
Beach Park

Block 5 Mastery Assessment


Circle the correct answer.

Question #1:

Are the capitalized words a cause or an effect?

Because it snowed all day Saturday, WE COULD NOT GO INTO TOWN.

A. cause

B. effect

Question #2:

Are the capitalized words a cause or an effect? THE SHOESTRING BROKE when I tugged on it.

A. cause

B. effect

Question #3:

Are the capitalized words a cause or an effect? Robert's pants ripped when HE FELL FROM HIS BIKE.

A. cause

B. effect

Question #4:

Are the capitalized words a cause or an effect?

Because the dog barked all night, WE COULDN'T GET ANY SLEEP.

A. cause

B. effect

Question #5:

Are the capitalized words a cause or an effect?


A. effect

B. cause

Question #6:

Does this sentence show similarity or difference?

In football and soccer, points can be scored by kicking the ball.

A. similarity

B. difference

Question #7:

Does this sentence show similarity or difference?

Four is an even number, while seven is an odd number.

A. difference

B. similarity

Question #8:

Does this sentence show similarity or difference?

Both houses have three bedrooms and fenced back yards.

A. similarity

B. difference

Question #9

Does this sentence show similarity or difference?

California and Florida are coastal states.

A. similarity

B. difference

Question #10:

Does this sentence show similarity or difference?

While a rectangle has four sides, a triangle has only three.

A. difference

B. similarity

Beach Park

Block 5 Mastery Assessment


Circle the correct answer.

Question #11:

Is this statement fact or opinion?

Watching television is bad for you.

A. fact

B. opinion

Question #12:

Is this statement fact or opinion?

Today is the first Saturday in the month.

A. opinion

B. fact

Question #13:

Is this statement fact or opinion?

The Super Bowl champions are the best football players in the world.

A. opinion

B. fact

Question #14:

Is this statement fact or opinion?

The library contains books that are both fact and fiction.

A. opinion

B. fact

Question #15:

Is this statement fact or opinion?

The sunset this evening was beautiful.

A. opinion

B. fact

Question #16:

What propaganda technique is used in this statement?

Girls are weaker than boys.

A. testimonial

B. bandwagon

C. bias

Question #17:

What propaganda technique is used in this statement?

Drink "Bam" sports drink. You'll like it. Everybody does.

A. testimonial

B. bandwagon

C. bias

Question #18:

What propaganda technique is used in this statement?

Anyone who's anybody goes to Chicago on vacation.

A. bias

B. testimonial

C. bandwagon

Question #19:

What propaganda technique is used in this statement?

All good hosts serve "European Coffee Deluxe."

A. testimonial

B. bias

C. bandwagon

Beach Park

Block 5 Mastery Assessment


Circle the correct answer.

Question #20:

What propaganda technique is used in this statement?

Only nerds study math and science.

A. testimonial

B. bandwagon

C. bias

Question #21:

Is this statement true or false?

Paraphrasing and summarizing can help you to gain the full meaning of the text.

A. false

B. true

Question #22:

To answer the question, read the selection from “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

Choose the best description of Ichabod Crane.

A. an impish trouble-maker who was unwelcome in most of the homes of his community

B. a stern, muscular school teacher who was very strict with his students and who kept mostly to himself

C. a tall, lanky school teacher who was known to gossip and enjoyed flirting with ladies

Question #23:

To answer the question, read the selection from “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

Choose the best description of the village described in the selection.

A. a small quiet village located in a beautiful valley

B. a deserted village at the mouth of a large river

C. a busy medium-sized city located on the plains

Question #24:

To answer the question, read the selection from “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

Which of these characteristics could describe Ichabod Crane?

A. brave; afraid of little

B. nervous and easily-frightened

C. an impish trouble-maker who was unwelcome in most of the homes of his community

Question #25:

To answer the question, read the selection from “The Legend of Sleepy Hollow.”

Choose the best description of Brom Bones.

A. tall and very slender, but strong

B. strong, blonde, and very kind-hearted

C. large, mean, boisterous

Beach Park

Block 5 Mastery Assessment

Answer Key

1. B -effect

2. B -effect

3. A -cause

4. B -effect

5. B -cause

6. A -similarity

7. A -difference

8. A- similarity

9. A -similarity

10. A -difference

11. B -opinion

12. B -fact

13. A -opinion

14. B -fact

15. A -opinion

16. C -bias

17. B -bandwagon

18. A -bias

19. C -bandwagon

20. C -bias

21. B -true

22. C -a tall, lanky school teacher who was known to gossip and enjoyed flirting with la

23. A -a small quiet village located in a beautiful valley

24. B -nervous and easily-frightened

25. C -large, mean, boisterous


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