Unofficial Lakota Language Guide

Unofficial Lakota Language Guide

Aho! Metakuye Oyasin.

I have developed this page as an aid to those folks whom are new at learning the

Lakota way of life and the ceremonies and language that accompany it.

It is my hope that by learning the bits and pieces of the language that I am

presenting to you here that the prayers, songs, and teachings that you may

become exposed to you will make more sense to you so that you may broaden

your knowledge of this beautiful Lakota way of life.

To all my relations,



Lakota 101

bloka(blo-kah).... the male of animals

blotahonka(blo-tah-hoon-kah.... advisors, leaders, to a large war party.

bo-ton-ton(bo-toon-toon).... confusion

can(chun).... wood [preffix to anything made of wood]

can cega(chun chay-guh).... drum

cankuna(chun-koo-na).... little path

cannakpaa(chun-nah-k'pah).... mushroom growing on trees : literally "tree-ears"

Canoni(chun-oh-nee).... wanderers in the woods: some Dakota families who

eventually come onto the plain

canozake(chun-oh-zhah-kay).... fork in the tree.

canpamiyanwagon(chun-pah-h'mee-yahn) : wagon, literally "rolling wood"

canpazachun-pah-zah).... wood pointing to the sky, ancient term for "tree"

Cante Tinza(chun-tay t-een-zah).... brave heart, word used for warrior society

canunpa(chun-noon-pah).... sacred pipe

canunpa o'ke(chun-noon-pah oh-k ay).... pipe dig, pipe stone.

canshasha(chun-shaw-shaw).... red willow bark

cante(chun-tay).... heart

capa(cha-pah).... beaver: literally "swims-stick-in-mouth".

Catka(chah-t'kah).... left hand

catkuta(chah-t'koo-tah).... seat of honor.

catkuta iyaya yo(chah-t'koo-tah).... go to the back, the place of honor.

cepka(chay-k'pah).... naval umbilcal cord

Cetan(chay-tahn).... hawk, small falcon

cezi(chay-zhee)... tongue

Cicla(chee-chee-lah).... childs term for a small bug

cokata hiyupo(cho-kah-tah hee-yoo-po).... come to the center

cuwe (choo-way).... Womens term for older sister.

Dakotah(dah-ko-tah).... The allied ones. One of the Sioux tribes.

ece(ah-chay).... Connotes uncertainty.

e-i-i-i(ay-ee-ee-ee).... Connotes regret.

Gnus'ka(g'noo-shkah).... grasshopper

hamkamya upo.... come follow closely

hanbleceya.... vision quest

hanhepi.... night

hanhepi wi.... the night sun [moon]

hanwi.... moon (Archie Fire Lame Deer)

hankasi.... sister in law

hanta yo.... clear the way

hasapa.... black skin

hau.... I am attentive

hecitu yelo.... that is true

hehaka.... elk

hesapa.... black mountain, black hills

heyoka.... a sacred clown

hinhan..... white or young owl

hinyete.... shoulder

hinziwin.... yellow hair woman

hiye pila maya.... cermonial thanks

hiyupo.... come forward (plural)

hiyo wo.... come forward (singular)

hmunga.... a mystery to be dreaded

ho.... expression of readiness or affirmation

hoksi.... a child

hoksi cala.... baby

hoksila.... a boy

hunka.... ancestor

hunka lowanpi.... the making of relatives ceremony

hupa gluza.... raising ones pipe in prayer

inyan.... stone

maka.... earth mother

skan.... motion

tinza.... brave

wakan tanka.... great spirit

wakinyan.... thunderbeings

wi.... sun

TRANSLATION of LAKOTA to ENGLISH + Lakota Pronunciation Guide...

A IYOHOPEYA/Downward/ah ee-yoh-ghpay-yah

A OGLUTEYA/Overwhelm/ah oh-glue-day-yahn

A OGLUTEYA / Surround / ah - oh - glue - Day - yahn

A OKPANI / Lacking(be) / ah - oh - kpah - nee

A OKPANI/Supply(be in short)/ah oh-kpah-nee

A TA KEL/General/ah-dah-kayl

A YE/Become(to)/ah yea

ABLA KELA/Calm/ah-blah kay-lah

ABLES WICAYE/Explain/ah-blaysh wee-chah-yea

ABLEZE / Examine/ ah - blay - zay

ABLEZE / Realize/ ah - blay - zay

ABLO / Shoulder/ ah - bloh

ACAJI / Tomorrow/ dah - chah - jee

ACAN GLASKE/Wall/ah-chahn glah-shkay

ACICAHLO / Complain/ ah - chee - chah - ghloh

AGLA LA/Along/ah-glah lah

AGLA LA / Edge / ah - glah - lah

AGLATO / Boast/ ay - glah - dohn

AGLATOSA / Boastful/ ay - glah - dohn - S - ahn

AGLESKA / Lizard/ ah - glay - shkah

AGUYAPI BLU/Flour/ah-ghue-yah-pee blue

AGUYAPI OKAGE/Bakery/ah-ghue-yah-pee oh-kah-ghay

AGUYAPI SKUYELA/Cake/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah

AGUYAPI SKUYELA/Cookie/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah

AGUYAPI SKUYELA/Rolls(sweet)/ah-ghue-yah-pee skue-yea-lah

AGUYAPI SU/Wheat/ah-ghue-yah-pee sue

AGUYAPI / Bread/ ah - ghue - yah - pee

AGUYAPISKUYELA / Pastry/ ah - ghuh - yah - pee - skue - yea - lah

ah-ah (ah-ah)...... This word is used to encourage a child to "listen".

ahbleza(ah-blay-za).... This word means literally to "perceive" sometimes used to

describe one observing.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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