Card #3 - Irregular Words

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|I |like |to |see |

|my |I |like |to |

|see |my |I |like |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|h |n |b |s |

|t |r |H |m |

|N |h |B |S |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|s |m |r |t |

|b |n |h |v |

|c |s |m |r |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|tag |sat |Sam |ham |

|bat |tab |van |rat |

|mat |sap |nap |hat |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Monitor/Clarify

Card #15 - Explain, Model, & Guided Feedback: Summarize

Card #3 - Regular Words

|bat |at |tag |pat |

|sat |mat |hat |rat |

|sap |ham |Sam |am |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|to |see |I |my |

|my |like |see |to |

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|h |n |b |s |

|t |r |H |m |

|N |h |B |S |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|t |b |n |h |

|v |c |s |m |

|r |t |b |n |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|sat |sap |Sam |ham |

|bat |tab |van |rat |

|mat |sad |nap |hat |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Monitor/Clarify

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Nan, Pat, and Nan

Card #3 - Regular Words

|Sam |ham |tag |sat |

|van |rat |bat |tab |

|nap |hat |mat |sap |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|like |see |I |and |

|my |and |see |I |

|to |I |like |and |

Card #1 -Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|h |n |b |s |

|t |r |H |m |

|N |h |B |S |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|p |s |m |r |

|t |b |p |n |

|b |t |p |s |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pat |sap |Sam |ham |

|bat |tab |van |rat |

|map |sad |nap |pat |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|an |pan |can |man |

|van |ran |sat |tap |

|rat |Pam |cat |pat |

I see a van.

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Phonics/Decoding Strategy (Continuous Blending): Nan, Pat, and Nan

Card #11

Card #3 - Regular Words

|Sam |ham |sat |sap |

|van |rat |bat |tab |

|nap |hat |mat |sad |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|and |see |I |my |

|my |like |and |I |

|to |I |see |and |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|h |n |b |s |

|t |r |H |m |

|N |h |B |S |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|p |s |m |r |

|t |p |b |n |

|h |v |c |p |

|s |n |r |p |

Card #3 - Regular Words

|at |hat |sat |bat |

|rat |mat |man |ran |

|ram |tab |Sam |pat |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|an |pan |Nan |ran |

|tan |cat |nap |sat |

|ran |ham |sat |van |

I see Pat.

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Nat, Pat, and Nan

Card #3 - Regular Words

|Sam |ham |sat |sap |

|van |rat |bat |tab |

|nag |hat |mat |sad |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|and |see |like |my |

|my |like |see |to |

|to |and |my |like |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card 1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|h |n |b |s |

|t |r |H |m |

|N |h |B |S |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|p |s |m |r |

|t |p |b |n |

|h |v |c |p |

|s |m |p |r |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|sap |hat |Pam |rat |

|pat |mat |had |bat |

|had |ad |mad |bad |

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Nat, Pat, and Nan; Cat Sat

Card #3 - Regular Words

|at |hat |sat |bat |

|rat |mat |man |ran |

|ram |tab |Sam |pat |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|I |see |my |like |

|to |and |I |see |

|my |like |to |and |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|v |h |B |n |

|t |R |V |m |

|s |v |r |M |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|p |c |v |h |

|n |b |t |p |

|m |s |r |p |

|c |p |v |h |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pad |dad |Nan |Dan |

|Dad |sad |mad |had |

|pat |mat |vat |cat |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Summarize

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #3 - Regular Words

|Nan |Dan |pad |dad |

|mad |had |Dad |sad |

|vat |cat |pat |mat |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|and |to |like |my |

|see |I |and |to |

|like |my |to |see |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|v |h |B |n |

|t |R |V |m |

|s |v |r |M |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|p |c |v |h |

|n |b |t |p |

|m |s |r |p |

|h |v |c |p |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pat |bat |sat |ham |

|tab |tap |van |rat |

|mat |Sam |mad |sad |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Go Cat

Card #3 - Regular Words

|Nat |had |Dan |at |

|mad |Nan |mat |Sad |

|dad |hat |Dad |ad |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|go |and |to |like |

|and |I |see |my |

|like |go |and |to |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|v |h |B |n |

|t |R |V |m |

|s |v |r |M |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|g |p |c |v |

|h |n |b |g |

|t |r |s |m |

|r |v |m |a |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|tag |pat |bat |vat |

|hat |rat |sat |mat |

|ham |am |sag |ham |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #3 - Continuous Blending

|an |pan |van |man |

|Nan |ran |rag |tag |

|nag |fat |tan | |

I like my tan cat.

