This week you Should Study and memorize these words:

This week you Should Study and memorize these words:

This week you Should Study and memorize these words:

Write the correct words under the correct picture:

Answer these questions:

- Who is taller ? - whose hair is shorter?

------------------------------------- --------------------------------

------------------------------------- ---------------------------------



One of the things I like best about school is my art class.

We have a great teacher named Mrs. Hilbert. She is a wonderful

artist. I love to watch her draw and paint. She taught us how to

mix paint to make just the right colors for our paintings. She

plays good music while we draw and paint. We draw and paint

almost everyday in class. Some days we look at pictures of other

artists. It is interesting to do this. It helps me to think of things

that I want to paint or draw. We have an art exhibit in May this

year. Our work will be in one of the banks in our town. We are

inviting people from the community to our exhibit. Our parents

are invited to go with us. I have three paintings I am working on

now. I hope one of them will be chosen to be in the exhibit. I like

having a goal to work toward.


1. What is one of the favorite classes of this student?

a. math b. reading c. art d. music

2. The author describes Mrs. Hilbert as a _______________.

a. nice lady b. wonderful artist c. sweet person

d. beautiful person

3. What did Mrs. Hilbert teach the class to do?

a. bake chocolate cake b. write great stories

c. mix paint d. do long division

4. Why does it help this student to see the works of other artists?

a. to learn to draw b. mix paint

c. to think about what she wants to paint d. none of these

5. Where will the art exhibit be?

a. at the library b. at one of the banks c. at the school

d. at one of the churches

6. What does this student hope will happen with her paintings?

a. one of them will be sold b. one of them will be chosen for the exhibit c. one of them will be of her younger sister

d. one of them will be lost

Write the Correct adjectives to describe the emotions and feelings:

Describe Marya using these words:

( long - straight - big - brown - tall - small )

Describe Hamad using these words:

( short - straight - big - brown - tall - small - mouth - nose )

Write the Correct adjectives to describe the emotions and feelings:

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences(5)

( drops - spiders - curly - blond - fun – afraid )

1-She saw many …………………… when she was playing in the park.

2-He feels ………………. When he sees the snake.

3-My mother has ……………………. …………………………. Hair.

4- The two sisters are feeling ………… when they play together.

5- She feels angry when she………………her ice-cream for the second time.

Write the times each person got up on Thursday :

Reem Hassan

Rashid Mena

Write Sentences: Use after or before

Reem / Hassan : Reem got up after Hassan got up.

Rashid / Mena : Rashid………………………………………………………………….

Reem / Mena : Reem…………………………………………………………………

Hassan / Rashid : Hassan………………………………………………………………….

Reem / Rashid : Reem…………………………………………………………………….

*Read the question and write Five sentences:

Write the Past tense of the verb : Get up


Eat breakfast

get dressed

take the bus

What did you do before you came to school?







Circle the correct word: (5 )



Mom said, " It is a pretty day. Go and play outside." Jenny and Joe went outside. The sky was blue and it was warm. Jenny said, " We can run and play. I will run after you, Joe". Joe ran and ran. Jenny ran and ran. They ran up the hill. They ran down the hill. Joe sat down. " You can’t run after me," he said. " I am too fast for you." Jenny laughed at Joe.

Choose the right word ( 10 )

1. Who told them to go outside?

a. Jenny b. Joe c. Mom

2. It was a ________ day.

a. cold b. ugly c. pretty

3. Who ran after Joe?

a. Jenny b. Mom c. the dog

4. Who was too fast?

a. Jenny b. Joe c. Mom

5-Jenny and Joe Played _______ the house.

a. in b. outside c. under

Read, then mark √ (or) × . ( 10 )

1-Mom said, it's warm day ( )

2-Jenny and Joe played in the house ( )

3- Jenny and Joe ran and played. ( )

4-Jenny ran after Joe. ( )

5-Joe was faster than Jenny. ( )

*Write the correct form of the word on the line: ( 5 )

What did Tom do?

1-OnSaturday,Tom get up very late.


2-He sleep at 10:30.


3-He take a shower.


4-He get dressed.


5-His mother make him some eggs and toast.



