Thematic Unit

Thematic Unit




Vocabulary List


Activities: Resource

|Word search, crossword, unscramble | |

|Dialogue Activity | |

|Sixteen squares Q&A |Grid |

|Signature Search | |

|Jigsaw/Info Gap | |

|Grammar Poster/Powerpoint –student made | |

|Make your own Vocabulary Packet | |

|Concentration | |

|Chaos Cards | |

|Bingo | |

|Songs | |

|Video |, 1-800-teacher /, |

|Flashcards | |

|Oral Presentation Rubric : Dialogue |

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|World Language Rubric | | | |

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|Student Name:     _______________________________________Date__________ |Hour_______ |

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|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Preparedness |Student is completely |Student seems pretty |The student is somewhat |Student does not seem at all|

| |prepared and has obviously |prepared but might have |prepared, but it is clear |prepared to present. |

| |rehearsed. |needed a couple more |that rehearsal was lacking. | |

| | |rehearsals. | | |

|Grammar |Uses required grammar |Uses required grammar |Uses required grammar some |Makes 4-5 grammatical |

| |correctly. |correctly, most of the time.|of the time. |errors. |

|Speaks Clearly |Speaks clearly and distinctly|Speaks clearly and |Speaks clearly and |Often mumbles or can not be |

| |all (100-95%) the time, and |distinctly all (100-95%) the|distinctly most ( 94-85%) of|understood OR mispronounces |

| |mispronounces no words. |time, but mispronounces one |the time. Mispronounces no |more than one word. |

| | |word. |more than one word. | |

|Props |Student uses several props |Student uses 1 prop that |Student uses 1 prop which |The student uses no props OR|

| |(could include costume) that |shows considerable |makes the presentation |the props chosen detract |

| |show considerable |work/creativity and which |better. |from the presentation. |

| |work/creativity and which |make the presentation | | |

| |make the presentation better.|better. | | |

|Collaboration with Peers |Almost always listens to, |Usually listens to, shares |Often listens to, shares |Rarely listens to, shares |

| |shares with, and supports the|with, and supports the |with, and supports the |with, and supports the |

| |efforts of others in the |efforts of others in the |efforts of others in the |efforts of others in the |

| |group. Tries to keep people |group. Does not cause |group but sometimes is not a|group. Often is not a good |

| |working well together. |"waves" in the group. |good team member. |team member. |

| | | | | |

|Date Created: Oct 23, 2007 04:06 pm (CDT) | | | |


Sixteen Squares

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|Making A Poster : Grammar |

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| | | | | |

|World Language Poster | | | |

| | | | | |

|Student Name:     ________________________________________ | |

| | | | | |

|CATEGORY |4 |3 |2 |1 |

|Graphics - Originality |Several of the graphics used |One or two of the graphics |The graphics are made by the|No graphics made by the |

| |on the poster reflect a |used on the poster reflect |student, but are based on |student are included. |

| |exceptional degree of student|student creativity in their |the designs or ideas of | |

| |creativity in their creation |creation and/or display. |others. | |

| |and/or display. | | | |

|Required Elements |The poster includes all |All required elements are |All but 1 of the required |Several required elements |

| |required elements as well as |included on the poster. |elements are included on the|were missing. |

| |additional information. | |poster. | |

|Grammar |There are no grammatical |There is 1 grammatical |There are 2 grammatical |There are more than 2 |

| |mistakes on the poster. |mistake on the poster. |mistakes on the poster. |grammatical mistakes on the |

| | | | |poster. |

|Use of Class Time |Used time well during each |Used time well during each |Used some of the time well |Did not use class time to |

| |class period. Focused on |class period. Usually |during each class period. |focus on the project OR |

| |getting the project done. |focused on getting the |There was some focus on |often distracted others. |

| |Never distracted others. |project done and never |getting the project done but| |

| | |distracted others. |occasionally distracted | |

| | | |others. | |

|  |The poster is exceptionally |The poster is attractive in |The poster is acceptably |The poster is distractingly |

| |attractive in terms of |terms of design, layout and |attractive though it may be |messy or very poorly |

| |design, layout, and neatness.|neatness. |a bit messy. |designed. It is not |

| | | | |attractive. |

| | | | | |

|Date Created: Oct 23, 2007 05:57 pm (CDT) | | | |

Vocabulary Packet.

Choose 5 activities from the list. Each activity is worth 20pts. All activities are due tomorrow, _____ Activities with an * are worth 5 pts extra credit if done by another member of this Spanish class.

1. Write all phrases in ABC order.

2. *Make a homemade matching quiz. 20 words are listed in Spanish numerically, with English phrases on other side, listed alphabetically.

3. *Make a homemade word search, with key. List the clues in English, hide the phrases in Spanish.

4. *Unscramble, in Spanish.

5. *Secret Code, in Spanish.

6. Illustrate 10 phrases.

7. Write 20 phrases twice.

8. Write a dialogue with 6 phrases.

9. Think of something creative.

Vocabulary Packet.

Choose 5 activities from the list. Each activity is worth 20pts. All activities are due tomorrow, _____. Activities with an * are worth 5 pts extra credit if done by another member of this Spanish class.

1. Write all phrases in ABC order.

2. *Make a homemade matching quiz. 20 words are listed in Spanish numerically, with English phrases on other side, listed alphabetically.

3. *Make a homemade word search, with key. List the clues in English, hide the phrases in Spanish.

4. *Unscramble, in Spanish.

5. *Secret Code, in Spanish.

6. Illustrate 10 phrases.

7. Write 20 phrases twice.

8. Write a dialogue with 6 phrases.

9. Think of something creative.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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