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Playful Reflection van der Meij, M.G.


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citation for published version (APA) van der Meij, M. G. (2017). Playful Reflection: Designing methods for playful reflection on research and innovation.

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Download date: 09. Oct. 2021


Words of appreciation



This work has not been made in (complete) solitude. Without the support of many people in my direct and indirect surrounding, this thesis would have never appeared. First of all, I would like to thank my co-promoter Frank Kupper, of course. Frank, I am happy that our brains work like a flywheel. Having collaborated closely for six years now, it is nice to discover that working together is still becoming more playful every day. Then my deep appreciation goes to my promoter Jacqueline Broerse. You blew my mind with your feedback on each piece of this thesis, despite your tons of other obligations. You gave so many ideas for improvement on micro-, meso- and macrolevel. This has been very useful and it was inspiring to work with you. Secondly, I owe many words of appreciation to my reading committee. To start, Susan Stocklmayer, being located on the complete other side of the world! I loved reading your work and felt deeply proud to hear that you approved this thesis. James Bradburne, after I visited you in `your' museum in Florence, I have discussed your thesis with so many of my students! They applied your `user languages' in just as many projects and I internalized them in my way of looking at science communication too. The more I am thrilled that you took the time to read my work and give meaningful feedback. Arend Jan Waarlo, your large experience in science and biology education was indispensable, and made me realize that there is so much more outside the PhD-cave. Tjard de Cock Buning, thank you for your support while I was working at Athena the last few years, and more recently, for your useful comments on this thesis. Today you may discover that you additionally contributed to this work in a different way than you could have ever expected.... And last but not least, I want to thank Barbara Regeer. You are a truly inspiring teacher and researcher for me personally. Due to you, I re-discovered my design interest, albeit for a new context. Your feedback throughout the last six years had a tremendous impact on my `being', and I love your energy and vigor in making things happen. Thank you for dedicating your precious time to the reading and feed-backing on this `piece of work' as well. Thirdly, within the Athena Institute, so many people have helped (in)directly to make everything work and happen. Anouk Heltzel, my angel-student and (hopefully) future colleague. You are a chameleon, taking so many roles in my work and life! As a facilitator, data-analyst, motivator, co-writer, and now, as a friend. Lucky me. I am glad that you are my paranymph. Aafke Fraaije, it was a blessing since you entered the department last year; our meaningful conversations and collaboration moments meant a lot to me. I am grateful that you are supporting me as paranymph. Jantien Schuijer, you make me realize why being a(n almost senior) teacher is so much fun with very strong and fresh colleagues around me. Wieke Betten, our work has been synergetic, thank you for catching up regularly throughout the years. Then, a bit longer ago, Michelle Rijnen has been of great support in my Athena-work as well.


Words of appreciation

Further research-related special thanks go to my `voices of the Opinion Lab', and truly inspiring (former) colleagues: Eva Maassen, Sara Vermeulen, and Durwin Lynch (glad you are still around at Athena). The fourth `OL-voice' and help of Yoshi Reinders in the Theatrical Debate was tremendous too. Yoshi, I am happy to be regularly updated by Anouk on the lovely things you are doing nowadays. Further important research assistants have been Jochem van Roon (VNBR, Chapter 6) and Menno Hoogeveen (OL, Chapter 9). You were one of my earlier research interns that I supervised (after Reinier and Marije); I am happy we could learn along the way. Then, although I have `worn out' a couple of roommates (Inge and Derek, I thank you for our chats and fun), I am keen to thank my current roommate Andrew Gilmoor. I am so glad that you eventually `landed' in my room, and that we have a symbiotic way of working together. You make me chat, laugh, work and play. Furthermore, I thank other colleagues for our meaningful interactions: Marjolein Zweekhorst (thanks for taking my `tatters' on education serious), Joske Bunders (your enthusiasm is catching!), Dirk (reminding me to stay calm), Willemijn, Emmy, Ona (you girls shine!), Pim (yes, now I have more time to read philosophy articles again), Christine (for your groundedness), TJ (for our chats in the hallway), Lisa, Octav, Mukesh (keep running guys), Arnoud (I never felt alone in doing `videostuff'), Nienke (back in BJAA times), Ren?e (forming the shoulders of TransLearning), Marije, Marlous & Rosanne (keeping me temperate), Anne-Floor (reminding me of violin playing), Linda (powerwoman and superplanner), and of course Sarah Cummings for patiently revising my manuscripts. Important to mention in relation to case study 1 (Chapter 5) are Jeanine de Bruijn (and Astrid) and Michael Murthaugh, for the great support in TransLearning. Jeanine, you were a great video-teacher; I am happy we occasionally bump into each other at conferences or on the street, and exchange our ideas to make them `rock'. In relation to the synthetic biology case studies (Chapters 6-9), many thanks go to (former) Rathenau and Synenergene colleagues Dirk Stemerding, Virgil Rerimassi (and Marieke), but also Liesbeth de Bakker, Marie-Christine Knippels, Huib de Vriend, Christopher Coenen (ITAS), Antonina (ECSITE), Steen, Erich, Michelle, Alfred, Harald, Joachim, Tony, Franc & Simone, Marcus & Camillo, Annika & Helin, and Alexandre. Thank you for sharing your learning curve on `going RRI'. Related to that, I also thank Giovanni Stijnen, Lucas Keijning, and Rooske Fransen for our numerous Athena-NEMO collaborations. And then of course the improvisation actors of the videos and Theatrical Debate receive my deep appreciation as well: Remco, Wilmie, Geraldine, Maaike, Mark, and Bartelijn, your acting talent was inspiring and of great importance to most of the studies in this thesis! I also thank all students that collaborated in the FRL sessions, and especially biology teacher Kees who allowed me to do FRL sessions in his biology classes; you inspired me. The same counts for the children and parents that participated in the OL test sessions in NEMO. It was great fun to work with you.



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