Poetry Terms Worksheet

Poetry Terms Worksheet

HYPERBOLE – a large exaggeration

EX: - Your eyes are as bright as the stars!

SIMILE – A comparison between two objects using “like” or “as”

EX: - Your eyes are like stars

METAPHOR – A comparison between two objects – NOT using “like” or “as”

EX: - Your eyes are stars!

PERSONIFICATION – giving an inhuman thing human qualities

EX: - The stars are envious of your eyes!

ALLITERATION – repetition of a sound at the beginning of two or more neighboring words

EX: - See Sally Stand by the Sea Shore

ONOMATOPOEIA – words that sound like their meaning

EX: - WOOOSH! The stars penetrate the earth’s atmosphere.

EXERCISE: Identify each of the figurative devices below:

1. ____________ A fluttering forest of feathers

1. ____________It smells like rotten eggs

1. ____________Spot, the dog, planned a devious plan for the cat

1. ____________”Hey! Cabbage for brains! I’m talking to you!”

1. ____________”You wanna take a trip? Pow! Zoom! To the moon!”

1. ____________Bugs Bunny

1. ____________Alice ran as fast as she could

1. ____________Alice ran as fast as a cheetah

1. ____________He has a swelled head

1. ____________She has the eyes of a cat

EXERCISE: Write one example of your own for each literary device.

Hyperbole –

Simile –

Metaphor –

Alliteration –

Personification –

Onomatopoeia -


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