Dear Parents,

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Dear Parents,

Spelling is a subject that requires meaningful and repetitive practice to achieve mastery. This year we will be using Literacy by Design. Each week your child will receive a Spelling List and a calendar that guides you and the student through the daily spelling routines. Each spelling routine is valuable in isolation, but all the routines work together to prepare the students for success on the spelling test at the end of each week

At the beginning of every week, students are given a spelling list that contains twenty words. These twenty words are divided into four categories: ten regular spelling words, four "no excuse" words, four challenge words, and two vocabulary words. The regular spelling words are extensions and applications of the phonics or word study skill learned that week. "No Excuse" words are words that the students are expected to use in their everyday writing. Challenge words are words that break the rules of phonics, have irregular spellings, or contain the phonics or word study skill in a more challenging way. Vocabulary words are spelling words from our Literacy By Design program related to the reading selection of the week. On the Friday spelling test, students will be given the 2 vocabulary words and will be responsible for using each word in a “3rd Grade” sentence.

Spelling is an important skill that requires individual practice to succeed. Please help your child complete each daily routine in order to prepare for this week's spelling test. Please sign the parent signature line after each activity is completed and return to school each day. Teachers will check for the parent signature each morning.

Thank you for your help.

The Third Grade Teachers

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Spelling Routines


|Word Sort |

| |

|Have your child write the spelling words on individual note cards or pieces of paper.* Then help your child sort the words into |

|categories. Categories can be based on spelling patterns, letter sounds, or other criteria. Next, have your child write the words|

|by category on a separate sheet of paper. |

|* Keep the word cards for Wednesday's activity. |

|Parent Signature |


|Word Hunt |

| |

|Help your child search through materials at home, such as books, magazines and newspapers, for this week's spelling words. When |

|your child finds a word, have him or her cover it up and then write the word. Then have your child uncover the word to check and |

|correct the spelling. |

|Parent Signature |


|Make a Word |

| |

|Have your child cut the word cards from Monday into separate letters and mix the letters up. Then help your child use the letters |

|to make the spelling words. |

|Parent Signature |


|Practice Test |

| |

|Help your child prepare for the spelling test on Friday by giving a practice test. Read each spelling word aloud in random order |

|as your child writes each word one at a time. Together, check and correct the practice test. Have you child practice writing |

|again any words spelled incorrectly. |

|Parent Signature |


|Spelling Test |

| |

|1. |11. |

|2. |12. |

|3. |13. |

|4. |14. |

|5. |15. |

|6. |16. |

|7. |17. |

|8. |18. |

|9. |19. |

|10. |20. |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 1 Week 1 |

| |

|heavy |object |

|insist |picture |

|inspect |planet |

|jungle |rumble |

|listen |topic |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|dad |comma |

|go |depth |

|here |joyous |

|lake |shovel |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|decision |celebrate |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 1 Week 2 |

| |

|balloon |fixture |

|belong |marble |

|dairy |morning |

|dolphin |violin |

|finger |visitor |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|her |double |

|look |maintain |

|many |photograph |

|mom |physical |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|voyage |arrive |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 2 Week 1 |

| |

|credit |grand |

|crumble |grease |

|detest |problem |

|dragon |prove |

|drizzle |quest |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|come |chrome |

|dog |creative |

|down |scribble |

|me |sprinkle |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|anxiously |location |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 2 Week 2 |

| |

|bottom |pantry |

|copy |pity |

|figure |punish |

|ketchup |snapper |

|nugget |tender |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|help |century |

|play |hotel |

|time |humor |

|too |luggage |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|distinguish |popular |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 3 Week 1 |

| |

|alone |quote |

|arrive |scrape |

|behave |space |

|entire |surprise |

|polite |type |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|ball |bracelet |

|day |bruise |

|up |lonesome |

|what |plague |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|absorption |monitor |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 3 Week 2 |

| |

|branch |south |

|children |thaw |

|flesh |wharf |

|purchase |whisper |

|shadow |whistle |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|good |establish |

|house |machine |

|land |match |

|oh |sugar |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|demonstrate |function |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 4 Week 1 |

| |

|afraid |explain |

|agree |freeze |

|crayon |layer |

|eaten |season |

|eerie |strait |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|an |area |

|book |daybreak |

|teacher |feather |

|two |meant |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|glistening |crackling |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 4 Week 2 |

| |

|borrow |moan |

|coast |oath |

|delight |owner |

|flown |thigh |

|lie |untie |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|bus |brief |

|can't |cocoa |

|eat |echo |

|feet |field |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|advance |alternative |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 5 Week 1 |

| |

|allow |outdoor |

|eyebrow |pouch |

|flower |proud |

|growl |scout |

|ounce |towel |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|first |bowling |

|fish |country |

|live |mountain |

|pick |overflow |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|diversity |territory |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 5 Week 2 |

| |

|avoid |oyster |

|choice |point |

|destroy |royal |

|newsboy |soybean |

|oily |topsoil |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|found |loyalty |

|laugh |moisture |

|sleep |porpoise |

|something |turquoise |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|appreciate |expand |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 6 Week 1 |

| |

|comb |limb |

|ghost |numb |

|honest |thumb |

|honor |wrist |

|hour |wrong |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|room |climbed |

|same |plumber |

|saw |tomb |

|that's |written |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|elegant |technology |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 6 Week 2 |

