
MYP2 – Unit 1 AssessmentDesign Challenge: Create a product or system to facilitate good personal health and hygiene practices for your target audience.This assessment has 16 tasks. You must complete each task!TaskDescriptorMedium/FormatRequirementsA1explain and justify need for solution to problemlong answer - 3-4 paragraphsChoose a product or system that people interact with on a daily basis. Explain the health problem or problems caused by this system. Include details – who, what, when, where, why, and how? Cite sources to support your claims.A2research plan - state and prioritizetableMake a list of research topics. Place them in your table in order of importance. For each topic, write how and when you will find information about the topic. Be specific and detailed. A3describe an existing productlong answer - 3-4 paragraphs + annotated photograph or diagramChoose a product that already exists (not your product). Describe the product in detail. Explain its strengths and weaknesses. Explain how it might be improved. Explain what you can learn from the product about creating your own design.Include a photograph or diagram of the product, labelled with your notes.A4present findings of researchreport or ppt (MLA)Summarize the information you found about your research topics. Use your own words. Cite sources using MLA format.B1develop criteria (design specification)table (see examples)Make a list of requirements for your product. What will a successful product look like?B2present design ideas3 or more pictures with descriptionsDraw at least three ideas for your product. Initial ideas must be drawn by hand, on paper, but if you want you can add a digitized draft.B3present chosen ideaSome kind of presentation - essay, ppt, video, etc.Pitch the idea – highlight its main features, why it's good, how it meets your requirements/solves the problem.B4planning diagramscale drawing, annotatedCreate a diagram of your final product. This diagram must include measurements. The diagram must be labeled where appropriate and must include a short text description of what materials or tools are required to create the product.C1outline a plantableCreate a plan for creating your product, prototype, or model of your solution. Start with the steps necessary to complete your product. Include a timeline which states how long each step is expected to take and when you plan to work on each step.C2technical skillsVideos (screencast if the product is digital) of the creation process, plus dated notes/records of the creation processCreate your product. Document the creation process to highlight your technical skills.C3create and present solutionA demonstration of the use of the product - video is preferable, but still photos could be used if they capture the full range of use of the productC4list of changesa listWrite a detailed and specific comparison of your final product with your planning diagram/plan. Note down any changes that you made from your design to your final product.D1outline testing methodstable (requirement, testing method, type of data collected)List each requirement (from task B1), how you will test it, and what kind of information your test will collect. The more authentic the test, the better.D2outline success based on testingtable (you can add a results column to D1) plus at least one paragraph which summarizes the overall success of the productWrite the results of each test. Outline how successful your product was overall, based on your results.D3outline improvementsa short listList the ways you might improve your product. Your list should be based on the results of testing. You should explicitly mention your results, or add an “improvements” column to your results table.D4outline impacta short listList the effects your product had on your audience. Cite your test results – in particular, comments or data from surveys, interviews, or a focus group.Due Dates – plan ahead!Objective A (tasks A1, A2, A3, A4) – Nov. 16thObjective B (tasks B1, B2, B3, B4) – Nov. 27thObjective C (tasks C1, C2, C3, C4) – Dec. 11thObjective D (tasks D1, D2, D3, D4) – Jan. 4thExample Products:Personal hygiene - a physical mask design (to be prototyped with fabric, rubber bands, etc.) - a visual design for a mask (created as a .jpg which can be overlayed onto a mask) - an inexpensive personal hygiene kit which helps people maintain their personal hygiene while traveling or running errands - a poster demonstrating a coronavirus hygiene technique (covering your sneeze, handwashing, mask wearing, etc.) - a video or animation demonstrating a coronavirus hygiene technique, made to appeal to a certain target audienceHealthy and safe computer use - a model workstation for your home office, built to scale - a routine for sustainable and healthy computer usage, including a system of reminders of when to take breaks, when to reduce blue lights, etc. - a promotional product (poster, video) to teach your peers how to use computers in a safe and healthy wayThese are only examples! You do not have to choose one of these topics or examples. If you are interested in a different topic or product, please check with me to ensure it will allow you to meet all of the requirements of the assessment.Remember our Statement of Inquiry: “Design choices impact our health through the systems we interact with on a daily basis.” Your goal throughout this assessment is to demonstrate your understanding of this statement. You can do this through the topic you choose, the design choices you make, the product you create, and your evaluation of the impact of the product.Design Criteria – MYP1 and MYP2Criterion A: Inquiring and AnalyzingLevelMYP Criteria1-2The student:i. states the need for a solution to a problemii. states the findings of research3-4The student:i. outlines the need for a solution to a problemii. states some points of research needed to develop a solution, with some guidanceiii. states the main features of an existing product that inspires a solution to the problemiv. outlines some of the main findings of research5-6The student:i. explains the need for a solution to a problemii. states and prioritizes the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with some guidanceiii. outlines the main features of an existing product that inspires a solution to the problemiv. outlines the main findings of relevant research7-8The student:i. explains and justifies the need for a solution to a problemii. states and prioritizes the main points of research needed to develop a solution to the problem, with minimal guidanceiii. describes the main features of an existing product that inspires a solution to the problemiv. presents the main findings of relevant researchCriterion B: Developing IdeasLevelMYP Criteria1-2The student:states one basic success criterion for a solutionpresents one design idea, which can be interpreted by otherscreates an incomplete planning drawing/diagram.3-4The student:states a few success criteria for the solutionpresents more than one design idea, using an appropriate medium(s) orlabels key features, which can be interpreted by othersstates the key features of the chosen designcreates a planning drawing/diagram or lists requirements for the creation of the chosen solution.5-6The student:develops a few success criteria for the solutionpresents a few feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) andlabels key features, which can be interpreted by otherspresents the chosen design stating the key featurescreates a planning drawing/diagram and lists the main details for the creation of the chosen solution.7-8The student:develops a list of success criteria for the solutionpresents feasible design ideas, using an appropriate medium(s) andoutlines the key features, which can be correctly interpreted by otherspresents the chosen design describing the key featurescreates a planning drawing/diagram, which outlines the main details formaking the chosen solution.Criterion C: Creating the SolutionLevelMYP Criteria1-2The student:demonstrates minimal technical skills when making the solutioncreates the solution, which functions poorly and is presented in an incomplete form.3-4The student:lists the main steps in a plan that contains some details, resulting in peers having difficulty following the plan to create the solutiondemonstrates satisfactory technical skills when making the solutioncreates the solution, which partially functions and is adequately presentedstates one change made to the chosen design or plan when making the solution.5-6The student:lists the steps in a plan, which considers time and resources, resulting in peers being able to follow the plan to create the solutiondemonstrates competent technical skills when making the solutioncreates the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriatelystates one change made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.7-8The student:outlines a plan, which considers the use of resources and time, sufficient for peers to be able to follow to create the solutiondemonstrates excellent technical skills when making the solutionfollows the plan to create the solution, which functions as intended and is presented appropriatelylists the changes made to the chosen design and plan when making the solution.Criterion D: EvaluatingLevelMYP Criteria1-2The student:defines a testing method, which is used to measure the success of the solutionstates the success of the solution.3-4The student:defines a relevant testing method, which generates data, to measure the success of the solutionstates the success of the solution against the design specification based on the results of one relevant teststates one way in which the solution could be improvedstates one way in which the solution can impact the client/target audience.5-6The student:defines relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solutionstates the success of the solution against the design specification based on relevant product testingoutlines one way in which the solution could be improvedoutlines the impact of the solution on the client/target audience, with guidance.7-8The student:outlines simple, relevant testing methods, which generate data, to measure the success of the solutionoutlines the success of the solution against the design specification based on authentic product testingoutlines how the solution could be improvedoutlines the impact of the solution on the client/target audience. ................

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