Microsoft Word Scavenger Hunt

Microsoft Word Scavenger Hunt

Highlight the title and make it 24 pt Font

Bold Face the Title

Type your name below the title

Highlight the title and your name. Double space the two lines.

Type the following sentence and underline the verb:

The quick brown fox jumps over the candle.

Italicize the adjective.

Type your own sentence using Century Gothic 14 pt font.

Change the color to yellow and highlight the text in black.

Copy and Paste the following sentence and then spell check the first copy only.

Technology is a great toolwe to use in the classroom because it can be quicker when used the rite way.

Observe the use of the word “rite” and correct it using the find feature under the edit tab.

Indent using the Tab button on the keyboard & right align the following paragraph:

The Microsoft word feature of spell check does not always give you reliable results. This is because if there is a word being used in the wrong context but spelled correctly, Word will not catch this spelling mistake. Here is an example: The which watches the pumpkins as they role away into the knight. Underline the words being used in the wrong context. In order to get the best results use both spell check and your own eyes or your neighbor’s eyes to edit the paper too.

Justify this sentence and then save your paper as Microsoft Word Scavenger Hunt. After you have saved your paper, print it and give it to Mrs. Cline. Log off the computers, it is time for dismissal.


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