Behind the skills buzz words

Behind The Skills Buzzwords

|Team and interpersonal skills |

|Behaviours |Results |

|enthusing/encouraging |demonstrating patience and |increased co-operation and |targets exceeded |

|explaining clearly |tolerance of others |compromise |discontent dealt with |

|performing reliably |supporting others |stronger group motivation |talents used efficiently |

|responding flexibly |listening/questioning |misunderstandings avoided |people enjoy working together |

|prioritising team goals |feeding back tactfully | | |

|Written and oral communication |

|Behaviours |Results |

|listening/ paying attention to |persuading/ influencing |alternative views taken into |appropriate language, style and methods used |

|others views |presenting ideas |consideration |depending on audience |

|simplifying/ making things easier to|reporting: verbal or written |exchange of knowledge and ideas |increased co-operation and compromise |

|understand |account |confidence instilled |misunderstanding avoided |

|recommending/ advising on a course |responding/ answering questions |complex information conveyed | |

|of action | |clearly | |

|negotiating compromise/ agreement | | | |

|Analytical skills, problem-solving and creativity |

|Behaviours |Results |

|diagnosing problems |interpreting/ understanding meaning|identifying key components of |being able to place reliance on something |

|researching |developing ideas |problems and situation |continued momentum |

|determining/ prioritising in order |decision-making |thinking of new ways to do things |forming conclusions based on evidence |

|of importance |testing/ trying something |overcoming obstacles | |

|defining/ categorising |deciding/ making up mind | | |

|assessing/ measuring | | | |

|Planning, organisation and project management |

|Behaviours |Results |

|planning/ anticipating problems |taking decisions |efficient use of resources |issues & tasks not overlooked |

|prioritising in order of importance |supervising/ overseeing |clarity of roles |misunderstandings avoided |

|delegating/ assigning tasks |assessing/ monitoring progress & |staff instilled with sense of |results achieved in timely, quality, |

|reviewing performance |performance |responsibility |cost-effective way |

|scheduling times/ resources |coping/persevering in face of |talents used efficiently | |

| |obstacles | | |

|Staff management and leadership |

|Behaviours |Results |

|chairing/ managing group activities/|solving problems/ finding |sense of purpose/ direction |misunderstandings avoided |

|discussions |answers/making decisions |individual roles understood |obstacles overcome |

|allocating/ assigning tasks |co-ordinating/ controlling |communication enhanced |objectives met |

|convincing/ persuading people |situations |options weighed-up/ risks evaluated|staff developed |

|recommending/advising on a course of|encouraging/ instilling confidence | | |

|action |coaching/ helping to improve | | |

|handling conflict sensitively | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Self motivation, initiative and drive |

|Behaviours |Results |

|initiating/ originating something |overcoming obstacles |finding better ways of doing |not being waylaid by setbacks |

|anticipating/ expecting something |persisting/ persevering/ remaining |something |reaching goals |

|before it happens |constant to a purpose |taking responsibility for own time |working to high standards/ producing high |

|making decisions | |and effectiveness |quality output |

| | |making things happen/ moving | |

| | |forward | |

|Commercial awareness |

|Behaviours |Results |

|researching/ investigating |budgeting/ assigning financial |understanding problems/ issues |increasing efficiency/ sales, reducing costs |

|measuring: finding size or quantity |resources |finding new ways of doing something|sound financial management |

|originating/ devising/ creating |advertising/ marketing |understanding business drivers | |

|developing ideas/ making them |promoting something/ persuading | | |

|reality |people | | |

|Research |

|Behaviours |Results |

|planning: detailed scheme for doing |interviewing/ questioning |understanding problems/ issues |making decisions based on sound methodology |

|something |examining/ investigating |increased understanding |complex information conveyed clearly |

|cataloguing/ categorising/ ordering |consulting/ obtaining information |alternative views taken into | |

|information |publicising/ making known |consideration | |

|compiling/ gathering information |presenting/ putting before an |exchange of knowledge and ideas | |

|observing: watching and recording |audience | | |

| |recommending/ advising on a course | | |

| |of action | | |

|Customer Orientation |

|Behaviours |Results |

|listening/ questioning |explaining clearly |needs/ problems/ issues understood |confidence instilled |

|empathising/ understanding |overcoming obstacles |misunderstanding avoided |results achieved in timely, quality, cost |

|demonstrating patience/ tolerance |persuading/ convincing |managing conflict sensitively |effective way |

| |negotiating/ seeking agreement |discontent dealt with |customers feel valued |

| |persisting/ persevering | | |


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