Ask for and Get Information about Daily Activities/ Write ...

Daily Activities

|CLB Level: 4/5 | Method: |

| |Give each member of pair a different story about a person/ people. |

|Essential Skills Focus: |Each student reads his/her story to understand. |

|Reading (Scan for information, read a full |Using the cue words given on his/her worksheet, Student A asks Student B oral questions relating|

|text to understand), Writing (Organize, |to Student B’s story. (Students are instructed not to write out the questions first. This is an |

|record or document), Oral Communication |oral exercise.) |

|(Seek and obtain information), Working with |Student B scans his/her story and responds orally to each question in complete sentences. |

|Others (Work independently, work jointly |Student A documents the information given in short answers only. (Limited space to write the |

|with a partner) |answers is given on the sheet to ensure this.) |

| |Once Student A has completed asking all his/her questions, student B follows the same process |

|Task: Ask and answer questions with a |until he/she has all his/her required information. |

|partner and write a paragraph. |Once the whole process has been completed, all students return back to the whole group. |

| |Individual pairs take turns orally forming the required questions on the worksheets of both |

|Purpose: Students will |Student A and B and responding to them. (This process gives students immediate feedback on their|

|Understand simple exchanges about familiar |ability to form sentences and questions in a very basic tense.) |

|topics |Students use the information that they have acquired from their partners to try to write the |

|Ask and respond to simple familiar questions|story their partners read. |

|Be able to read a simple 2 to 3 paragraph |Students take turns reading their stories to their classmates. |

|passage within a mostly familiar, |Follow Up: |

|predictable context of daily life |Talk about “Let Me Tell You About Dorothy” and how |

|Reproduce in writing simple information |Dorothy wants to move into her own apartment with a |

|received orally |friend. Have students choose to be in groups of 4 or 5. |

| |Have students discuss whether it would be proper for |

|Materials: Worksheets |Dorothy to do this. Is it okay for girls to go out on their |

| |own before they are married? (Two students will volunteer |

|Learning Style: Auditory |to be leaders and report the group’s ideas back to the |

| |whole class.) |

|Time: 1-2 lessons |Debrief/Transfer: |

| |What did we do? |

| |Why did we do this? |

| |How can we apply this to our lives? |

Person B

Let Me Tell You About Dorothy

Dorothy is an only child. She is twenty-one years old. She is working in a dentist’s office as a dental assistant. Dorothy lives with her parents, but she plans to move out after her twenty-second birthday. She wants to share an apartment with her friend Martha and live closer to her work. Also, Dorothy is not really happy at home. Her mother is very strict with her. Dorothy likes to go out with her friends after work, but her mother wants her to come straight home.

Dorothy’s father, Mike, is a traveling salesman, and he is away from home a lot. Dorothy’s mother is usually lonely so she wants her daughter to be a child, not an adult. That way, Dorothy’s mother can keep her at home and have someone to talk to. Dorothy and her mother are always arguing about this. Dorothy is tired of fighting? Dorothy thinks that her own apartment is the answer to her apartment. What do you think?

Person B

Use the following words to make oral questions about your partner’s story. Ask your partner the questions and record only the SHORT ANSWERS on the lines provided.

1. What/ Grace’s husband’s name/ be? ______________

2. How old/ Grace/ be? _____________

3. How old/ her husband/ be? _____________

4. Why/ her husband/ not have/ a job? ___________

5. Where/ they/ live? _____________

6. How many children/ they/ have? __________

7. How old/ their children/ be? _________________

8. How many/ grandchildren/ they/ have? _________

9. What/ Grace and Fred/ do/ on weekends? _________________________________________

10. Whom/ Grace/ visit/ on Saturdays? ________________

11. Where/ Linda and Grace/ go? ____________________

12. What/ they/ buy? ______________

13. Where/ Fred/ work/ on Saturday afternoons? ___________________

14. When/ Fred/ spend/ time/ with his friends? __________

15. Where/ Grace/ go/ on Sunday afternoons? ____________________________________________

16. What/ they/ do/ at the meeting? ____________________________________________

17. Why/ they/ get/ cheap movie tickets? __________________________________________

18. What/ they/ sometimes sell? _____________________

19. To whom/ they/ give/ the money? __________________

20. What/ the club/ use/ the money for? ___________

21. When/ Grace/ cook/ a big dinner? __________________

22. Whom/ she/ invite/ for dinner? __________________

Person A

Let Me Tell You About Grace and Fred McDonald

Grace and Fred McDonald are a couple. Grace is 67 years old. Her husband’s name is Fred and he is 65 years old. They live in a house and have two children – a daughter 33 years old and a son 27 years old. The children do not live with Grace and Fred. They have no grandchildren. They have a quiet life during the weekdays.

Grace and Fred like to visit their family and friends on weekends. Every Saturday, Grace visits their daughter Linda. They go shopping together. They love to buy clothes, so they have a good time. In the afternoon, Grace reads a book and Fred likes to work in his workshop.

On Sunday morning, Grace always goes to church. Fred doesn’t like to go to church. He visits his friends. They talk and fix cars. On Sunday afternoon, Grace goes to a senior citizen club meeting. She has many friends there. They play cards and bingo. Sometimes, they go to see a movie. They get cheap tickets because they are senior citizens. Sometimes, they have bake sales. They bake cookies, bread and cakes and sell them. They give the money to the club. The club uses the money for parties. On Sunday evening, their son and daughter come to the house for dinner. Linda helps Grace cook and Jim sets the table. They have a big dinner. After dinner, Linda and Jim wash the dishes.

Person A

Use the following words to make oral questions about your partner’s story. Ask your partner the questions and record only the SHORT ANSWERS on the lines provided.

1. How many brothers and sisters/ Dorothy/ have? _________

2. How old/ Dorothy/ be? _______________

3. Where/ Dorothy/ work? __________________

4. What kind of job/ she/ have? _________________

5. Whom/ Dorothy/ live with? __________________

6. What/ Dorothy/ plan/ to do? ___________________

7. When/ she/ plan/ to do/ this? ___________________

8. Whom/ she/ want/ to live with? __________________

9. Where/ she/ want/ to live? ___________________

10. Why/ Dorothy/ not be/ happy/ at home? ____________________________________________

11. What/ Dorothy/ like/ to do/ after work? _______________________________

12. What/ her mother/ want/ Dorothy/ to do? _____________________

13. What/ Dorothy’s father’s name/ be? _____________

14. Why/ her father/ not often be/ home? __________________________

15. How/ her mother/ feel? __________________

16. Why/ she/ want/ Dorothy/ at home? _______________

17. What/ Dorothy and her mother/ always do? __________

18. What/ Dorothy/ be/ tired of? _______________

19. How/ Dorothy/ fix/ her problem? __________________



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