Public Speaking

Public SpeakingReading Children’s BookPeer ReviewName of Speaker: ________________________Name of Reviewer: _______________________Rate the speaker in the following areas on a 1-10 scale, 10 being the very best and 1 being very poor._____ Read loudly enough to be heard_____ Spoke words clearly and distinctly_____ Pronounced words correctly_____ Varied volume and rate of reading_____ Read smoothly, without stumbling or repeating words_____ Used expression and enthusiasm in reading_____ Had good posture and poiseAdditional comments: _________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________Project B17: Create a document exactly like the one shown here and save a copy of it in your folder. Use columns to create the two forms.Public SpeakingReading Children’s BookPeer ReviewName of Speaker: ________________________Name of Reviewer: _______________________Rate the speaker in the following areas on a 1-10 scale, 10 being the very best and 1 being very poor._____ Read loudly enough to be heard_____ Spoke words clearly and distinctly_____ Pronounced words correctly_____ Varied volume and rate of reading_____ Read smoothly, without stumbling or repeating words_____ Used expression and enthusiasm in reading_____ Had good posture and poiseAdditional comments: ________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ................

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