WORDS, WORDS, WORDS WRITING Describe your favorite food A ...


A Choose the correct answer.

1. I will call you later ? ... .

a. I can't talk now

b. let's talk now

2. Fried food ... .

a. uses oil

b. has salad

3. An excellent food is ... .

a. great to eat

b. bad to eat

4. You have to make a choice. You must ... .

a. wait

b. decide

5. One example of a sauce is ... sauce.

a. tomato

b. potato

6. The waiter recommends food that people ... .

a. will not like

b. will like

B Complete the sentences. Make them true for you.

1. For dessert, I like to eat ... . 2. When I go to a restaurant, I order ... . 3. At home, we sometimes eat ... soup. 4. If food is spicy, I ... . 5. A typical food that I take to school is ... . 6. A traditional food in my family is ... .


A Imagine you are in a restaurant, ordering a meal.

In pairs, act out the conversation.


Good evening, would you like to order?

Customer: Yes, what do you recommend?


I recommend the jambalaya.

Customer: Is it spicy?


Yes, a little.

Customer: Oh. Then I'd like to order dirty rice, please.

Waiter:Excellent choice! What would you like to drink with that?

Customer: I'll have cola.


And for dessert?

Customer: I think I'll have ice cream.

B Change roles and order another meal.

You can use the foods on the menu on pages 60-61 or your own.




WORKBOOK page 51

WRITING Describe your favorite food

Compound Sentences We can combine two sentences with the words and, but and because.

.because - but ,and .because - but and

A Read what these teens wrote about their favorite food. Find the words and, but

and because. Zemed:I love meat and vegetables. My mother makes it very spicy because many

Ethiopians like spicy food. Amanda: My favorite food is chicken and salad. My dad makes tasty

sweet-and-sour chicken in the oven and we all love it in my family. Samir:I love sweet food. Give me chocolate cake and I will eat it. I also love

ice cream, but don't put nuts on it for me!

B Match A and B to make sentences.

A 1. I don't enjoy my aunt's cooking because 2. I enjoy salad but 3.We eat a lot of tomatoes because 4. My favorite food is pizza and 5.My grandmother makes shakshuka and

B a. we love them. b. we often eat it at her house. c. I don't like onions. d. it's too spicy. e. I always eat it with my friends.

C 1 Look at the words below and do the exercises on pages 52-53 of the Workbook.


candy chicken eggs

French fries fruit onions

potato chips vegetables

2 Which of these foods do you like? Write them in your notebook. If your favorite

food is not on the list, add it.

D Now Write!

1 Write at least three sentences about your favorite food. Use and, but or because

in at least one sentence.

2 Use the checklist on page 126 of the Workbook before you hand in your work.

Prepare an online menu for a restaurant. There should be starters, main dishes,

desserts and drinks. You can choose any style of food. Give your restaurant a


name, design the menu and share it with the class. For guidelines, go to page xx

of the Workbook.

WORKBOOK page 53

All That Jazz




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