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Go, Cat!

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Go, Cat!

Card #3 - Regular Words

|sat |ham |pat |bat |

|van |rat |tab |tap |

|mad |sad |mat |Sam |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|go |to |my |I |

|see |like |and |go |

|and |to |see |my |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|v |h |B |n |

|t |R |V |m |

|s |v |r |M |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|g |m |r |a |

|s |t |b |n |

|h |v |c |g |

|t |s |a |g |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|tag |at |Sam |ham |

|bat |tab |van |rat |

|mat |sad |nag |hat |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|an |pan |can |man |

|cap |hat |tan |cat |

I like my hat.

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Go, Cat!

Card #3 - Regular Words

|bat |vat |tag |pat |

|sat |mat |hat |rat |

|sag |ham |ham |am |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|to |go |I |like |

|my |to |see |and |

|go |my |and |I |

Card #5 -Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|v |h |B |n |

|t |R |V |m |

|s |v |r |M |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|g |p |c |p |

|t |v |h |n |

|b |s |m |g |

|v |r |s |g |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|vat |bag |sag |ham |

|at |tab |van |rat |

|mat |Sam |mad |sad |

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Go, Cat!

Card #3 - Regular Words

|Sam |ham |tag |sat |

|van |rat |bat |tab |

|nag |hat |mat |sad |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|go |I |see |and |

|and |to |like |my |

|my |I |and |go |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|c |v |h |n |

|b |s |C |t |

|r |m |V |c |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|g |p |c |v |

|h |n |b |t |

|r |s |m |g |

|p |s |r |g |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|sag |mat |rat |pad |

|vat |Nat |bat |at |

|hat |had |Dad |bag |

Card #15 - Explain & Model: Question

Card #15 - Explain, Model, & Practice: Summarize

Card #3 - Regular Words

|sag |ham |vat |bag |

|van |rat |at |tab |

|mad |sad |mat |Sam |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|and |go |I |like |

|my |to |see |I |

|go |my |to |and |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|c |v |h |n |

|b |s |C |t |

|R |m |V |c |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|f |g |p |c |

|v |h |n |f |

|t |b |m |s |

|g |f |s |r |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|fat |van |tag |tab |

|sat |fan |cab |mat |

|bat |vat |rat |at |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Pat and Nan

Card #3 - Regular Words

|rat |pad |sag |mat |

|bat |at |vat |Nat |

|Dad |bag |hat |had |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|see |and |I |like |

|my |to |see |go |

|and |go |to |I |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|c |v |h |N |

|b |S |C |t |

|r |m |V |c |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|t |p |g |h |

|n |b |t |f |

|s |m |r |t |

|p |f |s |g |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|sag |vat |fat |can |

|bat |rat |fan |fan |

|sat |hat |Pam |an |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Question

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|an |fan |pan |van |

|can |man |tap |ran |

|pat |cat |Nan |Pam |

I see a van.

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Pat and Nan

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Pat and Nan

Card #3 - Regular Words

|tag |tab |fat |van |

|cab |mat |sat |fan |

|rat |at |bat |vat |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|and |go |I |like |

|my |to |see |and |

|like |my |to |I |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|c |v |h |m |

|b |S |C |t |

|r |B |V |c |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|s |t |h |f |

|P |g |f |v |

|c |b |n |f |

|r |s |m |f |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|cap |pat |vat |tab |

|mat |ham |rat |mat |

|sag |sat |at |cat |

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Summarize

Card #15 - Guided Practice: Monitor/Clarify

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pan |vat |fat |cap |

|ran |Sam |at |cab |

I like my cat.

Card #3 - Regular Words

|fat |can |sag |vat |

|fan |fan |bat |rat |

|Pam |an |sat |hat |

Card #3 - Irregular Words

|go |and |I |like |

|my |to |see |and |

|like |my |to |I |

Card #5 - Phoneme Blending

Card #1 - Letter Recognition (Name) Review

|c |v |H |n |

|b |S |C |t |

|R |m |V |c |

Card #2 - Letter/Sound Review

|f |p |g |h |

|n |b |t |f |

|s |m |r |f |

|p |f |s |g |

Card #9 - Continuous Blending

|pat |bag |sat |Pam |

|sag |vat |fat |can |

|bat |rat |tan |fan |

Card #11 - On My Way Practice Reader: Nan Can!

Card #11 - Phonics Library: Pat and Nan

Card #3 - Regular Words

|sag |pat |vat |tab |

|mat |ham |rat |mat |

|cap |sat |at |cat |


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