WORD SEARCH PROJECT - sheffield.k12.oh.us



Create a word search containing only 15 of the OAT Unit 7 Terms.

• Hide your 15 terms in a word search fashion in one of the grids provided.

Do not use spaces for multiple term words. Ex: Magna Carta = magnacarta

• Create an answer key for the word search. Use the second grid sheet for this.

• Surround your terms in your puzzle with random letters, filling the entire grid.

• On a separate sheet of paper, write clues in a cross word puzzle fashion to help the

searcher know which terms to find. This can be typed and printed out.

Ex: written to limit the powers of the king. Ans: Magna Carta

• Create an answer key for your clues. This can be done on the back of your answer grid.

Worth 50 points. 10 points off each day late. Neatness is very important. Points will be taken off for sloppy work. I will choose 4 puzzles to present to the class to complete for homework. The winners will not be required to do this, but may do so for the fun of it.


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