Soul Surfer Vocabulary

Name: __________________________________________Soul SurferBy: Bethany HamiltonFOREWORD – CHAPTER 5 STUDY PACKETForeword –(Material given at the front of a book to explain or introduce it to the reader.)1. How old was Bethany when she wrote this book? _____________________________2. Bethany says that her book does not have an ending. Why? ____________________________________________________________________________________ pg # ____Chapter 1 – Halloween MorningVocabulary 1.?Agonize (p.6)- suffer extreme pain or mental anguish.2.?Charisma (p.10)- charm, compelling attractiveness.3. Prosthetic - substitute for missing or defective body part.4.?Serrated - having notched edge, like the teeth of a saw. 5.?Tourniquet - bandage twisted to stop blood flow. 6.?Compassion - feeling sympathy or sorrow for another. 7.?Frantic - desperate; wild with excitement, passion, pain, or fear. 8.?Glimpse - brief or passing look.9. Forsake - quit or leave entirely, abandon. 10. Buoy - an anchored float serving as a navigation mark11. Mainland (p. 7)- a large continuous extent of land that includes the greater part of a country or territory (USA)12. Missionaries (p. 21)- a person sent on a religious mission, esp. one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country13. Ritual (pg 5) -prescribed,?established, or?ceremonial?acts?or features?collectively, as in religious?services.14. Buoy (pg 5) - a?distinctively?shaped?and?marked?float,1. Bethany talks a lot about the mainland. What is the difference between the mainland and where Bethany lives? (pg 7) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Describe how surfers judge the quality of a wave. (pg 8-9) _____________________________________________________________________________________________3. Explain Bethany’s feelings about Hawaii. (pg 12) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Why do you think Bethany begins the chapter describing the attack? (pg 3-4) ______________________________________________________________________________5. Surfing is Bethany’s past-time. Describe your past time. _______________________________________________________________________________________________6. Compare and contrast your past-time with surfing using a venn diagram.SURFINGYOUR PAST-TIME: _________________Chapter 2 - RootsVocabulary1. Primitive (p. 20)- a person belonging to a nonindustrial society 2. Prowled (p. 22)- moving around in search of something3. Deferment (p. 22)- putting off to a later time; postpone4. Dormant (p. 25)- temporarily inactive5. Expatriates (p. 30)- a person who lives outside their native country1. What inferences can you draw from Bethany’s description of her parents being “incredible people?” (pg 19) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. What would you say you were “born to” do? Explain. (pg 21) ___________________________________________________________________________________________3. How did Bethany’s dad get started surfing? (pg 21) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Give examples of Tom Hamilton’s living conditions when he first arrived in Hawaii. (pg. 25) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. Describe a monumental moment in your life. (pg 26) __________________________________________________________________________________________________6. What does the author mean when she says, “there was saltwater in the blood line?” (pg 31)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________7. Compare and contrast surfing in New Jersey with surfing in Hawaii using your choice of graphic organizer (venn diagram, chart, etc...) (pg 19-21)Chapter 3 – A Serious CompetitorVocabulary1. Competitive (pg 35)- ambitious2. Aerial (pg 36)- operating in the air3. Intimidated (pg 41) - frighten someone in order to make them do what one wants4. Promoter (pg 44) - a person or company that finances (provides money) or organizes a sporting event5. Resume (pg 44)- a document containing qualifications for a perspective job1. Explain why Bethany admires both of her brothers in different ways. (pg 35-36)______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2. Do you agree or disagree with Bethany’s dad’s statement, “There’s no sense in getting upset or being sore. There’s always another opportunity to show you can do it.” _______ Why or why not? (pg 39) _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What does he mean by this statement? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________3. Why was Bethany so competitive? _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. What was Bethany’s attitude when she found out that she was competing against the same kids as before? (pg 43) _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5. How did Bethany feel competing against her best friend Alana? __________________ Would you feel the same way she did? Explain. (pg. 43) _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. As Bethany’s promoter, what tasks did Noah do for her? (pg. 44) ________________________________________________________________________________________7. On pg. 45 Bethany explains how she deals with preparing for a competition. Use the chart below to categorize how you are similar and different from Bethany when you’re getting ready for something important (test, sports, classwork, etc…).SIMILARITIES (COMPARE)DIFFERENCES (CONTRAST)Chapter 4 – A Mostly Normal LifeVocabulary1. Toboggan (p. 58) - a long, light narrow sledge for sliding downhill2. Retreats (p. 59) - camps or meetings3. Butterball (p. 60) - a brand of turkey4. Pursue (p. 61) - follow with intent to overtake or do harm to5. Hymns (p. 62)- a song of praise to God in Christian worship6. Campus (p. 62) - the grounds of a school7. Prosthetic (p. 65)- an artificial part supplied to replace a body part1. Even though Bethany is home-schooled, she gets the opportunity to be with kids her age. How is this possible? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Compare and contrast Bethany’s hometown to Memphis using a venn diagram.BETHANY’S HOMETOWN (KAUAI, HI)YOUR HOMETOWN (MEMPHIS, TN)Chapter 5 – AttackVocabulary1. Denial (p. 69) - refusing to believe2. Serrated (p. 70) - having a notched end3. Tourniquet (p. 73) - a strip of material that you tie tightly to stop bleeding4. Arteries (p. 73)- a blood vessel that carries blood from the heart to any part of the body5. Vibes (p. 74) - feelings6. Consciousness (p. 75) - when somebody is awake7. Compassion (p. 77) - pity, mercy8. Tupperware (p. 77) - plastic containerDiscussion Questions1. How did Bethany react to being attacked by the shark? _________________________ ______________________________________________________________ pg # _____How does her reaction foreshadow her ability to persevere? ______________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Why do you think the time after she reached the shore was so confusing and hard to remember? _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. What did Bethany think caused the attack? _________________________________________________________________________________________________ pg # _____4. How far away were Bethany, Alana, Byron, and Holt away from the beach? ______________________________________________________________________pg # _____ 5. Why were there no lifeguards on duty? ____________________________________________________________________________________________________pg # _____6. What did the paramedic tell Bethany that encouraged her? _________________________________________________________________________________pg # _____7. Why was Bethany not allowed to have anything to eat or drink? ________________________________________________________________________________pg # _____8. Use the order/sequence non-fiction text structure to list the events that occurred the day of the attack.1st: ______________________________________________________________ 2nd: ______________________________________________________________3rd: ______________________________________________________________4th: ______________________________________________________________5th: ______________________________________________________________Projects for Chapters 1-5 for literature circlesYour lit circle will be assigned one of the following projects:Research and document surf reports and conditions of Kauai, HI for 3 days. Create a bar graph or line plot for wind speeds and surf height over the given period of time.What is it like to live in Kauai, HI? Research Kauai, HI. Find information on the weather, geography, economy, history, etc. Create a travel brochure with the information you find. Create a promotional poster for Bethany as an amateur surfer. Create a bookmark featuring either your favorite character or the character you consider to be most significant in your book. Be sure to include the book title and author as well as the character's name and "portrait" or illustration. On the back of the bookmark, describe your character and explain why he or she is important in your book and how you feel about this character.Choose five to seven significant scenes from the book so far. Make an illustrated accordion-shaped book that reveals the sequence of your book's storyline. Include some written descriptions, such as: What's happening in the scene? Why is this scene important to you? ................

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