market where goods could be bought and sold without government controls.

19. losnas _______________________________________________

• Informal gatherings in Paris held by wealthy women…writers, musicians, painters and philosophes presented works and exchanged ideas.

20. emdaam ed frfngioe _________________________________________

• A middle-class woman who began holding salons in Paris.


21. erggoe kfderecir lahedn ____________________________________

• German composer who eventually settled in England. Operas were his primary interest. He is also known for his water music and Messiah.

22. znrfa ehjpso yndah ____________________________________

• Austrian composer known for his symphonies. He wrote 125 symphonies, 31 concertos, 77 quartets and over 300 compositions for wind and string instruments. He has been called the “Inventor of the symphony.”

23. nhjnoa stsnaaibe cbah ____________________________________

• German composer who is best known for his religious music. He composed over 1000 works.

24. gngwloaf dmauaes ztrmoa ____________________________________

• Austrian child genius who began composing before age 5 and played for empress Maria Theresa at age 6. He wrote over 600 musical works and performed in the salons of Paris. His works include symphonies, operas and church music. He died at the age of 35.

25. gwduli nav thebenvoe ____________________________________

• German composer who became deaf around the age of 30. He wrote sonatas, symphonies and piano concertos.


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