EoC libro de repaso - Quia

You are going to write a book using the following information. This book is a Test grade. You must do:

• Write in Spanish - be creative, neat, and organized.

• Include all items listed - label each section – any sections missing can drop your grade

by at least one letter grade

• NO grammar or spelling errors – proofread, ask a class mate to look it over also – any

misspelled words will drop one point and NAVA errors will drop 3 points on the grade.

• The work may be hand written (neatly) or typed. Pay attention to accents and punctuation.

1. Title Page -have a title page, including your name, class and period. Underline using a ruler

__________2. First-conjugate the following verbs in the Preterite and have a partner check your work before you write the sentences. (Cap. 3, 4, 5, 6)

Infinitive: Hacer = (write English meaning) =

|Hice | |

| | |

| | |

Venir =

|Vine | |

| | |

| | |

Querer =

|quise | |

| | |

| | |

Estar =

|estuve | |

| | |

| | |

Tener =

|tuve | |

| | |

| | |

Poder =

|pude | |

| | |

| | |

Traer = (write English meaning) =

|traje | |

| | |

| | |

conducir =

|conduje | |

| | |

| | |

decir =

|dije | |

| | |

| | |

oír =

|oí | |

| | |

| | |

leer =

|leí | |

| | |

| | |

caerse =

|Me caí | |

| | |

| | |

construir =

|construí | |

| | |

| | |

ser =

|fui | |

| | |

| | |

ir =

|fui | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

_______3. Now write 3 complete sentences with each of the following verbs in the preterite tense: (48 sentences). Vary the subjects and use vocabulary learned this year.

1. hacer, venir, querer, (i)

2. estar, tener, poder, ponerse (u)

3. traer, conducir, decir (j)

4. oír, leer, caerse, construir (i to y)

5. ser, ir

_____4. In Spanish, Create and write a story about a person named Julio (Julia). (Min 100 words)


• what he/she was like at age 5,

• what he/she used to like to do in elementary school

• what he/she is like now

• what does he/she like to do now.

• Finally tell what he/she did on his/her last vacation or last week end,

_____ 5. Create and write a short story about yourself in 15 or 16 sentences.


• your personality when you were younger (imperfect),

• what you did one special occasion (preterite),

• .Tell how you are different today and how you behave differently now that you are older.

• A few pictures would be fabulous.

_____ 6. Create a SER and ESTAR review. Write out the conjugations in the:


B. preterite and

C. imperfect tenses.

Explain where one would use either SER or ESTAR. Then, write 10 sentences using these verbs with different subjects to show the correct usage. (Cap 2,4,6)

_____ 7. What are reflexive pronouns? Make a review section on reflexive pronouns and give examples of their use by writing 6 sentences in the preterite and 6 in the imperfect tenses. Use current vocabulary. (columpiarse, arreglarse, estirarse, acostarse, olvidarse, despertarse, sentirse)

_____ 8. There are irregular endings in the ‘yo’ form for –car, -gar, and –zar verbs in the preterite tense. Explain the rule and write 3 sentences for each type of verb. (9 in all)

(tocar, buscar, sacar, secar, chocar, apagar, llegar, colgar, almorzar, empezar, organizar, abrazar)

_____ 9. Present progressive – Make a review section by writing out the following verbs in the present progressive. Then write 6 creative sentences showing how they are used.

(Hint: what helping verb do you use with this tense? What form will the second verb have?

Remember –ir stem changing verbs need attention; verbs with 3 vowels in a row – what happens?)

(hablar, jugar, almorzar, sentirse, dormir, pedir, leer, escribir, pelearse)

_____10. Commands – write 10 commands telling your little brother to clean up his room, do his homework, help you with things around the house, to leave you alone, etc. Also write 4 negative commands

- Now write those same 10 commands in the polite form, asking an adult to do those things.

(think - how will your root and endings for the verbs be different?)

Be sure to go back and review this, have a partner check your work. Sign this form and turn it in with your book stating that it is complete and has been checked by a peer.

Signature ______________________________ Print name ________________________

Partner check ___________________________ Print name ________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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