Spelling Homework Menu

Spelling Homework Menu: 2nd Trimester

(Wednesday and Thursday Spelling Choices)

These are suggested activities that you may do at home to help you learn your weekly spelling words.  You do not need to turn them in.  Have fun ϑ

|1. Spelling City |2. Chalk Words |3. ABC Order |4. Typing |

| |Practice writing your spelling words |Write your spelling words in ABC |Type your words on a computer (by yourself). Try |

|Type your words into |outside in chalk! |(alphabetical) order |out some different fonts for each word! |

| and play a few | | | |

|games with your spelling words! | | | |

|5. Sparkle! |6. Create! |7. Jump and Spell |8. Delicious Words |

|Play sparkle with a family member |Create your own way/game to practice |Practice spelling while jump roping! | |

|or friend. Remember to use all of |your spelling words. | |Spray a small amount of whipped cream (or anything|

|your words! | | |you can eat) on a plate and spread it out. Write |

| | | |your spelling words in the whipped cream and be |

| | | |sure to clean up afterwards… yummy! |

|9. 3-d Words |10. Vowel Spotlight |11. Word Search |12. Practice Test |

|Write out your spelling words | |Create a word search with your spelling | |

|using playdough or clay. |Write your words using one color for |words. Then find and circle your words! |Take a practice test with your spelling words. |

| |the vowels and another color for the |You can also make a word puzzle at |Rewrite the words that were misspelled. |

| |consonants. | | |

| |(vowels: a, e, i, o, u) | | |

|13. Hidden Words |14. Letter Writing |15. Sign Your Words |16. Toss a Word |

|Draw a picture and write your |Write a friendly letter to a teacher |Use sign language finger spelling to sign |Toss (or roll) a ball back and forth with a |

|spelling words in the picture. Try|or friend using each of your spelling |the spelling of your words. Check out |partner. You say the 1st letter, and then toss and|

|to hide the words! |words. Underline the spelling words |Unity Kid’s site |your partner says 2nd letter, and so forth. |

| |that you use in your letter | | |

| | |to see animated hands making the letters | |

| | |so you can practice! | |


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