Homework - Class 1.2 & 1.3

My Weekly Homework

Name: _______________________

Word Study Words

1. me 5. go

2. they 6. girl

3. you 7. gate

4. and 8. give

Monday: Write each word three times









Tuesday Fill in the blanks with the correct word.

Wednesday – unscramble the word to make sentences.

1. Cassandra is a __________. (lrig)

2. Don’t forget to close the __________ after you leave! (tgea)

3. As soon as the kids saw the candy, ___________ smiled. (yhte)

4. I like to _____ Trick-or-Treating. (og)

5. I love Halloween because people give ______ candy. (em)

6. It feels nice to receive, but it feels even better to __________. (igve)

7. How are __________ today? (oyu)

8. I like to eat apples __________ bananas. (nad)

Thursday *Find and circle the hidden words.

|g |o |r |g |e |t |c |i |t |

|q |p |a |d |a |g |y |g |h |

|d |g |s |y |w |t |u |l |e |

|j |m |n |o |h |r |e |h |y |

|z |e |y |u |b |o |o |i |p |

|k |a |l |v |a |g |m |g |u |

|a |n |d |s |m |n |i |e |x |

|t |e |m |e |f |e |y |v |o |

|w |t |g |i |r |l |s |l |e |

me they you and go girl gate give

Great work!!! You are done!

Don’t forget to study for the spelling test and bring this back to school by Friday!!!


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