Helping Hands

Helping HandsKatie Johnson Bryan Johnson12/1/2010Helping HandsLiteracy through PhotographyPlanEssential Question: How can we use photography to capture helping hands? How do others help us? How can we help others?NCSCOS: Language Arts Competency Goal 2The learner will develop and apply strategies and skills to comprehend text that is read, heard, and viewed. ? 2.01 Read and comprehend text (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama) appropriate for grade two by:determining purpose (reader's and author's).making predictions.asking questions. locating information for specific reasons/purposes.recognizing and applying text prehending and examining author's decisions and word choice.determining fact and opinion.recognizing and comprehending figurative language.making inferences and draw conclusions.2.02 Use text for a variety of functions, including literary, informational, and practical.2.03 Read expository materials for answers to specific questions.2.04 Pose possible how, why, and what if questions to understand and/or interpret text.2.05 Self-monitor own difficulties in comprehending independently using several strategies.2.06 Recall main idea, facts and details from a text.2.07 Discuss similarities and differences in events, characters and concepts within and across texts.2.08 Interpret information from diagrams, charts, and petencyGoal 3The learner will make connections through the use of oral language, written language, and media and technology. ? 3.01 Use personal experiences and knowledge to interpret written and oral messages.3.02 Connect and compare information within and across selections (fiction, nonfiction, poetry, and drama) to experience and knowledge.3.03 Explain and describe new concepts and information in own words (e.g., plot, setting, major events, characters, author's message, connections, topic, key vocabulary, key concepts, text features).3.04 Increase oral and written vocabulary by listening, discussing, and composing texts when responding to literature that is read and heard. (e.g., read aloud by teacher, literature circles, interest groups, book clubs).Competency Goal 4The learner will apply strategies and skills to create oral, written, and visual texts. ? 4.01 Begin to use formal language and/or literary language in place of oral language patterns, as appropriate.4.02 Use expanded vocabulary to generate synonyms for commonly over used words to increase clarity of written and oral communication.4.03 Read aloud with fluency and expression any text appropriate for early independent readers.4.04 Use oral communication to identify, organize, and analyze information.4.05 Respond appropriately when participating in group discourse by adapting language and communication behaviors to the situation to accomplish a specific purpose.4.06 Plan and make judgments about what to include in written products (e.g., narratives of personal experiences, creative stories, skits based on familiar stories and/or experiences).4.07 Compose first drafts using an appropriate writing process:planning and drafting.rereading for meaning.revising to clarify and refine writing with guided discussion.Social Studies Competency Goal 1 The learner will identify and exhibit qualities of responsible citizenship in the classroom, school, and other social environments. ? Objectives1.01 Identify and describe attributes of responsible citizenship.1.02 Demonstrate responsible citizenship in the school, community, and other social environments.1.03 Analyze and evaluate the effects of responsible citizenship in the school, community, and other social environments.1.04 Identify responsible courses of action in given situations and assess the consequences of irresponsible behavior.Introduce: Students will learn the purpose of a camera and create a camera. This activity will be taught by a Bluementhal Artists. Students create cameras from a cereal box. “How do others help us?”: Group 1- Community Helpers Who Help Us Group 2- School Helpers Who Help UsBuild Background- Students will create a graphic organizer (web) of how they can help others.Read Aloud: Helping Others, A photography essay. (A basil text, this story will be reread throughout the week: read aloud, partner read, listen to a cd)Skill: Main Idea- Create a web to discover the main idea of the storyStudents will work together (partners) to cut out pictures that illustrate people helping one another.Photographs will be taken around the school of people who help us out. Students will also be able to bring in pictures of how others help them.Writing- Students will create questions to interview the people in which we have photographed helping others. Field Trip- We will be taking a field trip to the Mount Holly Fire Department in which students will have the opportunity to take photgraphs and interview firemenSchool Leaders- Students will choose 5 leaders in our school who help us to interview“How can we help others out?”: Group 3- Ways in which we help at home*Take a picture of students’ hands from different angles, exploring photographyRead Aloud:”Love Can Build A Bridge” by Naomi JuddJournal Writing: Write about a time that you helped someoneWrite a plan of how you can help someone over the weekend.Illustrate a time when you helped someone.Students will bring in pictures from home to show them helping someone, or pictures will be taken at school showing how they have helped someone. Students will write a letter to their teacher sharing what they did in the photograph to help someone, as well as share how it made them feel.Photography- Texts will be shared to explore photography and it’s purpose. Students will use their cameras created with the artists to experience being a photographer. Students will illustrate the photograph that they captured when they used their own camera. Rubric Made Using:RubiStar ( )Literacy Through Photography?????Teacher Name: Mrs. JohnsonStudent Name: ? ? ________________________________________CATEGORY1234ParticipationStudent is in attentive and has to be constantly redirected. Students completes 1 out of 5 lessons. Student does not use the camera properly.Student is inattentive and has to be redirected. Student completes 2 out of 5 lessons. Student uses camera properly.Student is partially engaged in lessons. Students completes 3 out of 5 lessons. Student uses camera properly.Student is attentive and engaged in lessons. Student completes all five components of the photography, reading and writing lessons successfully. Student uses camera properly.Reading*Is unable to read and comprehend text at the second grade level.*Is unable to read but is able to comprehend text at the second grade level.*Is able to read and comprehend most of the text at the second grade level.*Is able to read and comprehend text at the second grade level.Writing (Adapted from the NC K-2 Writing Continuum and Features of Writing)*Writes 1 or 2 sentences focused on a single topic. *Writes left to right and top to bottom. *Uses upper and lowercase letters indiscriminately. *Uses spacing between words inconsistently. *Spells names and familiar words correctly. *Uses temporary spelling.*Writes a few short, patterned, repetitive sentences focused on a topic. *Writes left to right across several lines. *Uses spacing between words consistently. *Spells simple words and some high frequency words and some high frequency words correctly. *Uses temporary spelling with some phonetic elements. *Uses periods inconsistently. *Does include parts of letter writing.*Writes several sentences about a topic. *Writes in complete sentences. *Spells many high frequency words correctly. *Uses capital letters and end punctuation for names and the beginning of sentences. *Uses periods correctly. *Includes some parts of a letter in writing.*Writes a series of related ideas in an organized, logical sequence. *Writes in complete sentences. *Spells most high frequency words correctly. *Uses a variety of spelling strategies to spell unfamiliar words. *Uses more conventional than temporary spelling. *Uses capital letters and end punctuation correctly and consistently. *Indents correctly *Includes all parts of letter writing correctly.Date Created: November 24, 2010Publishing Student Work:Students will showcase their photography and writing in a class-created book. The book will be displayed in the classroom’s literacy center for enjoyable reading. ................

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