Bible Application Class

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|Pray |Observe |Interpret |Apply |

Lecture Review – Please share thoughts or challenges you received from the last summary lecture.

Summary Statement - Make one concise statement summarizing this passage.


1. (Opinion) How do you define prayer?

(Application) How would you describe the importance of prayer to someone who does not believe in Jesus Christ?

(Application) With complete honesty, describe your prayer life as it is right now. (Note the details of your posture, time of day, if you recite or memorize prayers, use liturgies or patterns, if you pray with someone else, etc.)

2. How many times do the words pray, prayed, or prayer occur in these eight verses (James 5:13-20)? ___________________

3. This passage follows James’ instructions on patience in suffering. Instead of (what responses in verses 5:9,12) __________

_____________________________________________________________________________________________, what does James instruct the readers to do in the following situations? Verses 13-14

Suffering __________________________________________________________________________________________

Who has the responsibility to respond this way? ________________________________________________________

What does James 1:5-6 say about this response? ________________________________________________________

Cheerfulness _______________________________________________________________________________________

What do the following verses say that support James’ instruction?

Psalm 95:2 _____________________________________________________________________________________

1 Chronicles 16:9 ________________________________________________________________________________

Hebrews 13:15 __________________________________________________________________________________

Sickness ___________________________________________________________________________________________

(Application) Why might it be desirable to invite the prayers of church elders? See 1 Tim. 3:1-7; 1 Peter 5:1-3; James 5:16b

What do the following verses generally say about anointing oil?

Exodus 30:22-25, 31-33 ___________________________________________________________________________

Exodus 30:26-29 _________________________________________________________________________________

Exodus 30:30; Numbers 3:3 ________________________________________________________________________

1 Samuel 10:1 ___________________________________________________________________________________

Psalm 89:20-21 __________________________________________________________________________________

(Opinion) What do you think is the purpose of anointing with oil as instructed in James 5:14?

(Opinion) On what occasion(s) and how often do you think anointing with oil should occur today?

4. Does verse 15 promise that anointing with oil will heal sickness as long as there is enough faith? _____________________

(Opinion) Do you think verse 15 is saying that every sickness has a spiritual cause? ________________________________

Other references connecting physical ailments and spiritual need: John 9:1-3; 1 Cor. 11:27-30; Mark 2:1-12; Luke 7:21-22; Isaiah 38:1-5

(Application) Who that is sick can you care for this week? How and when can you pray for and with that person?

5. (Opinion) In a discussion about healing, why do you think James instructs his readers (and us) to confess their sins to each other and pray for each other (verse 16)? Why is praying for one another important for healing and answered prayer?

(Opinion) What are some barriers that keep us from confessing our sins to one another and why do you think that is?

(Application) Apply verse 16 this week. Confess a sin to a brother or sister in Christ and ask for prayer concerning it. Write about your experience.

6. (Opinion) What do you think verse 16b means? _____________________________________________________________

Where does righteousness come from? Romans 5:17 ________________________________________________________

(Opinion) List some of the benefits of praying for one another.

7. What does James say about Elijah in verse 17a? ____________________________________________________________

Read 1 Kings 17-18, the story of Elijah to which James refers in verses 17-18. What did Elijah understand about prayer?

(Opinion) What specific applications can you glean from Elijah’s example and apply to your prayer life?

(Opinion) What does it mean to you to read that Elijah was a man with a nature like ours?

8. What do the following verses say about prayer?

Philippians 4:6-7

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

Colossians 4:2-4

(Opinion) What three words would you use to describe the prayer life God desires from us?

_________________________________ _________________________________ ___________________________

9. Use your own words to explain what James is saying in verses 19-20.

(Application) Who that is wandering from faith can you reach out to this week, and what can you say?


( Try to memorize Philippians 4:4-7. Write down the verses and post them where you can see and practice daily.

Meditate on Matthew 6:5-15 and record the verses that stand out to you this week.

In what ways do you want to improve your prayer life?

Complete this statement: This lesson causes me to ________________________________________________________



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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