Make full use of WordFinder Pro for Mac!

Make full use of WordFinder Pro for Mac!

Quick guide with useful tips and tricks

Document version 1 2015

Technical specifications

WordFinder 11 Pro for Mac requires:

? Processor: Intel ? Mac OS X 10.8 or later.


Installation of WordFinder for Mac with dictionaries

1. Uninstall older WordFinder versions and back up your dictionaries before installation of the new program version. (Dictionary folder, default: /Library/Application Support/WordFinder )

2. Log in to your WordFinder account and go to "Downloads". 3. Click WordFinder Pro for Mac. 4. Download the installer and doubleclick the unzipped file "WordFinder Installer" to

start the installation. 5. First you are asked to enter your login details that you have for your personal

account. 6. Accept the license agreement and click Next to continue. Click Install to start the

download and installation of WordFinder Pro. 7. Enter your Mac password to continue the download and installation. 8. Once WordFinder Pro has been installed, the program opens. The program will now

download your dictionaries. This step completes the installation. Please note that the dictionary download may take some time.

How to use WordFinder Pro for Mac

Start WordFinder Pro

When WordFinder Pro is installed, it can be found on your hard disk in the Program folder. Doubleclick on the WordFinder Pro file to start the software. If you use WordFinder Pro on a regular basis, you can make the program easier to access by dragging the software icon to dock. You can also run WordFinder Pro using the hotkey, ctrl+W. If WordFinder Pro has been moved on your hard disk, this shortcut combination may not work. You can always change the hotkey setting under Tools|Program settings|Configuration.

Quit WordFinder Pro

Close WordFinder Pro as follows:

Select Exit from the WordFinder Pro menu. or: press +Q.

Search in WordFinder Pro

There are a number of search options available to find words when translating content. Select a search option that suits your method of working.

Direct search from other applications Search for the word directly from the application you are using. Note that this feature is not supported by all programs. 1. Select the word you wish to translate. 2. Activate WordFinder Pro using the ctrl+W hotkey. WordFinder Pro searches automatically through the headword index to finally display explanations, translations, synonyms etc in the entry window. 3. Paste in the desired word or phrase by double-clicking the word or phrase in

question: Pasteable words and phrases are highlighted.

Searching in WordFinder Pro 1. Activate WordFinder Pro and enter the word you wish to search for in the Search

field. 2. Click Enter.

WordFinder Pro searches for the word to finally display explanations, translations, synonyms etc in the entry window. 3. Paste in the desired word or phrase by double-clicking the word or phrase in question: Pasteable words and phrases are highlighted.

Searching on every key press

When you type in a word in the Search field, WordFinder Pro searches incrementally after each key press. The search list on the left changes in line with each new letter that is typed in. When WordFinder Pro retrieves a hit, the translation is displayed in the entry window on the right. WordFinder Pro continues to search if you continue to type in other letters.

Display of search results The list to the left is split into an upper and a lower part. The top list always displays exact matches. The bottom list displays associated words.

If WordFinder Pro finds the requested word, that word is highlighted in the top list at the upper left and its related entry is displayed. If the word is an associated word, such as an inflection of a word, the word appears in the lower list.

There are three groups of associated words:

? The first group contains word that can build the requested word when inflected. The program recognises both normal inflections and strong verbs, etc.

? The second group contains the words from the first group as well as words that can be built using reversal of letters within the requested word.

? The third group contains words from the first and second groups plus words that are pronounced in the same way as the requested word.

You can switch between the different groups using the + and - buttons.

Searching for more than one word at a time You can search for more than one word at a time using WordFinder Pro. This may be of benefit, for instance, when the word you are interested in, may be indexed as different headwords. (for example ball, which can be used in a game or can be used to describe a dance event). It may also be useful if you are unsure of the best word or phrase to use in a certain context (subscription, subscription fee, subscriber, subscribe...)

1. Click on the word in the list shown and keep the mouse button pressed.

2. Drag the cursor over the word you want to select.

3. Release the mouse button.

Searching cross-references A cross-reference is shown in italics in the entry window. You can look up a crossreference in the same way as you do all other words in the entry, as follows:

Searching for words in an entry Used to translate words in the entry window. 1. Press down the key on the keyboard.

2. Click on the word you want to look for.

Searching in an entry

There are three buttons to the right of the search word. The left one is normally pressed in, which means that a search occurs in the headword list. If instead you would like to search in an entry or all entries, click on the middle button or on the button on the right.

Clicking on the middle button lets you search in the top entry in the list. If you continue clicking on the button, the program continues to search in the same entry.

If you click on the right-hand button, the software searches in all entries in all selected dictionaries. This search option may take time depending on how many and how large the dictionaries are. A complete search shows a list of all the headwords for those entries containing the word or phrase in question.

Search in opposite language direction There is, at times, a requirement to carry out a search in a corresponding language in a bilingual dictionary in an attempt to define various intonations in a language.

1. Enter the word you wish to search for in the Search field.

WordFinder Pro searches for the word to finally display explanations, translations, synonyms etc in the entry window. You can easily translate any word in the hitlist using the corresponding opposite dictionary. 2. Click on the word while at the same time pressing +alt.

