
Kindergarten Lesson Plans- Month 2, Week 3

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Sentences | (Complete the sentence, then point |Put the words from the sentence |Repeat yesterday’s activity, then |Write the sentence on the same |Point to and read the sentence. |

| |to and read it. |back into the correct order |glue onto 12 x 18” construction |page. Then, draw a matching | |

| | |(sticky-notes) |paper |picture. | |

|Letters |Write the letters on sticker dots, |Look in a book or ad and find other|Write the letters on big sticky |Look in a book or ad and find other|Draw 1 picture of things that start with |

| |then sort into circles or squares |words that start with letter “Ww.” |notes, then sort them by letter |words that start with letter “Yy.” |each letter of the week. (Use the circle |

| |drawn on construction paper. |Circle them. |names. |Highlight them |print out if you like) |

|Phonemic awareness |Read these words then write them or |Read these words then write them or|Read the (Little Reader “Presley |(Sort the words by –in/-ig. |Read the (Little Reader “Presley the Pig” |

| |make them with magnets: in, bin, fin,|make them with little sticky notes:|the Pig.” Find all the words that | | |

| |pin, tin, win |big, dig, fig, jib, pig, wig |rhyme with /-ig/ | | |

|Math |Find out, what is a pattern? Then, |Make an ABABAB pattern using |Make an ABABAB pattern using what |Make an AABBAABB patterns using |Make an AAABBAABB pattern using what you |

| |find them around you (on clothing, |leaves, nuts or acorns, then draw |you like, the draw it. |buttons, cereal or candies. |like, then draw it. |

| |nature, etc) |it. | | | |

|Science | | |Find out-what is energy and what is|What type of energy is from the |How can we protect ourselves from too much|

| | | |it for? Why do we need it? |SUN? heat. Draw heat coming from |heat? drink water, sunscreen, clothing. |

| | | | |the sun | |

|Social Studies |

| |

|I |like |the |_______. |

| |

Directions: Complete the sentence. Cut out the words and arrange in order. Write the entire sentence.

|Like |The |like |the |

|The |the |like |the |

|like |like |the |like |

|like |the |like |the |

|the |the |the |like |

Directions: Color “like” the color orange and the word “the” green.

|wig |pig |fin |

|win |pin |big |

|dig |tin |bin |

Directions: Sort the words by –ig and -in


like, the

I like the___.




Energy: sun

My family







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