Circle the correct word: ( 5 )

1-She feels happy ………………she sees her dog.

a. when b. than c. what

2-Hassan is taller ……………………Ahmad.

a. when b. than c.what

3-…………….. is longer than Fatima's hair.

a. Reem hair b. Reem c. Reem's hair

4- Yesterday, I …………… my home work .

a. do b. did c. does

5-Today, Mariam ………………. To her school at 8:00.

a. goes b. go c. went

Writing Skills

Describe Hamad using these words: ( 10 )

( short - straight - big - brown - tall - small - mouth - nose )

Write Five sentences:

Complete the crossword Puzzle: Use the pictures as clues .( 5 )

Use the word bank:

bigger smaller - taller - shorter - longer



Writing Skills

Fill in the missing letters: ( 3 )

1- Reem has cu_ly brown hair.

2- My mother has b_ond hair.

2- He has s_raight black hair.



Write the following sentence in cursive handwriting: ( 2 )

Put the verbs between brackets in the correct form.


1. Yesterday, Khalid --------------------------- all day. (sleep)

2.  She ---------------------her breakfast this morning. ( eat )

3.  Last week, we ------------------------- a football match. ( play)

4.   I ………………….my home work after I went home . ( do )

5.  I …………….. my shoes every day . ( clean )

6.   Basma ------------------------- to school yesterday. ( go )

7. Yesterday I …………………… early . ( get up )

8. Last week ,I and my friend …………………… our bikes after we finished school .( ride )

9.   Three years ago, I …………….in grade two. ( is )

10. I ------------------------- a terrible accident yesterday. ( see )

Reading Comprehension

All in Good Time

My brother, Jimmy, is three years older than I am. I don’t think that’s a good enough reason for him to be the king of this house! Why does he get to do so much more than I do? He can stay out later, have sleepover parties, and he has the neatest games and CDs.

“When can I do the things Jimmy can?” I ask my mom.“All in good time,” my mom always answers. Jimmy is going to a concert tomorrow night. It sounds so cool! I want to go, too. But my parents say no, because I am too young. Too young! Iam almost 10 years old! Can’t they see I am not a baby anymore? Jimmy is going with some friends and one parent. I asked him if I could go with him, and he just laughed as he patted me on the head. I hate it when he does that. Tonight we are going to have tacos for dinner. Jimmy loves tacos. I hate them. But of course we are having what King Jimmy wants. He is Mom’s favorite. I just know it. Jimmy gets home from school earlier than I do, because he is in middle school. If our mom is deciding what to cook for dinner, he is there to tell her. I can’t help it if I get home a whole hour later. It isn’t fair!

Someday I am going to be just like Jimmy. I am going to go to concerts, and have my friends sleep over. I am going to have better CDs to listen to, and more fun games to play. Someday I will be able to do all the things Jimmy can do. I just want that someday to be today!


How do you think the character in this story feels?


Have you ever felt this way? Why? Or Why not?


Who are you more like: the story‘s character or Jimmy?



I want to be a firefighter when I grow up. They

are nice people. They help to put out fires. They help to

keep us safe. Firefighters drive big red trucks. I like

their red hats and yellow clothes. The trucks make a loud

noise when they go by. Do you want to be a firefighter?


1. What do firefighters do?

a. drive white trucks b. wear green hats c. put out fires

2. What do firefighters drive?

a. a big yellow bus b. a big red truck c. a blue bike

3. Firefighters help to keep us ______.

a. happy b. sleepy c. safe

4. The trucks are _______.

a. green b. loud c. quiet

5-Their clothes are ___________

a. red b. yellow c. black

Read, then mark √ (or) × . ( 10 )

1- firefighters help to put out fires ( )

2- The firefighters trucks has no noise. ( )

3- Firefighters have red hats and yellow clothes ( )

4- Firefighters drive small red trucks ( )

5- They help to put out fires. and keep us safe. ( )


Read the words and put the correct one in the correct: sentence> ( 5 )

( dishes - garbage - pajamas - shopping mall - weekend )

1-My mother asked me to take out the__________.

2- Last Friday I and my family went to the __________.

3-My mother busy in the kitchen She did the _________.

4-We decided to go to Dubai this _________.

