Solon City School District

Ways to Study for ContentCodeDescription of strategyRRTReread my Learning Targets (we are learning to, we are looking for…) and ask myself questions about them…what do I know, what have we done in class for this, are there parts that don’t make sense, are there words that don’t make sense? DLDiscuss with someone at home what we did in class that day or over a couple of days. If I can—try to also think about why the teacher did lesson that way…what was he/she trying to get students to think about?RRRReread any readings that we have done in the unit that are in my binder. Rereading helps my brain to connect all of the pieces of what we are learning into a “big picture” which will help me to answer application types of questions better.LIUse a blank paper to try to list out as much of the information as I can from memory. This helps me to actually know how much I actually know about a learning target vs. how much I “think” I know. Then check it with your learning targets.SPVGo through the vocabulary in my Study Tools...which words do I know? Which do I need to know better? Take some time to create flash cards for words I need more time with. Practice the flash cards with someone or on my own.CSMCreate materials to study with –PowerPoint, flashcards, 2 column notes, or create questions that might be on the test. You may also want to try a site like QWSTake time to have someone quiz you or take turns quizzing each other with any items that you have created to study or your learning targets. RLUse a device (phone, iPod, tablet) to record myself saying the vocabulary words and definitions or notes from class out loud. Then take the time to listen to the recording over and over again.WHEN YOU ARE STUDYING….. remember that reading is not studying……you must do something with the information.If things don’t make sense, do something about it…look back into the reading or class activityask a teammate your question or to explain it to yousend your teacher an email to ask your question…every Solon student has a free email and it is connected to your google drive ................

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