3. The translation of the word in the corresponding dictionary is now shown in the entry window.

Wildcard searching

You can either enter the exact word to be searched for or use either * or ? to represent a wildcard character. The * character represents one or more real characters. The ? character represents any one character.

This is a very practical function when you are unsure of how a certain word is spelt, when you require help with synonyms for language variety or when you are solving crosswords.


The searchword, far?yard, fa*yard or far*ya?? will all result in farmyard.

The search word *yard may lead to a yard, courtyard, farmyard, etc and is dependent on which dictionary the search is carried out in.

NOTE! This option can only be used when you search among headwords and not when you search in one or more entries. If you include a wildcard character in a search word and then carry out an entry search, the program will actually search for this wildcard character.

Unsuccessful search

The following may be reasons why WordFinder Pro cannot look up a certain word: The translation takes place in the wrong direction in the software. Solution: Press +R to alter language direction. Language direction can also be changed in the Language menu.

Wrong language or dictionary selected. Solution: Change language and/or dictionary.

The word is not indexed in the dictionary. Check to see if the word is a conjugation of another word, for example good ? better ? best, or if it is a headword that consists of different components.

Irregular verbs

WordFinder Pro provides support for irregular verbs in two ways. First, WordFinder Pro knows the most common inflections; and if you are looking for an inflection, you will get

a match with the infinitive form (see an example here). Second, inflection patterns for the most common irregular verbs are displayed in a special window, see below. Open window for irregular verbs The window for irregular verbs is opened by clicking on the verb info icon.

The icon is located in the main window next to the search buttons. The icon is also displayed in translation entries when irregular verbs are suggested.

Icons for irregular verbs are displayed only when the target language has support for it. Support is currently available for Swedish, English, German, French, Italian and Spanish. Paste back From the window, it is possible to paste verbs back in your target document. You get the right inflection and even auxiliary verbs if they occur. Follow these steps: Click on the person/tense combination that you want to paste. The will then be highlighted with a yellow background. 1. Click on the Pastebutton. or do this: 2. Double-click the text you want to paste.


Go to WordFinder Pro|Settings to set the hotkey combination for Quick start and define how many entries you wish to display to the right in the entry window.

Setting the Quick start key Do as follows to set the hotkey combination to quick start the program: 1. Select WordFinder Pro | Settings. 2. Select the Quick Start tab. 3. Enter the key combination that you wish to set as a hotkey to quick start the

program. If the key combination you choose is not accepted, it is being used by another application. Reset the combination and redo step 3. 4. Close the setting's dialog window.

Setting number of entries displayed Do as follows to define how many entries are displayed in the entry window: 1. Select WordFinder Pro | Settings. 2. Select the Entries tab. Select the number of entries to show in the entry window using the popup menu. 3. Close the setting's dialog window.

If you choose to display more than one entry at a time, the entry/entries for a headword highlighted in the headword window will be listed on top. Then the entry history is displayed, i.e. the details that were shown in the entry window previously.


Select language Set search language using the Language menu. You can also select language using hotkey commands. Refer to How to use keyboard with WordFinder Pro.

Change language direction

Go to the Language menu to change language direction in a bilingual dictionary. If the program is set to search from Swedish to English, and language direction is changed, then the software will search from English to Swedish.

You can also alter language direction by clicking on the flag icons in the main program interface.


When you have set a language, you can then select the dictionaries you want to work with in the Dictionaries menu. Click on the dictionary/dictionaries you wish to use. You can use more than one dictionary at a time. Dictionaries in use are ticked to the left in the menu. When you then carry out a search for a word or phrase, WordFinder Pro searches for the word or phrase in the dictionaries that are selected. The resulting search list contains the word you searched for. The word is displayed as often as it appears in the selected dictionaries. An explanation for each occurrence of the word is displayed in the entry window, if you scroll down the list of hits. The dictionary from which the entry is retrieved can be seen within the square brackets to the right of the headword in the entry window.

If you cannot find the dictionary you require, it may not be installed/activated or it may belong to another language.

Open a dictionary

Dictionaries are opened automatically when WordFinder Pro is installed.

If you close a dictionary by mistake, it has to be opened again manually. Do as follows:

1. Select FileOpen dictionary. You can also use +O.

2. In the dialog window that opens, browse to the dictionary you wish to open and click on it to select it.

3. Continue by clicking Open.

Close a dictionary

Dictionaries no longer in use can be closed at any time. You can always re-open a dictionary later.

1. Select FileShow dictionaries.

A list of connected dictionaries is displayed in a dialog window.

2. Browse to the dictionary you want to close and click to select it.

3. Click Close.

User dictionaries

Users can create their own dictionaries in WordFinder 11 Pro for Mac. A user dictionary can, for instance, be an additional index to an existing, purchased dictionary, by adding new words and explanations. Another example can be an industrial list with technical terms that are used in house by your company.

Note that it is easier to use the Notes function when adding but a few terms to a purchased dictionary instead of creating an entirely new dictionary. Refer to Notes.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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