West Cornforth Primary School – High Street, West ...

right597535Year 2 Reading Busy BookName: ________________00Year 2 Reading Busy BookName: ________________ContentsPageStatementCompleted?Working Towards3To read accurately by blending the sounds in words that contain□the common graphemes for all 40+ phonemes.4To read accurately some words with two or more syllables. □5To read many common exception words.□6To sound out and read many words quickly and accurately.□7To answer questions and make simple inferences. □Expected8To read accurately most words with two or more syllables.□9To read words containing common suffixes.□10To read most common exception words.□11To read accurately by blending the sounds in words. □12To answer questions and make some inferences. □13To explain what has happened so far. □Greater Depth14To make inferences.□15To make plausible predictions.□16To make links between books.□Date: ___________________________To read accurately by blending the sounds in words. Read these words out loud:17627602413000shapchurchlemon17970502540000bliff18440402540000vorckphonepear17894304064000krobe1765935-1333500quazzcharming1691894229769hair020000hair1128781715592feel020000feel12913612110791display020000display27037541833372crane020000crane52061112075358phone020000phone53676801257097snake020000snake4910836475107creak020000creak40193211865096sweet020000sweet366890395555keep020000keep399948850113meat020000meat92710148209sheep020000sheep1370330645247Circle all the words with the ee digraph.00Circle all the words with the ee digraph.Draw a line from each real word to the chest and each alien word to the spaceship.fizz kleeb door flun chore hare shirt amesh1261391646370045733022723900Date: ___________________________To read accurately some words with two or more syllables. Circle the number of syllables in each word:car97816478872001 2 3 413341418047200boat1 2 3 4helicopter86374767153001 2 3 493892823460400bicycle1 2 3 464165515086600aeroplane 1 2 3 475673127013000train1 2 3 438290501861185hamburger020000hamburger1691894229769table020000table1128781715592tiger020000tiger12913612110791butterfly020000butterfly27037541833372button020000button52061112075358phone020000phone53676801257097snake020000snake4910836475107curtain020000curtain366890395555slide020000slide399948850113rainbow020000rainbow92710148209sheep020000sheep1370330645247Circle all the words with two syllables.00Circle all the words with two syllables.Colour the words with one syllable in red, two syllables in purple and three syllables in green.childrenpotatobasketballpighappydogbiketeachertrianglequeenevencinemazooSeptemberdoctorcucumberbutterbutterflybananavanDate: ___________________________To read many common exception words. Unscramble the letters and write the word underneath:oordrMrsM_________________________________________________________________________________ldoknidhwo_________________________________________________________________________________-3080878792330057394847105400Draw a line to match the word to the picture. 45374922767270033166331450634005721720117167700climbwholeclothesChristmasplantHave a list of the common exception words in front of you.write all the CEW that start with swrite all the CEW that have <5 lettersDate: ___________________________To sound out and read aloud many words quickly and accurately. Children should practise reading out these texts, using phonics to sound out unknown words. -74305207000Dear Mr Broom,Thank you for booking your school trip to the zoo. We are open Monday, Tuesday and Friday at 9 o’clock. Please ask all children to bring a packed lunch. The coach will pick you up at 8 o’clock.Yours sincerely,Chloe Smith487384711580100How to Play SnapSplit a pack of fifty-two cards equally between 2, 3 or 4 players.Each player puts a card down in the middle one at a time.If the colour or number on the card matches, you put your hand on the pile and shout SNAP!The player keeps the cards from the middle. The player with the most cards at the end wins.291859153900Sponge Cake RecipeIngredientsEquipment125 grams of butter125g of caster sugar2 medium eggs125g of self-raising flourtwo cake tinselectric whisksievebowlDate: ___________________________To answer questions and make simple inferences. -36830017784300What can you see in the picture?Where do you think the boat is going?Who might be onboard the boat?33808933840700What is happening in this picture?How do you think the children are feeling? Howdo you know this?-36766517276300Where has this picture been taken?What is the weather like? How do you know this?Date: ___________________________To read accurately most words with two or more syllables. Circle the number of syllables in each word:135509022796500triangle1 2 3 4drum980440136525001 2 3 4guitar11296643952001 2 3 4117411521780500piano1 2 3 4trumpet 108521569215001 2 3 4harmonica936625173990001 2 3 451352452075180cucumber020000cucumber38290501861185hamburger020000hamburger1691894229769table020000table1128781715592computer020000computer12913612110791butterfly020000butterfly27037541833372button020000button53676801257097snake020000snake4910836475107banana020000banana366890395555slide020000slide399948850113rainbow020000rainbow92710148209eleven020000eleven1370330645247Circle all the words with three syllables.00Circle all the words with three syllables.Colour the words with one syllable in red, two syllables in purple and three syllables in green.baconbandanaastronautgamepizzacavenamepumpkinoctopuslakepocketstrawberrysnakebroccolihorriddinosaurMondayanimalumbrellaslugDate: ___________________________To read words containing common suffixes. Circle the correct suffix for each root word. small-able -est -er -ful -less loud-able -est -er -ful -less break-able -est -er -ful -less care-able -est -er -ful -less fear-able -est -er -ful -less joy-able -est -er -ful -less read-able -est -er -ful -less young-able -est -er -ful -less Draw a line to match the root word to the correct suffix.free-estgreat-lygreat-ergrate-lessage-fulwork-sfriend-edSort and write each word under the suffix it belongs to.