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Module C writing presentation template Argumentative subjectInstructions:Read the presentation subject carefully.?Decide; Is this a descriptive subject? Is this an argumentative subject?Is there a template you should follow? (a letter)Follow the template parts and write your presentation.IntroductionFrom wide to narrow.Wide- Use a “Hook” (A funny short story, a fact/facts)976282303033761722450633751840445770This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-NDThis Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-NDThey say that…. Researchers show that… When thinking about…Write your “hook” here:________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________1681162676537854824308378548243083Punchline (claim/your stand on the topic + reason/s or evidence/s)?Argumentative: My stand/viewpoint on ____________ is that…My opinion on ____________ is that… I think that….Write your “punch line” here:Argumentative:I think that/I believe that ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Body of essayModule C writing presentation requires using 70-90 words. Therefore, we will only write 2 descriptive/argumentative paragraphs:Argumentative subjectWrite 2 arguments for or against the issue presented:For example, Some schools do not let students bring their cell phones to school. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why notParagraph 1Write your position/claimFor example: I think you should let students bring their cell phones to school because...Or: I think school should allow their students to bring a cell phone to class because...Transition words: First of all, firstly, to begin with, A "hook": grab the reader's attention: Cell phones can teach you a lot.Details: Cell phones allow you to search the web for information. You could get a lot of knowledge from different sources. This is a wonderful way to learn.Example: Cell phones can help you find Youtube videos about gravitations that will explain how it happens.Write your first paragraph here:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2Transition words: also, besides, secondly, etc.'.A "hook": Cell phones also allow the teacher to check if the students understood the subject enjoyably, like using web-quizzes.Details: A teacher can replace regular exams by using competitions, web quizzes or games. This can help students enjoy learning and cooperate better.Example: For example, my friend and I are looking forward to the Kahoot competitions at the end of every English class.Write your second paragraph here:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ConclusionIn this paragraph, you should explain why your claim in the introduction paragraph (paragraph 1) is true/correct/valid.You can do it by repeating the claim ("punchline") with different words. For examples;ArgumentativeCell phones are a new and exciting way to study, for both teachers and students.After you write the claim/conclusion, add a "lock," which explains why is the conclusion/claim is true/valid.Use closing words like ultimately, in conclusion, in summary, given these points, etc.'.Write your argumentative conclusion here:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________center12065Good luck! ................

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