A Prayer for Our Teachers, Administrators and Staff


A Prayer for Our Teachers, Administrators and Staff

(Authored by a Creighton Prep Mom)

Dear Lord, we ask that you give our teachers abundant wisdom to know how to reach our sons in a way they can understand. Help our children to truly appreciate all the hard work and sacrifice of their teachers and our teachers to recognize the sincere attempts of our sons to learn their material. Send your Holy Spirit to encourage our sons to utilize their gifts to the fullest and to not fall prey to either sloth or despair. We ask that you give our teachers the grace to endure the frustrations and trials that are a part of every teacher’s experience, even the greatest teacher, Our Lord. Our wonderful church reminds us that we parents are the first teachers of our children. Remind us, dear Lord, to humbly recall our own mistakes and shortcomings and to be patient with our sons’ teachers and not to expect perfection that only You are capable of. We pray especially for our sons’ teachers this year (name teachers here).

We are all part of your family, Lord, and we must all help and pray for one another. We pray especially for the secular and spiritual leaders of our Creighton Prep community, including our president, Father Merkel and all of the Jesuit community of priests and brothers, our principal, Mr. Naatz, and everyone in the administration, including Mr. Searl, Mr. Wharton, Mr. Ryberg, and Mr. Schinzel. Guide them in their decision making and sanctify their leadership.

Let us also remember all those in our Creighton Prep community who also serve our sons behind the scenes, including our secretaries, the staff of the development and alumni offices, the librarians, the computer and technical staff, the coaches, the janitors, the maintenance staff, the building and grounds people, the cafeteria employees, and all those who serve important support roles. Bless all their endeavors and surround them with people who encourage and thank them.

We ask for your grace to help us remember to always pray for all the intentions our sons’ teachers, administrators, and staff as well as the Jesuit community of religious. We pray especially for the intentions of those particular individuals we have committed to pray for (name the individuals and their intention here).

St. Ignatius, pray for us and ask the Holy Spirit to guide all of the decisions and activities of everyone in the Creighton Prep community. Let us all pray for and support one another in a way we have discerned through these exercises and our Daily Examen that best utilizes our unique gifts and serves the needs of our Creighton Prep family. Remind us of St. Paul’s words to rejoice always, pray without ceasing and in everything give thanks, for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus. Amen.


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