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Kindergarten Lesson Plans- Month 2, Week 4

| |Monday |Tuesday |Wednesday |Thursday |Friday |

|Sentences | (Complete the sentence, then point |Put the words from the sentence |Repeat yesterday’s activity, then |Write the sentence on the same |Point to and read the sentence. |

| |to and read it. |back into the correct order |glue onto 12 x 18” construction |page. Then, draw a matching | |

| | |(sticky-notes) |paper |picture. | |

|Letters |Write the word “red” with glue, then |Find 5 things that are red and |Find the word “red” on your crayons|Write about your favorite red food:|Find or make something red to wear. |

| |tear red paper to place on top. |write the word on a sticky note to |and markers. Draw red things. |“___ is red.” | |

| | |place on each. | | | |

|Phonemic awareness |Read these words then write them or |Read these words then write them or|Read the (Little Reader “What I |(Sort the words by –ap/-ot. |Read the |

| |make them with magnets: cap, gap, |make them with little sticky notes:|Got.” Find all the words that rhyme| |(Little Reader |

| |lap, map, nap, rap, tap |cot, dot, got, hot, not, pot |with /-ot/ | |“What I Got.” |

|Math |Compare an AB and an AABB pattern. |Make and ABC pattern using candies,|Make an ABC pattern necklace using |Draw one of each type of pattern |Create new patterns with objects and/or by|

| |Learn how to make an ABC pattern. |then draw it, then eat it. |beads or noodles. |you have learned about. |drawing them. |

|Science | | |Find out-what wind energy is used |Make a wind mill and test it in the|Find out how water is used for energy. |

| | | |for and how? (turbines, wind mills)|wind or by blowing. |(water wheel, boat). Then, make a water |

| | | | | |wheel. |

|Social Studies |

| |

|I |can |see |_____and _____ |

| |

Directions: Complete the sentence. Cut out the words and arrange in order. Write the entire sentence.

|see |see |see |see |

|see |and |and |see |

|see |and |and |see |

|see |and |and |see |

|see |see |see |see |

Directions: Color “and” the color gray and the word “see” red.

|cap |dot |tap |

|rap |cot |hot |

|not |map |pot |

Directions: Sort the words by –ot and -ap


and, see

I can see __and __.

r e d



Energy: wind, water

My friends


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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