-ful-less-mentthankfulhandfulpaymentmovementharmlessshipmentamusementstatementhopefulcolourfulcarelessagreementfistfulcupfulfearlessthanklesslimitlessuselessmouthfulargumentDate: ___________________________To read most common exception words. Unscramble the letters and write the word underneath:eenvdlwiftrea_________________________________________________________________________________stfaoulwdprimveo_________________________________________________________________________________5387037418430034220717934700Draw a line to match the word to the picture. 28841891392072005244048135782000424719375069300goldchildrenmoneypatheyeHave a list of the common exception words in front of you.write all the CEW that start with bwrite all the CEW that have >5 lettersDate: ___________________________To read accurately by blending the sounds in words. 5835655743000boat27432015632800bone4120723956200row5331784133400goat3799654143700rope5874644143700snow33528021282800goal648142571064004461243268000rose5038663300500throw4689183455600toadsmoke64062617277900windowoa, ow and o-etoadvsnowmwsvphbonexropemsvtwphvmtboatmxrowpwindowxvrosezvnrpshvzrgoalgoatswrphnzmzthrowxmhntvsmokesDraw sound buttons under each of these words.chopsingdartshocktwicegloomturnmodeblastsprayWrite the missing sound from each of these words. 76203619500-651510147320000t__________th55245-317500sp_____d_______81915571500________ur________1035051587500_______ree107951206500le______on54610762000jigs________cr_____n_______-234954508500fl_________tDate: ___________________________To answer questions and make some inferences. -146055842000The man jumped off the bus and ran towards the train station asfast as he could. What might be happening?Circle the answer you think.He is late for his train and worried he might miss it.He was early for his train.He didn’t pay for his bus ticket.He is going on holiday to a hot country.35168208901500Dear Diary,I went to the zoo today and they let me feed Leo the Lion. My hands were shaking so much!How does this character feel? Circle the answer. excitedhappynervoussad 317523863700At the restaurant, the grandpa asked for some more spaghetti bolognese.What might this mean? Circle the answer you think.He is on a diet.He is allergic to the food.He is really hungry.He is full up.Date: ___________________________To explain what has happened so far. Read this short story and then answer some questions about what you have read.The Hare and The TortoiseAs usual, the hare was bragging to all the other animals about his speed. “I’m faster than the wind, quicker than nightfall,” he said. “No one has ever beaten me. No one ever will. I challenge any animal here to race me.” No one would accept the hare’s challenge. Until a voice was heard, “I will race you,” said the tortoise. “You!” said the hare, snickering. “Why, that’s a fine joke. I will dance around you all the way to the finish line!” “We’ll see about that,” said the tortoise quietly. “Shall we race?” The starting signal was given, and off went the tortoise and the hare.4919345218503400Almost at once, the hare darted over a hillside and was out of sight. The tortoise set off slowly, just plodding along. Soon the hare was way ahead of the tortoise. It was a hot day. He’d grown tired from running so fast. He thought about how far behind the tortoise would be by now. So the hare decided to take a little nap. On a soft, shady patch of grass, he curled up and went to sleep. Steadily, slowly, the tortoise kept plodding along. The sun fell lower in the sky. The shadows grew longer. The hare woke up and stretched. “I wonder where that silly tortoise is now,” he said to himself. “I had a great nap. I’ll bet the tortoise is still miles behind me.” The hare looked back down the road. Sure enough, there was no tortoise in sight. Then he looked up the road toward the finish line. Oh no! The tortoise, still plodding along, was now nearing the end of the race. Then the hare ran the fastest he ever had. But it was too late. The tortoise crawled across the finish line. All the animals shouted, “Tortoise won, tortoise won!” The hare couldn’t believe it. And the tortoise just smiled to himself!What happened in the story?Who were the main characters?Date: ___________________________To make inferences. After reading the story Little Red Riding Hood. What questions might you be asked about it?2103755119059600Chloe had finally found a ladder to save the old cat from the tree. She could hear the cat hissing. Chloe put the ladder against the tree and started to climb it. As she was climbing the cat continued to hiss and it was arching its back almost trying to tell Chloe to go away. Chloe finally got near the cat and held out her hands to pick it up. The cat showed its claws and scratched Chloe’s hand. Maybe the cat was happy sleeping in the tree after all?Write down 3 things that tell you the cat was happy to stay in the tree.The volunteers worked tirelessly to raise money for the homeless shelter.What does the word tirelessly mean? Tick one.The volunteers were tired. 39370-952500The volunteers put in lots of energy and effort to raise money.488958134350033020000The volunteers gave up raising money. 55245-127000The volunteers didn’t want to raise money. Date: ___________________________To make plausible predictions. 30911804636500What do you think might happen next?Polly and Max were best friends. One day they decided to go to the park. It was a glorious, sunny day. They were talking about what they were going to do when they got there. Suddenly, as they arrived near the gate to the park, the sun started to go away. The wind began to blow stronger and stronger and the sky grew dark.1004047314800What might happen next?Why do you think that?Read the blurb from a book you haven’t read before and write down what you think might happen.Name of the book:Your predictions:Author:Date: ___________________________To make links between books. Read these two stories and write down what is the same and different about them.Little Red Riding HoodThree Little Pigs732790933450074231511239500SimilaritiesDifferences ................

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