5-I wore my ___________before I went to the bed,


Do the word search:

Find then Write the Past tense of these verbs : ( 10 )

sleep ________________ make ______________

ride _________________ get ______________

eat _________________ do ______________

clean _______________ play ______________

is ______________ take _____________

Try to examine your self>

Check How many Do you Know?

|The Present tense |The Past tense |

|sleep | |

|eat | |

|run | |

|have | |

|read | |

|ride | |

|do | |

|get | |

|make | |

|like | |

|go | |

|take | |

|play | |

|write | |

|forget | |

|clean | |

|see | |

|drink | |

|is | |

Writing Skills ( P. 1 )

Fill in the missing letters: ( 3 )

1- Ali wore his pa_am_s before he went to bed.

2- Last wee_e_d I went to the Park .

3- I did the dishes and took out the g_rba_e.


Write the following sentence in cursive handwriting: ( 2 )

Writing Skills

Read the puzzles then order the events: ( 10 )

Fatima ate her lunch at 2:00 . She rode her bike in the afternoon. She got up early in the morning. She made her bed then she had her breakfast at 7:30 . She saw her friend at 8:00 in the evening.

What did Fatima do last Thursday after she got up?






Reading Comprehension ( 20/____)

Charli does not get scared when he sees spiders. He gets excited when he finds new kind of spiders .He likes to learn about them. He knows that spiders have eight legs and come in different sizes and colors. Many spiders make webs to catch bugs for food. The tarantula does not make a web. It is faster than all other spiders. It can catch its food because it can run fast. It is bigger than the bugs it eats.

Charlies friend Tomas asks him, "Do spiders get angry when people break their webs? "Charlie doesn't know how spiders feel, but he feels sad for the spiders, Making a web is a lot of work.

Read, then mark √ (or) × . ( 10/ )

1-Charli feels scared when he sees the spiders. ( )

2-Spiders have eight legs and come in different sizes and colors. ( )

3-The tarantula make webs to catch the bugs. ( )

4-The tarantula is smaller than the bugs it eats. ( )

5-the spiders feel happy when you break their webs. ( )

Choose the right word ( 10/ )

1-Charli gets _________ when he sees new kind of spiders.

a-sad b- scared c-excited

2-Carli likes to __________about spiders.

a-play b- learn c-write

3-The spiders make _________to catch bugs for food.

a-webs b-bags c-house

4-Turantula is __________________than all other spiders.

a-slower b-faster c- longer

5-Making webs is ______________of work..

a-little b-not c-a lot

Vocabulary: ( 10/ )

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.( 5/ )

( garbage - drops - fun - curly - fils )

1-Rashid and Khalid are having _________with the ball.

2-Yesterday I took out the ________________.

3-There are 100 _________

4-My friend has a ______________ brown hair.

5-Salma gets sad when she___________ her ice_crean

Circle the items doesn't belong .( 5/ )

1- scared sad happy tall

2-lettuce carrot chicken celery

3-juice soda apple milk

4-beefburger salad hotdog chicken

5-banana orange beans pear


Kelsey likes to play outside. She likes to play inside. Kelsey has a little bed. She likes to eat cat food. Kelsey is a little cat. She is so sweet. Kelsey is my pet. The little cat can jump and play with me. Do you have a pet?


1. What is Kelsey?

a. a cat b. a dog c. a girl d. a boy

2 What does Kelsey have?

a. a boy b. a little bed c. a ball d. a bike

3. What does Kelsey eat?

a. dog food b. bird food c. cat food d. a bed

4. Kelsey likes to _______.

a. play b. cry c. sing d. ride

What's wrong with each person? Write a full sentence.

He has a ______________________________






Finish the sentences > Use Should or Shouldn't


Ahmad head is hurt, he _____________see a doctor.

Mariam's teeth are hurt,she ___________eat sweet.

Fatima's stomach is hurt,you_______drink soda.

Rashed has a bad sore throat ,he _________drink hot drinks.

Help Mrs. Hanaa give an advice.

1- Mariam has a bad toothache .

She should ------------------------------------------

2- Every day Moza sleep very late.

She should ---------------------------------------------

3- Osha eats a lot of chips .


4- Sabra did not do here home work.


5-Ahmad ride his bike very fast.


Complete the sentences. use

( herself - himself - myself - yourself )

1-Did you hurt -----------------?

2- Hanan cut----------------- with a knife.

