
WEEKLY REMOTE LEARNING PLANNING FORM ROOM # 22 WEEKOF: 02/01-02/05 TEACHER’S NAME: Asmaa MohamedTheme: Light /Sources of light around usDay of the WeekDAILY FOCUS (Focuses on the unit’s student outcomes- Daily Focus Question/ Lesson)Play focus[Planting seeds for play activities (aka learning centers) Insert 4 DETAILED center ideas/ activities DAILY]MondayDate: 02/01We will start talking about light, and how light is so important to us. If we close our eyes we cannot see. Where we can find light. I will show children different sources of light: sun/candles/bulbs/flashlightMusic and movement: Listen to the song: : Introduce the number of the week number 16Encourage your child to use manipulative or household items such as: crayons/cheerios to represent number 16Dramatic play:Encourage children to build a tent for camping, we will see how the light is inside, and outside the tentSensory:Children will use sand /play dough to create candle/sun/moonWriting:Using their writing folder, encourage your child to work on building their writing skills.Literacy: Starting with the letter of the week the letter qStart to sound out the words starting with Art: The children will create boats floating on the waterTuesdayDate: 02/02We will discuss how natural light is already there for us we don’t buy it. we can find natural light around us such as the sun/moon/starLiteracy/LibraryLook for the letter q in books.Art: The children will create sun using paper plates and construction papersWriting:Practice writing the words: sun/lightComputer/Technology: use computer to review numbers. area: Encourage students to follow the traffic light rules.Fine motorPractice cutting pictures out of magazinesScience:Provide the children with flash light and different containers , ask them what they see.WednesdayDate: 02/03We will discuss how the sun not only provide us with light but with warmth too. We review how the heat of the sun helps the ice to melt, and help the water to dry up and to form the clouds (water cycle) Writing:Use markers/crayons, practice writing the words: stars/fireWriting foldersLiteracyEncourage your child to read books and choose 2 words to write them using markers/crayonsArt:The children will create moon, and stars Fine motorDecorate the letter q MathPractice measuring around the classroom/house Sand and waterUsing sand and water to make sun and starsDramatic Play:Have students using visors, and hats. We will discuss why we have to wear hats, and visors.ThursdayDate: 02/04 We will continues discussing the artificial sources of light. What are these sources? These are sources that we have to go buy them from the store such as: the bulb/the candle/the flashlight. WritingUse white boards and dry-erase markers to practice forming letters, shapes, and numbers.Literacy/LibraryUse books to identify words that begin with the special letter of the week, the letter q.Art:Encourage the students to create bulbs/candle Sand and Water/Sensory-Adding mirrors to the waterWriting names in flourDramatic playHave students pretend being sleeping at night, ask them what they can see in the sky during the night computer:Number recognition gamesMath: comparing different height for different objectsFridayDate: 02/05We will talk about how some animals and plants can create their own light such as : the firefly, and the jellyfish.Literacy LibraryRead this book about importance of water: Decorate firefliesDecorate the letter q158877025717500 Writing: The children will practice writing the words: fireflies/quiltComputer/TechnologyNumber recognitionMusic/MovementListen and move along with this song : measuring children’s height and compare it Blocks:Cover blocks with aluminum foil and see the reflection of the light. Social/ Emotional- Week to ReviewWeek 17: Strong Feelingssocial-emotional-home-link-english.pdfCommon core goalsD3:4 Develops positive relationships with their peersI.D.I Interacts easily with one or more childrenD4.3 Approaches to Communication- Demonstrates that he/she understand what they observeFollow two-or-three step directionsD5.1 Social Studies: Develops a basic awareness of self as an individual, self within the context of family, and self within the context of community. V.D.2 Shows awareness of the environmentD5.1 Scientific- Generates explanations and communicates conclusions regarding experiments and explorationPlease try to send in via email your child’s arts and craft if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email me at:amohamed@ ................

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