Beginning, Middle, and End - PALS

q Pre-K

q Kindergarten

q Grades 1?3

Beginning, Middle, and End

Phonological Awareness / Sound-Letter Segmentation

Materials 1. Three-pocket folder

2. Letter cards

3. A list of familiar 3phoneme words


1. Choose a word from the list and place the letters needed to spell the word face down in each pocket of the folder.

2. Focus on one of the phonemes.

3. Say the word and then sing the following song to the tune of "Are You Sleeping, Brother John?":

"Beginning, middle, and end; beginning, middle, and end; Where's the ___ sound? Where's the ____ sound? Let's find out! Let's find out!"

4. Have the children take turns coming forward to pick a position and turn the letter card around to see if they are right.

Source: Invernizzi, M., Meier, J., & Juel, C. (2000). PALS: Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening 1-3. Charlottesville: University Press: Charlottesville, VA, 83.


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q Pre-K

q Kindergarten

q Grades 1?3

Get Back in Your Pen

Phonological Awareness / Sound-to-Letter Segmentation

Materials 1. Animal picture cards 2. Cardboard boxes (one

for each animal) 3. Plastic animal figurines

Virginia SOLs: K.4, 1.4


1. Make picture cards to match the plastic animal figurines in your classroom or school.

2. Place the picture cards face up on the floor.

3. Spread out the plastic animal figurines that correspond with each picture.

4. Ask a student to choose a picture, identify the animal, and divide the word into phonemes. For example, if the animal is a pig, the child should say, `pig ... /p/ /i/ /g/'.

5. If the child is correct, he or she may take the plastic animal that corresponds with the picture and place it back in its pen (cardboard box).

6. If the child is incorrect, the animal stays on the floor.

7. The game continues until all animals have been returned to their pens.


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