DOT WRITING: A Manual of Literary Braille by Janet Wise

Revised and Updated 1994 by Mary Ellen Pesavento, MA to include changes made by the

Braille Authority of North America October 1991



(Numbers preceding contractions refer to categories below; following contractions, numbers are the numbers of the dots used in the contraction and the letters in parentheses are the symbols used in the contractions.)

1. Short-form words: may be used as part-words only when they retain their original meaning.

Additions may be made only if resulting word is spelled correctly.

2. These contractions may be used only within or at the end of a word, or at the beginning of a line in a

divided word.

3. These contractions may be used as whole words or as parts of words in any part thereof.

4. These contractions may be used as parts of words only and may be used in any part thereof.

5. These contractions have the whole-word meaning given them only when they stand alone or

when they are preceded and/or followed by a hyphen, or are followed by an apostrophe.

6. These contractions maybe used only between the letters and/or contractions of a word on the

same line of Braille.

7. These contractions have their whole word meaning only when they stand alone. These words

may not be contracted when they adjoin any mark of punctuation.

8. These contractions may be used only when they form the first syllable of the word in which

they occur, or the first syllable of the second part of a divided word.

9. These contractions have the meanings given only when they adjoin the word which follows.

10. These contractions may be used as whole words. They may be used as parts of words when

they retain their original meaning and sound (there are a few exceptions such as one and


11. This contraction may be used only when it forms the first letters of the word in which it

occurs or the first letters of the second part of a divided word.

Alphabetical List

|¹about |ab |6dd |2-5-6 |²-less |4-6 s |5shall |(sh) |

|¹above |abv |¹deceive |dcv |¹letter |lr |¹should |(sh)d |

|¹according |ac |¹deceiving |dcvg |5like |l |²-sion |4-6 n |

|¹across |acr |¹declare |dcl |¹little |l l |5so |s |

|¹after |af |¹declaring |dclg |10lord |5 l |10some |5 s |

|¹afternoon |afn |8dis- |2-5-6 | | |10spirit |4-5-6 s |

|¹afterward |afw |5do |d |10many |4-5-6 m |4st |3-4 |

|¹again |ag | | |²-ment |5-6 t |5still |(st) |

|¹against |ag(st) |6ea |2 |5more |m |¹such |s(ch) |

|²-ally |6 y |4ed |1-2-4-6 |10mother |5 m | | |

|¹almost |alm |¹either |ei |¹much |m (ch) |4th |1-4-5-6 |

|¹already |alr |4en |2-6 |¹must |m (st) |5that |t |

|¹also |al |²-ence |5-6 e |¹myself |myf |³the |2-3-4-6 |

|¹although |al (th) |7enough |(en) | | |10their |4-5-6 (the) |

|¹altogether |alt |4er |1-2-3-4-5-6 |10name |5 n |¹themselves |(the)mvs |

|¹always |alw |10ever |5 e |¹necessary |nec |10there | 5 (the) |

|²-ance |4-6 e |5every |e |¹neither |nei | 10these |4-5 (the) |

|³and |1-2-3-4-6 | | |²-ness |5-6 s |5this | (th) |

|4ar |3-4-5 |10father |5 f |5not |n |10those |4-5 (th) |

|5as |z |6ff |2-3-5 | | |10through |5 (th) |

|²-ation |6 n |¹first |f (st) |¹o’clock |o’c |¹thyself |(th) yf |

| | |³for |1-2-4-5-6 |³of |1-2-3-5-6 |10time |5 t |

|6bb |2-3 |¹friend |fr |10one |5 o |²-tion |5-6 n |

|7be |2-3 |5from |f |¹oneself |(one)f |9to |2-3-5 |

|8be- |2-3 |²-ful |5-6 1 |²-ong |5-6g |¹today |td |

|¹because |(be)c | | |4ou |1-2-5-6 |¹together |tgr |

|¹before |(be)f |6gg |2-3-5-6 |10ought |5 (ou) |¹tomorrow |tm |

|¹behind |(be)h |4gh |1-2-6 |²-ound |4-6 d |¹tonight |tn |

|¹below |(be)l |5go |g |²-ount |4-6 t | | |

|¹beneath |(be)n |¹good |gd |¹ourselves |(ou)rvs |10under |5 u |

|¹beside |(be)s |¹great |grt |5out |(ou) |10upon |4-5 u |

|¹between |(be)t | | |4ow |2-4-6 |5us |u |

|¹beyond |(be)y |10had |4-5-6 h | | | | |

|²-ble |3-4-5-6 |5have |h |¹paid |pd |5very |v |

|¹blind |bl |10here |5 h |10part |5 p | | |

|¹braille |brl |¹herself |h(er)f |5people |p |7was |3-5-6 |

|5but |b |¹him |hm |¹perceive |p(er)cv |7were |2-3-5-6 |

|9by |3-5-6 |¹himself |hmf |¹perceiving |p(er)cvg |4wh |1-5-6 |

| | |7his |2-3-6 |¹perhaps |p(er)h |10where |5 (wh) |

|5can |c | | | | |5which | (wh) |

|10cannot |4-5-6 c |¹immediate |imm |10question |5 q |10whose |4-5 (wh) |

|6cc |2-5 |7 AND 3 in |3-5 |¹quick |qk |5will |w |

|4ch |1-6 |²-ing |3-4-6 |5quite |q |³with |2-3-4-5-6 |

|10character |5 (ch) |9into |3-5 2-3-5 | | |10word |4-5 w |

|5child |(ch) |5it |x |5rather |r |10work |5 w |

|¹children |(ch)n |¹its |xs |¹receive |rcv |10world |4-5-6 w |

|¹¹com- |3-6 |¹itself |xf |¹receiving |rcvg |¹would |wd |

|8con- |2-5 |²-ity |5-6 y |¹rejoice |rjc | | |

|¹conceive |(con)cv | | |¹rejoicing |rjcg |5you |y |

|¹conceiving |(con)cvg |5just |j |10right |5 r |10young |5 y |

|¹could |cd | | | | |¹your |yr |

| | |10know |5 k |¹said |sd |¹yourself |yrf |

|10day |5 d |5knowledge |k |4sh |1-4-6 |¹yourselves |Yrvs |

| | | | | | | | |


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