| |

|bright |gnat |

|debt |sigh |

|design |sign |

|doubt |sleigh |

|dough |subtle |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|anything |drought |

|think |ought |

|us |reign |

|way |signature |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|agriculture |adventure |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 7 Week 1 |

| |

|aim |male |

|empty |profit |

|female |provide |

|furnish |purpose |

|loss |vacant |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|begin |attack |

|thought |clutch |

|took |grasp |

|well |guard |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|anticipate |realize |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 7 Week 2 |

| |

|bank |roll |

|bowl |spring |

|jerky |stern |

|palm |tire |

|prune |toast |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|best |flounder |

|care |maroon |

|woman |pitcher |

|work |strand |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|demolish |alert |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 8 Week 1 |

| |

|hair |pause |

|hare |raise |

|mall |rays |

|maul |sea |

|paws |see |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|better |berry |

|clean |bury |

|done |principal |

|end |principle |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|caution |curiosity |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 8 Week 2 |

| |

|buzzes |patches |

|grabbed |pushing |

|jumped |radios |

|keys |roasted |

|pages |smiling |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|blue |addresses |

|close |exploring |

|fall |misled |

|girl |valleys |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|accurate |evaluate |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 9 Week 1 |

| |

|airport |cluster |

|bamboo |fable |

|cavern |giant |

|cloud |person |

|clown |sponge |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|boat |author |

|cut |buzzard |

|farm |county |

|give |piano |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|abundant |halt |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 9 Week 2 |

| |

|Africa |June |

|Amazon River |Maine |

|Asia |Paul Bunyan |

|Baltimore |Tarzan |

|Helen Keller |Tuesday |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|bring |Hawaii |

|fast |Native American |

|green |Washington, D.C. |

|hand |Zeus |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|industry |scarcity |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 10 Week 1 |

| |

|atlas |lunch |

|contents |penny |

|data |sneeze |

|edge |summer |

|index |title |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|brother |information |

|food |quick |

|inside |source |

|left |tongue |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|decorate |errand |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 10 Week 2 |

| |

|carry |remember |

|dance |scream |

|define |shuffle |

|earn |touch |

|offer |trade |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|brown |construct |

|father |employ |

|let |rescue |

|school |wander |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|budget |invest |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 11 Week 1 |

| |

|awful |loud |

|crowded |lucky |

|drowsy |salty |

|famous |sharp |

|hazy |tiny |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|love |curious |

|paper |gooey |

|sister |loose |

|sun |terrific |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|perceive |telescope |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 11 Week 2 |

| |

|unable |unhappy |

|unbuckle |unkind |

|uncover |untold |

|uneasy |unwilling |

|unfold |unwind |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|move |unequal |

|place |unit |

|sat |universe |

|under |unusual |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|appear |satellite |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 12 Week 1 |

| |

|discover |indifferent |

|dishonor |insane |

|dislike |nonfat |

|disorder |nonliving |

|distrust |non profit |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|around |disappear |

|bake |incorrect |

|coat |independent |

|color |invisible |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|occupation |pressure |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 12 Week 2 |

| |

|preheat |rebuild |

|prepay |redo |

|preteen |rejoin |

|pretest |remove |

|prewash |retell |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|bark |prehistoric |

|bear |premature |

|change |prerecord |

|class |recycle |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|expert |process |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 13 Week 1 |

| |

|I'd |paste |

|it's |queen |

|keep |she'll |

|let's |steep |

|mother |we're |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|bee |here's |

|been |it'd |

|cake |kneel |

|chair |they've |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|representation |officials |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 13 Week 2 |

| |

|cookies |himself |

|danger |join |

|goes |them |

|half |who |

|he |whoever |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|bit |ache |

|bone |anybody |

|cow |aunt |

|how |itself |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|justice |candidate |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 14 Week 1 |

| |

|ahead |neatly |

|badly |outside |

|enough |soon |

|far |together |

|gladly |worse |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|dark |entirely |

|different |nearby |

|dinner |seldom |

|duck |truly |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|speech |encourage |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 14 Week 2 |

| |

|breakable |mouthful |

|careless |painless |

|cheerful |readable |

|heartless |tireless |

|helpful |washable |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|even |baffle |

|example |label |

|eye |likeable |

|other |perishable |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|announce |approximate |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 15 Week 1 |

| |

|action |movement |

|addition |opinion |

|agreement |payment |

|darkness |vacation |

|goodness |weakness |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|some |collection |

|then |environment |

|these |establishment |

|would |union |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|privilege |preserve |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 15 Week 2 |

| |

|carefully |fearfully |

|clearly |happily |

|closely |joyfully |

|daily |lately |

|fatherly |softly |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|about |duly |

|each |lily |

|out |regretfully |

|their |trolley |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|renewable |preserve |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 16 Week 1 |

| |

|bigger |ripped |

|bragger |splitting |

|dimmed |strumming |

|dropping |tripped |

|hugging |wetter |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|can |overlapping |

|cook |scrubbed |

|find |support |

|your |transferred |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|enormous |reusable |

| |


|Spelling List |

|Theme 16 Week 2 |

| |

|basket |napkin |

|elephant |sofa |

|history |student |

|idea |tractor |

|music |window |

| |

|No Excuse Words |Challenge Words |

| |

|that |dollar |

|this |draped |

|which |regular |

|with |typical |

| |

|Vocabulary Words |

| |

|assortment |conservation |

| |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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