
Head Teacher Mrs C M Hewitt Chair of Governors Mrs R Rees

Thursday 18th July 2019

Dear Parents and Carers

Well here we are at the end of another exciting and eventful school year! I hope your children have enjoyed their learning this year as well as the many special events we have had!

We have had a lovely final week of term, soaking up the sunshine, finishing off learning tasks and saying farewell to our lovely Year Six pupils who are enjoying their residential as I write. The children’s words of thanks at their leaving assembly (and their tears!) were very thoughtful and I could see that their affection for their teachers was very sincere.

They really are a lovely bunch and it has been a pleasure to see them grow and mature. Several of them have overcome difficulties and confidence issues over the years which makes me very proud to see them leave us as such bold and resilient young people!

I have spent a little time with our current Year Five children lately and I feel confident that they are ready to follow in their footsteps and become fine role models in September. Another lovely bunch and some great personalities!

As you know, we are saying goodbye (and welcome back) to several members of staff this week.

Mrs Dixie will be returning to the JSTF and Mrs Glass is moving back to nursery. Mrs Tommason will be moving on to a new post with the Welsh Assembly Government. I’m sure you would agree that Mrs Tommason has stepped into Mrs Glass’ shoes admirably and I know she has been well liked by our Nursery families. We wish her well as she moves on!

Mrs Rodde, our teaching assistant in Nursery has not been with us long but she has been an outstanding member of staff. She will now be taking up a post closer to home and we hope she enjoys her new role.

Mr Williams, our year 6 teacher for the last three years, is also leaving us for pastures new. In the short time he has been in Tre Uchaf Mr Williams has helped our year six children to achieve excellent standards, instigated our Creative Lead projects and taken a lead in the development of ICT, amongst many other things. I’m sure you all appreciate his contribution to Tre Uchaf as much as I do and would join me in wishing him good luck as he moves on.

We also say goodbye to Mr Picton who has been covering for Mr Walker during his long absence. Mr Picton has become an integral member of the JSTF team but has now secured a more permanent position. We are missing Mr Walker and also Mrs Timbrell very much and hope they will enjoy improved health in the coming months.

There will be an opportunity for you to meet your children’s new teachers during the week beginning 9th September. A final timetable for this will be issued during the first week back in school. Children return to school on Wednesday 4th September.

Finally, I would like to thank you all for your support for your children’s learning and for school in general. The role you play in helping your children to learn is not underestimated and we respect the contribution you make. Also, the many positive comments we receive from you are very encouraging and much appreciated. If you do have any concerns about anything school related please do not hesitate to contact me directly. I will always make time to meet with you or take your call.

May I wish you and your children a happy, sunny and safe summer!

Yours faithfully

C M Hewitt



Heol Cae Ty Newydd, Loughor


Tel No: 01792 893682

Email: treuchaf.primaryschool@swansea-.uk

Tre Uchaf Primary School


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