Vocabulary Lesson 11—Roots and Words

Vocabulary Lesson 12—Roots and Words

1. –an: without

• _______________ “without” “government”

• _______________ “without” “air” This type of exercise is quick and fast, and it leaves you “breathless.”

• _______________ When you are run down, you might be ______. Literally “without” “blood”

• _______________ “without” “appetite” A severely dangerous eating disorder

2. –ab: away

• _______________ “away” + “say / proclaim”; what a king does to give up his throne

• _______________ “away” + “ask”; to abolish or annul by authority

• _______________ “away” + “break”

3. –mel: song

• _______________ Every song has lyrics and a ______, a succession of musical notes.

• _______________ A type of play with heavy suspense and sentimental romance.

4. –aer: air

• _______________ Sprinting 100 yards is “anaerobic” exercise. Running 3 miles is ______ exercise.

• _______________ “air” + “sol(ution)”; Spray paint comes in this type of can.

• _______________ “bad” + “air”; People used to think that this disease was caused by “bad air.”

5. –alb: white

• _______________ The yellow of an egg is the yolk, but the white of the egg is the ______.

• _______________ a long robe worn by a priest

• _______________ The original meaning of this word was “a blank tablet,” its pages were blank and white.

6. –epi: on or in addition

• _______________ “on” + “skin” the top layer of your skin

• _______________ “in addition” + “speaking”; The concluding part added onto a literary work.

• _______________ “on” + “tomb”; The inscription on a gravestone

• _______________ “on” + “tongue”; the thin piece of cartilage that keeps food from going down the wrong “tube” when you swallow

• _______________ “upon” + “people”; a widespread occurrence of a disease

7. –hum: earth

• _______________ To dig up a grave and take a body “out” of the “earth” is to ______.

• _______________ “after” + “earth” + ous; A work published after the author’s death is a _______ work.

• _______________ Someone who isn’t proud but is metaphorically “bowing low to the earth” is ______.

• _______________ To embarrass or to make someone “feel like dirt”

• _______________ Beings that live on Earth are ________ beings.

8. –be: life

• _______________ “small” + “life”; A tiny organism that often causes disease

• _______________ “air” + “life”

• _______________ “without” + “air” + “life”

9. –bon: good

• _______________ When you strike it rich in your gold field (what do you mean you “don’t have a gold field”?), then you’ve hit a ______.

• _______________ When you do well at work, you might receive a _______.

• _______________ What the French say to wish someone a “good trip.”

10. –struct: build

• _______________ “in” + “build”; When a teacher ________ you, he or she aims to “build your mind.”

• _______________ “with” + “build”

• _______________ “down” + “build” + “ion”; In other words, the act of tearing something down

• _______________ “under” + “build” + “ure”; This forms the foundation of a building.

11. –chlor: green

• _______________ “green” + “leaf”; the stuff that makes plants green

• _______________ the stuff that makes your pool fresh and clean (it’s also a greenish-yellow element)

12. –cyan: blue

• _______________ a blue-green color; some call it “aqua”

• _______________ this type of bluish gas was used to exterminate millions of Jews in the gas chambers of Nazi concentration camps

13. –cyt: cell

• _______________ the study of the cell

• _______________ the protoplasm outside of the nucleus of a cell

• _______________ a “white” blood “cell” is called a ______.

14. –diplo: double

• _______________ “double” + “form”; an adjective meaning “double” or “twofold”

• _______________ what you’ll get on graduation day! (It originally meant a doubled or folded piece of paper)

• _______________ This type of person originally dealt a lot with texts like the previous question. Now it has a more generic definition: someone who is skilled at negotiating and working with other countries

15. –dys: bad or abnormal

• _______________ a stomach/intestinal ailment that may send you to the bathroom

• _______________ people with this disorder have difficulty reading; “abnormal” + “word”

• _______________ A _______ family is typically emotionally unhealthy; “abnormal” + “performance”

• _______________ Muscular _______ is a disease in which muscles begin to waste away’ “bad” + “nourshishment”

16. –eco: house

• _______________ the study of our metaphorical “house:” the earth

• _______________ this word used to mean “management of household affairs” (literally “house” + “management”). Now it has a broader definition: management of the resources of a community

• _______________ In biology, you’re likely to study ____ systems.

17. –emia: blood

• _______________ “without” + “blood”; a medical condition in which your red blood cell count is low

• _______________ a “poisoning” of the blood” (hint: toxic waste is poisonous)

• _______________ “under” + “sugar” + “blood”; a medical condition in which one has low blood sugar

18. –enter: intestine

• _______________ Again, that “bad” disease that may send you running to the bathroom

• _______________ the study of stomach (“gastro”), intestines, and other digestive organs

19. –idio: peculiar

• _______________ a phrase like “bite the dust” “he blew up” that would sound “peculiar” to someone unfamiliar with our culture

• _______________ to put it nicely, a “peculiar” person

• _______________ a “peculiarity” that a person might have; a habit or behavioral characteristic

20. –exo: out (of)

• _______________ a departure of a large group of people; the name of a book in the Bible that tells the story of the Israelites leaving Egypt

• _______________ what a priest might have to perform to someone possessed by the devil (literally “out” + “cut”)

• _______________ “from the outside”; These types of birds are from all over the world

• _______________ something that is straying from what it should be (literally “out of the track”) is described as ________. Prices that are WAY more than they should be are often described this way

21. –im: not

• _______________ not possible (e.g. time travel)

• _______________ not passable (e.g. a steep snow-covered hill)

• _______________ not perfect (i.e. incomplete, like your education!)

• _______________ not mobile (e.g. all telephones before the 90’s)

• _______________ someone whose intelligence is “not supported” by a whole lot (literally “not a stick”)

22. –fil: thread

• _______________ In elementary school, you and your classmates walked around in a single _____ line, as thin and straight as a thread.

• _______________ The very tiny thread-like conductor in a light bulb that actually gives off the light

• _______________ Jewelers make this delicate ornamental work out of gold, silver, and many other precious metals

23. Aden: gland

• _______________ “gland” + “appearance”; what the doctor removes with tonsils

• _______________ having a nasal or constricted tone

24. –ase: enzyme

• _______________ helps proteins turn into polypeptides

• _______________ what does luciferase do to fireflies?

25. –erythro: red

• _______________ another name for a red blood cell

• _______________ an antibiotic prescribed for strep throat


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