3-I hurt ------------------when I fell.

4-Did Sue hurt -----------------when he sell off the slide.

5- Fatima write her homework by------------------------.

Copy and memorize these words:

|headache |toothache |earache |stomachache |cold |Sore throat |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Copy and memorize these words:

|hit |hurt |accident |ambulance |helmet |Knife |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Unit ( 5 )


Compare the dinosaurs

|How It Protected itself |When It Died out |What It ate |How long it was |Dinosaur |

| | | | |Triceratops |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |T. rex |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Stegosaurus |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Apatosaurus |

| | | | | |

| | | | | |

Unit ( 5 )

The Movie

Dinosaur Park

|How It Protected itself |When It Died out |What It ate |How long it was |Dinosaur |

| | | | | |

| | | | |Velociraptor |

Read then answer

Unite ( 5 ) _ Vocabulary

Fill in the missing letters:

1- Apatosaurus h__ge size protected it.

2- T. rex used its long, Sha_p teeth to eat other dinosaurs.

3-Stegosaurus protected itself with s__ikes on its tail and large b__ny plates on its back.

4-Triceratops protected itself with three ho_ns on its head .

5-Velociraptor protected itself with cl__ws .

Writing skills.

Read then Complete the chart: ( 5 marks )

Now complete:

|How It Protected itself |When It Died out |What It ate |How long it was |Dinosaur |

| | | | | |

Write the following sentence in cursive handwriting: ( 2 )

Describe Triceratops using these words:

( big - sharp - horn - plants - long - 9meters - died out 64 million years ago )


Some people say that Loch Ness, a lake in Scotland, has dinosaurs living in it. One day a man took a walk by the lake. Suddenly, a large brown animal appeared in the water. As it went under the water, he saw a hump on its back. Other people also saw the monster in the lake. It looked like a dinosaurs with big fins. Some people said the monster was Plesiosauruses. Plesiosauruses last lived on Earth 150 million years ago! Its 9 meters long . Nobody really know what is in the lake. But people wonder, could it be a dinosaur?


Read then mark ✓or ✕. ( 5 marks )

1-Loch Ness is a lake in UAE. ( )

2-The man saw a big lion in the water. ( )

3- The animal lived under the water. ( )

4-Other people saw the monster in the lake. ( )

5- People really know what is in the lake. ( )


Complete the chart: ( 5 marks )

|How It Protected itself |When It Died out |What It ate |How long it was |Dinosaur |

| | | | | |

Copy and memorize these words:

List words that can describe dinosaurs.

|huge |spikes |Bony plate |Sharp teeth |Sharp horn |claws |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

Which animals and insects were alive when the dinosaurs lived?

We Shouldn't hunt endangered animals


w c l e a n e d

s l e p t o r i

n s s l e r u d

a b m a d e l q

f g g e w a s s

e r o d e n u u

v x t o o k m o


Orange - apple - banana - Kiwi

Pear - grapes - pineapple - cherry

Peach - lemon - mango -strawberry

Syrup - sugar - juice


carrot - pepper - corn

cucumber - celery

lettuce - tomato

lemon - salt - oil


Orange - apple - banana

Kiwi - grapes - lemon

- mango - Syrup - sugar - water


garlic - onion - carrot

eggplant - celery

lettuce - tomato

lemon - salt - oil

-Tyrannosaurus rex used its long. sharp teeth to eat other dinosaurs. T. rex was big. But Apatosaurus grew even bigger. ( 15 meters long. Died out 64million years ago )

-Apatosaurus was longer and taller than most other dinosaurs. Its huge size protected it as it ate water plants. And tree leaves ( 21 meters long. Died out 138million years ago )

-The Stegosaurus protected itself with spikes on its tail and large bony plates on its back. Stegosaurus had small teeth and ate only plants.

(6 meters long. Died out140million years ago )

-Triceratops protected itself with three sharp horns on its head. Like the Apatosaurus, it ate plants. It was smaller than T. rex but bigger than the Stegosaurus.(9meters long. Died out64 million years ago )

-Triceratops protected itself with three sharp horns on its head. Like the Apatosaurus, it ate plants. It was smaller than T. rex but bigger than the Stegosaurus.(9meters long. Died out64 million years ago )


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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